Uptime Monitoring 100 Monitors 30 seconds Lifetime Deal 49$

YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai

Just found this. Website looks clean, intervals and features, too. Might be worth a shot for those with more projects.

100 monitors Lifetime Deal 30 second intervals 49$



  • edited August 2020

    It is pretty good deal.. Unfortunately there is no feature for port/IP monitoring also I did not found its API, unlike uptimerobot, I can access it to make better status page.

    Thanked by (2)Ympker Ganonk

    A simple uptime dashboard using UptimeRobot API https://upy.duo.ovh
    Currently using VPS from BuyVM, GreenCloudVPS, Gullo's, Hetzner, HostHatch, InceptionHosting, LetBox, MaxKVM, MrVM, VirMach.

  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited August 2020

    @chocolateshirt said:
    It is pretty good deal.. Unfortunately I did not found its API, unlike uptimerobot, I can access it to make better status page.

    Haven't tried it yet but will sign up for their free plan to check it out. The websites, features, producthunt and other LTD reviews and some random youtube video in it made me think it looks like a good deal though. API is nice to have ofc :)

    Status page looks cool (judging from their own).

    You can also stack codes from appsumo to buy 2 or 3 codes to get even bigger limits and add team members.

    Thanked by (1)chocolateshirt
  • @Ympker said:

    Haven't tried it yet but will sign up for their free plan to check it out. The websites, features, producthunt and other LTD reviews and some random youtube video in it made me think it looks like a good deal though. API is nice to have ofc :)

    Status page looks cool (judging from their own).

    You can also stack codes from appsumo to buy 2 or 3 codes to get even bigger limits and add team members.

    I agree, their status page is pretty good and it similar to the one I coded: https://upy.baubus.uk

    Thanked by (2)localhost Ympker

    A simple uptime dashboard using UptimeRobot API https://upy.duo.ovh
    Currently using VPS from BuyVM, GreenCloudVPS, Gullo's, Hetzner, HostHatch, InceptionHosting, LetBox, MaxKVM, MrVM, VirMach.

  • in all honesty, i have not seen anything good come out of appsumo - it's like a shittier version of stacksocial that takes 50% commission (huge ripoff imo) and the vast majority of it is spammy-esque "growth hacking track and email your users" trash.

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited August 2020

    @hzr said:
    in all honesty, i have not seen anything good come out of appsumo - it's like a shittier version of stacksocial that takes 50% commission (huge ripoff imo) and the vast majority of it is spammy-esque "growth hacking track and email your users" trash.

    There's some nice stuff. I believe @vyas bought InVideo and WPreset there and found it to be quite useful. @404error got RelayThat and some other stuff from there iirc. I, myself, am happy with Quebely and Crello there which I purchased there. Both have served me well. But I believe Stacksocial to have a bit more solid deals perhaps. Then again I mostly buy VPN LTDs there so can't say for sure :P

    Their free version is out there to be trialed, so why not give that a go first :)
    Anyway, spending a second-thought and some own research won't hurt when buying anything from these kinda deal sites.

    OT: How was BNA on Flix? I'd assume your avatar is from that show ? Thought about giving it a go but haven't yet.

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited August 2020

    @hzr said:
    in all honesty, i have not seen anything good come out of appsumo - it's like a shittier version of stacksocial that takes 50% commission (huge ripoff imo) and the vast majority of it is spammy-esque "growth hacking track and email your users" trash.

    Appsumo take 80-85 percent commission, Sir..
    And I have purchased from them in the past. In fact as recently as yesterday!

    Some good buys from the past: missinglettr (blog post promotion), short pixel (image compression), Audiohero (sound effects for podcasting), even the AI tool (frase) I used to write the post on LESBlog- hosting in Singapore...

    AppSumo used to be good : buyer friendly, no questions asked refund...but not anymore. They question the refunds now, no pun intended...Now they allow even some less reputable founders to post deals, allowing reviews from buyers who haven’t purchased the product... even opened up a marketplace.

    Interesting you consider Stacksocial to be superior to AppSumo. I always found their policies far more restrictive than AppSumo. Interesting about Stacksocial is the chain of sites they operate (neowin , androidcentral...)And their (obsession) focus in VPN deals...

    Coming back to the deal: do we need another monitor when we have ~ 170 of them?

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited August 2020

    @vyas said:

    Appsumo take 80-85 percent commission, Sir..
    And I have purchased from them in the past. In fact as recently as yesterday!

    Some good buys from the past: missinglettr (blog post promotion), short pixel (image compression), Audiohero (sound effects for podcasting), even the AI tool (frase) I used to write the post on LESBlog- hosting in Singapore...

    AppSumo used to be good : buyer friendly, no questions asked refund...but not anymore. They question the refunds now, no pun intended...Now they allow even some less reputable founders to post deals, allowing reviews from buyers who haven’t purchased the product... even opened up a marketplace.

    Interesting you consider Stacksocial to be superior to AppSumo. I always found their policies far more restrictive than AppSumo. Interesting about Stacksocial is the chain of sites they operate (neowin , androidcentral...)And their (obsession) focus in VPN deals...

    Coming back to the deal: do we need another monitor when we have ~ 170 of them?

    Thanks for the summary, mate :)

    Tbh Appsumo's quality has indeed gotten worse imho, though just judging by the products (never dealt with refunds with them). So what you said about questionable founders makes sense.

    I feel better about stacksocial, personally. Maybe that's just me though.
    About the policies: I never refunded anything so didn't really notice, I guess.

    About "needing" another monitor: I didn't need another VPN either yet I have several LTDs haha :D But you are right^^

    Thanked by (1)vyas
  • I personally got Switchy, Linguix, Gumlet, SocketLabs, and this, and haven't have any problems as of now. I actually first knew this site thanks to someone who posted the Gumlet deal here, and I'm pretty happy with what I got :D

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    @sanvit said:
    I personally got Switchy, Linguix, Gumlet, SocketLabs, and this, and haven't have any problems as of now. I actually first knew this site thanks to someone who posted the Gumlet deal here, and I'm pretty happy with what I got :D

  • @vyas said:

    Didn't get it :(

  • yeah from a strictly ethical pov, I am not a fan of the companies that practically extort people for commission (a big one of these was groupon/livingsocial, they practically fuck small businesses into bankruptcy).

    the quality in general of a lot of stuff on stacksocial and appsumo - maybe I am overly picky - but I consider most of the "WOW GREAT SEO EBOOK"-type and stuff to be straight up scams or rubbish, and that seems to be the majority of it.

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    @hzr said:
    yeah from a strictly ethical pov, I am not a fan of the companies that practically extort people for commission (a big one of these was groupon/livingsocial, they practically fuck small businesses into bankruptcy).

    the quality in general of a lot of stuff on stacksocial and appsumo - maybe I am overly picky - but I consider most of the "WOW GREAT SEO EBOOK"-type and stuff to be straight up scams or rubbish, and that seems to be the majority of it.

    Lol... true.
    I had posted a long-ish response, but it went north of 800 words and I stopped.

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited August 2020

    @sanvit said:
    I personally got Switchy, Linguix, Gumlet, SocketLabs, and this, and haven't have any problems as of now. I actually first knew this site thanks to someone who posted the Gumlet deal here, and I'm pretty happy with what I got :D

    Thanks for sharing Switvhy, Linguix and Gumlet. Didnt know about these before :)

    Linguix looks cool.

    Thanked by (1)sanvit
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai

    @hzr said:
    yeah from a strictly ethical pov, I am not a fan of the companies that practically extort people for commission (a big one of these was groupon/livingsocial, they practically fuck small businesses into bankruptcy).

    the quality in general of a lot of stuff on stacksocial and appsumo - maybe I am overly picky - but I consider most of the "WOW GREAT SEO EBOOK"-type and stuff to be straight up scams or rubbish, and that seems to be the majority of it.

    I agree that there's lots of crap on Stacksocial and Appsumo, too. If not the majority. But if you do your research you can find some good stuff. About the comissions: One way or another developers still profit in the way that they get lots of publicity through it. Probably the reason why they do it. Also LTDs are usually a quick cash grab - one way or another. But sure, it isn't all fair & square either. I can understand anyone who does not want to buy from there. Can just talk for my own experience :)

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    Here's another one, Lifetime deal coming soon


    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • @vyas said: Appsumo take 80-85 percent commission

    so this betteruptime is only taking 7.5 to 10 dollars? and for that they are giving lifetime monitoring inc SMS? They wont last

    Thanked by (1)bugrakoc
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited August 2020

    @Adam1 said:

    so this betteruptime is only taking 7.5 to 10 dollars? and for that they are giving lifetime monitoring inc SMS? They wont last

    Same applies to InVideo, Quebely, Crello and other deals from Appsumo in general. That is, if it were their only source of income. Luckily, all of them offer regular monthly paid plans and usually LTDs are just a promotional campaign for the first 1-2 years after launch. Windscribe is a perfect example of how LTDs worked out pretty well. They no longer sell them but they kept the LTD around Stacksocial and other sites for MANY years (a long time at least). Surely their profits got cut off quite a bit, too. Yet here they are solid and established among the best VPN providers out there.

    And of course, let's not forget, some projects like @MikePT Lifetime Deals are backed by a solid income from another business. Like Mike basically ensures it's LTD and hosting service stability through the DevOps job he also does iirc. Nothing wrong with that :)

    Don't get me wrong. I am not saying each and every AppSumo deal is great and not every LTD will last to be successful. But if you do your research on a deal and see potential in it, you might as well give it a go :)

    Thanked by (1)MikePT
  • @vyas said:
    Here's another one, Lifetime deal coming soon



  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited August 2020

    @localhost said:


    There’s a detailed page about it

    Unless it was a page for a past deal that did not get updated..

  • edited August 2020

    @Ympker said: And of course, let's not forget, some projects like @MikePT Lifetime Deals are backed by a solid income from another business

    While that may be true, I purchased his LTD's based on the value prospoect of it last 2 years. Anything more than that and it pays off for me.

    Theres nothing really to tempt me away from uptimerobot and hetrix combo in the betteruptime product that would lead me to spend $49 USD, for a predictable 1-2 years before I think this product will be unsustainable (based on 1000 users paying < $10 USD). That's only <$10,000 USD to operate this product for a lifetime... if the product didnt include SMS and phone calls, I could see it as a viable model, same as lifetime hosting (these products typically fill in spare capacity).

    Based on the regular pricing (which is hilariously unrealistic imo), the clientbase wont grow much beyond this offer IMO.

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited August 2020

    Interesting opints mentioend above.
    I was not planning to comment further on the topic, but here goes..

    When it comes to deeply discounted Lifetime deals, initially, it was "wow.. I am getting this deal for so cheap! "
    Only to find that some providers either:
    a. closed shop
    b. Balked on the terms
    c. Stopped updating
    d. Offered promised updates for additional fees

    My philosophy on buying Lifetime deals now hinges on three points:
    1. What is the provider's motivation for the lifetime deal? e.g. free PR (imagine, tens of deal sites referring your products, reviews on YT, discussions in FB groups, and forums such as this); increasing customer base; Validation of minimum viable product, etc..
    2. What is the deal being offered; i.e. can I upgrade later, or this is a watertight one.
    3. Can I approach the founders/designer(s). This and (a) are the key decision points btw.

    In recent times, I have reached out to the founders for a few deals on Appsumo and elsewhere. And have asked for test accounts. If I liked- I have considered buying If it is not to my taste, I have given feedback, thanked them, and moved on.

    Then there are some outliers like Koofr (steady, reasonable Monthly recurring Revenue ) who are also on Stacksocial. These are the types of companies I love! I recall some folks got a 1 TB "Lifetime" deal for 70 US dollars or so.

    Another one is Invideo. They have been on "sale" on Appsumo for over 1 year now. But they received VC funding from Sequoia's surge program, so the focus for them would be greater subscriber numbers rather than MRR - though latter is important, VCs will invest for growth and product development at early stage.

    If you see the overall market for "lifetime deals" it is growing, with new deal aggregators cropping up every so often. So indeed there will be rif raff..

    Thanked by (3)Ympker Naix bdl
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited August 2020

    @Adam1 said:

    While that may be true, I purchased his LTD's based on the value prospoect of it last 2 years. Anything more than that and it pays off for me.

    Theres nothing really to tempt me away from uptimerobot and hetrix combo in the betteruptime product that would lead me to spend $49 USD, for a predictable 1-2 years before I think this product will be unsustainable (based on 1000 users paying < $10 USD). That's only <$10,000 USD to operate this product for a lifetime... if the product didnt include SMS and phone calls, I could see it as a viable model, same as lifetime hosting (these products typically fill in spare capacity).

    Based on the regular pricing (which is hilariously unrealistic imo), the clientbase wont grow much beyond this offer IMO.

    I agree. I always think about how long a LTD would need to last to make my investment worth it. All my LTD VPNs have surpassed that value by a lot so far, for example.

    @vyas I'm one of those who got Koofr 1TB Lifetime for 70$ on Stacksocial. Haven't looked back. It's dope :P

    Adding to what you have said I, too, think that Lifetime Deals will grow. But instead of the yes/no approach I can see LTDs becoming an ever so often temporarily offered "addition" (after maybe a longer LTD period at launch) to get some quick cash or PR in while still having a monthly/annual paid product as the standard business model.

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