@ehab you still awake? @hosthatch is bringing on BF over at the other place.
NVMe deals:
Available in: Amsterdam, Stockholm, Los Angeles, Zurich, Oslo, Vienna, Warsaw, London, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Sydney (Hong Kong, Madrid and Milan can be pre-ordered, but delivery will be by December 31st).
1 CPU core (12.5% dedicated, burstable up to 100%)
20 GB RAID-10 NVMe
2 TB bandwidth (500 GB in Hong Kong and Sydney)
$15 per year
2 CPU core (50% dedicated, burstable up to 200%)
40 GB RAID-10 NVMe
5 TB bandwidth (1 TB in Hong Kong and Sydney)
$30 per year
3 CPU core (100% dedicated, burstable up to 300%)
80 GB RAID-10 NVMe
10 TB bandwidth (1.5 TB in Hong Kong and Sydney)
$60 per year
NVMe deals:
Available in: Amsterdam, Stockholm, Los Angeles, Zurich, Oslo, Vienna, Warsaw, London, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Sydney (Hong Kong, Madrid and Milan can be pre-ordered, but delivery will be by December 31st).
1 CPU core (12.5% dedicated, burstable up to 100%)
> 2 GB RAM
> 20 GB RAID-10 NVMe
> 2 TB bandwidth (500 GB in Hong Kong and Sydney)
> $15 per year
> 2 CPU core (50% dedicated, burstable up to 200%)
> 8 GB RAM
> 40 GB RAID-10 NVMe
> 5 TB bandwidth (1 TB in Hong Kong and Sydney)
> $30 per year
> 3 CPU core (100% dedicated, burstable up to 300%)
> 16 GB RAM
> 80 GB RAID-10 NVMe
> 10 TB bandwidth (1.5 TB in Hong Kong and Sydney)
> $60 per year
like ... just crazy.
Any link? Interested in the Hong Kong and Sydney one.
EDIT: Found it. Search for "Black Friday 2020 - NVMe and Storage deals - deploy worldwide".
LEts see if @Abdullah get my wallet out?
Will be tough...we got those Finland Ryzens too!
I bet you have it locked away, inside a freezer in a block of ice to protect yourself.
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ohhhh this year has been hard adjusting between bills/hobby projects.. really i can't/shouldn't get something i have no use for. u know...
Where are the deals Abdullah
@Abdullah Deals before you sleep
guess paypal is saying
If you are looking for HostHatch deals you need to tag @hosthatch. This handle is for Abdullah from WebHorizon.
So, let's see who drops some offers first. @Abdullah or @hosthatch.
...or will @cociu appear out of nowhere? Who knows...
dnscry.pt - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? -> https://microlxc.net/
@RapToN comeon Where are the Flash LES offers?
Hoping @exception0x876 would drop something awesome aside from the one currently running in the website.
Perhaps something from LA? With further 50% off?
Only few hours of Black Friday left in this time zone...
not 100% sure but he might drop by and put on something.
Going to bed, somebody wake me up if any worthy "black thing" appears.
don't you wanna wait for @Abdullah offers?
Its already way past midnight
May the fittest person get the deal.
sweet dreams PHP_Backend
Flash Sale: 50% off + double disk!
Coupon Code: BF2020-2GB-SSD-Cached (5 uses only)
UK - London - KVM - SSD Cached
Order Link: https://clients.inceptionhosting.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=164
Price with coupon code:
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Ant, Double Ram?
I cant do that sorry
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
I think this request is too much already, but I support it 100%!
i don't mind if only RAM was x2 and disk normal ... but he isn't drinking so oo
@SpeedBus Stop lurking! What's your contribution for Black Friday?
dnscry.pt - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? -> https://microlxc.net/
finally i got
probably should have just started a flash sales thread
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
hehe I need to think about something new, probably will have something up by/on Monday hopefully
CrownCloud - Internet Services | Los Angeles, California | Frankfurt, Germany | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Atlanta, Georgia | Miami, Florida
@ehab you still awake? @hosthatch is bringing on BF over at the other place.
like ... just crazy.
This is the 2nd and last for tonight i ordered 3 CPU core ..
hopefully they also enable cpu pass through ..
-talking about crazy - terrahost - i think he's smoking something and laughing .... lets see when his boss meets him Monday lol
time for bed .... good night and have fun "don't spend too much"
Any link? Interested in the Hong Kong and Sydney one.
EDIT: Found it. Search for "Black Friday 2020 - NVMe and Storage deals - deploy worldwide".
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