Gestion DBI - BLACK FRIDAY 2020

Maybe you didn't notice, but It's Black Friday! Here some goodies for you.
We decide to keep it simple with only 3 offers. Let's start!
Some important note before you start looking:
- All offers are valid on monthly or yearly term, but are not recurring, so choose wisely.
- Some offers may be limited in number of purchase. Once they are sold out, they are sold out.
- Please take note, all price below are in Canadian Dollars.
- We do not tolerate Spamming, resources abuse and illegal hosting. Read our TOS and AUP.
- This promotion expires on November 30, 2020.
Enough talking, here the offers with their promo code,
- We offer 30% off on all our KVM plans: RU6SO36EMZSLWT
- 60% off on all our Shared Hosting plans: BU2DBZFRG08AW
- A very special offer for an NVMe KVM VPS... See here:
Got a question? Ask it here.
Got a problem, raise a ticket!
Regards, David.
Gestion DBI Inc. | Telecommunications and IT Services
A hosting need? Click here to see our offers!
Nice offers .... Thank you David.
+10 for quality and support.
Greetings David.
I've had nothing but great experiences when I've used your services.
Yes, loved your services when in London. Worked great! Migrated services to Montreal when those shutdown. Was great there until ovz Montreal closed too. Migrated out at that point as Kvm costs were much higher.
Tempting to pick up one of these. Other than having to migrate several times, I've been impressed with your services.
Nice service, renewed by 2019 BF offer for 3 years. No brainer
blog | exploring visually |
That offer is now sold out.
Do not hesitate to PM me if you have a special requirements. We are not really in the lowend market anymore, but still can make amazing offers for loyal customers
Gestion DBI Inc. | Telecommunications and IT Services
A hosting need? Click here to see our offers!
What data center are you in?
Gestion DBI Inc. | Telecommunications and IT Services
A hosting need? Click here to see our offers!