[NL] Lifetime/Recurring Black Friday to Cyber Monday deals | Updated NVME VPS plans | UP TO 50%+ OFF



  • liteserverliteserver Hosting ProviderOG

    @SuriCloud said:
    Jus got the 2gram vps :)

    Thanked by (1)vimalware

    LiteServer.nl - Since 2007 the place where quality meets you! Join our discord server for the latest news and specials
    NL located // AS60404 // KVM based NVME & HDD Storage VPS services, Unmetered VDS services, NVME Shared & Reseller Hosting

  • liteserverliteserver Hosting ProviderOG

    @cybertech said:
    got the 4gb one, looks good :)

    provisioning is fast

    Thanked by (2)cybertech vimalware

    LiteServer.nl - Since 2007 the place where quality meets you! Join our discord server for the latest news and specials
    NL located // AS60404 // KVM based NVME & HDD Storage VPS services, Unmetered VDS services, NVME Shared & Reseller Hosting

  • Also got a "small" one! Thanks!

    Thanked by (1)liteserver
  • # curl -sL yabs.sh | bash
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2020-11-20                    #
    # https://github.com/masonr/yet-another-bench-script #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Fri 27 Nov 2020 03:20:57 AM EST
    Basic System Information:
    Processor  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1270 V2 @ 3.50GHz
    CPU cores  : 1 @ 3500.022 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
    RAM        : 987.3 MiB
    Swap       : 255.0 MiB
    Disk       : 503.7 GiB
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
    Read       | 4.68 MB/s     (1.1k) | 34.55 MB/s     (539)
    Write      | 4.70 MB/s     (1.1k) | 34.94 MB/s     (546)
    Total      | 9.39 MB/s     (2.3k) | 69.49 MB/s    (1.0k)
               |                      |                     
    Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
    Read       | 76.17 MB/s     (148) | 81.44 MB/s      (79)
    Write      | 80.21 MB/s     (156) | 86.87 MB/s      (84)
    Total      | 156.38 MB/s    (304) | 168.32 MB/s    (163)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed     
                    |                           |                 |                
    Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 936 Mbits/sec   | 842 Mbits/sec  
    Online.net      | Paris, FR (10G)           | 932 Mbits/sec   | 688 Mbits/sec  
    WorldStream     | The Netherlands (10G)     | 938 Mbits/sec   | 938 Mbits/sec  
    Biznet          | Jakarta, Indonesia (1G)   | 668 Mbits/sec   | 96.0 Mbits/sec 
    Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 724 Mbits/sec   | 248 Mbits/sec  
    Velocity Online | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 25.9 Mbits/sec  | 96.7 Mbits/sec 
    Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 750 Mbits/sec   | 294 Mbits/sec  
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
    Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed     
                    |                           |                 |                
    Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 919 Mbits/sec   | 915 Mbits/sec  
    Online.net      | Paris, FR (10G)           | 916 Mbits/sec   | 890 Mbits/sec  
    WorldStream     | The Netherlands (10G)     | busy            | 927 Mbits/sec  
    Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 780 Mbits/sec   | 202 Mbits/sec  
    Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 703 Mbits/sec   | 149 Mbits/sec  
    Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value                         
    Single Core     | 810                           
    Multi Core      | 811                           
    Full Test       | https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/5018575
    Thanked by (2)Anon liteserver
  • Got the 2GB NVME!

    Thanked by (1)liteserver
  • edited November 2020

    Got the 2GB NVME too and prepaid for 2 years.

    Node already provisioned in less than 5 minutes after payment, wooow that was fast

    Thanked by (1)liteserver
  • AmitzAmitz OG
    edited November 2020

    After some swift and friendly ticket conversation with Callum @liteserver, my HDD-4G Storage VPS has been provisioned very quick and it is a very nice machine. Great connectivity so far. Glad to be a new customer of @liteserver. They have always been on my list...

    Thanked by (2)vyas liteserver

    Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
    Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.

  • Got one, hopefully, it won't disappear anytime soon.

    Thanked by (1)liteserver
  • Do you offer DDOS protection?

  • AsimAsim OGServices Provider

    @liteserver said: #NVME-2G

    Did anyone ran a benchmark on this one? please share

    • Prepay for 3 months and get 4% additional discount!
    • Prepay for 6 months and get 8% additional discount!
    • Prepay for 1 year and get 12% additional discount!
    • Prepay for 2 years and get 16% additional discount!

    Will I still get these discounts if I order 2GB monthly at first, then upgrade to 4GB package yearly later?

  • liteserverliteserver Hosting ProviderOG

    @sonic said:

    • Prepay for 3 months and get 4% additional discount!
    • Prepay for 6 months and get 8% additional discount!
    • Prepay for 1 year and get 12% additional discount!
    • Prepay for 2 years and get 16% additional discount!

    Will I still get these discounts if I order 2GB monthly at first, then upgrade to 4GB package yearly later?


    Thanked by (1)sonic

    LiteServer.nl - Since 2007 the place where quality meets you! Join our discord server for the latest news and specials
    NL located // AS60404 // KVM based NVME & HDD Storage VPS services, Unmetered VDS services, NVME Shared & Reseller Hosting

  • liteserverliteserver Hosting ProviderOG

    @Freek said:
    Do you offer DDOS protection?

    Not as a service, but we do actively check our network traffic for attacks.

    Thanked by (1)Freek

    LiteServer.nl - Since 2007 the place where quality meets you! Join our discord server for the latest news and specials
    NL located // AS60404 // KVM based NVME & HDD Storage VPS services, Unmetered VDS services, NVME Shared & Reseller Hosting

  • edited November 2020

    Any 1GB RAM KVM flash sales with annual commitment?

    Thanked by (1)liteserver
  • @liteserver said:


    I want to order 2 vps, could you pls place them on seperate nodes

    Thanked by (1)liteserver
  • I’ve already posted this at the other board, but it has to be told. The team at LiteServer is no joke. They are real humans and deal with you in a matter which i never expected from ANY provider out there - and i‘ve tried many! They provide solide servers with a great performance, stable network and excellent uptime. And this new AMD vps instances are beasts! You can‘t go wrong with LiteServer!

  • liteserverliteserver Hosting ProviderOG

    @sonic said:

    I want to order 2 vps, could you pls place them on seperate nodes

    Please send us a email on sales@liteserver.nl then we can discuss what we can do for you.

    LiteServer.nl - Since 2007 the place where quality meets you! Join our discord server for the latest news and specials
    NL located // AS60404 // KVM based NVME & HDD Storage VPS services, Unmetered VDS services, NVME Shared & Reseller Hosting

  • @Asim said:

    Did anyone ran a benchmark on this one? please share

    Be my guest..


    Thanked by (1)liteserver
  • edited November 2020

    @maqbeq said:

    Be my guest..


    This node is a beast. Coming from cheaper options this one rocks, even with 2GB of RAM it feels snappier

    Thanked by (1)liteserver
  • @liteserver said:
    A server with AMD EPYC 7452 photos are on https://www.instagram.com/liteserver/

    12x Micron 9300 series with EPYC 7452 in each node?!


    Do you guys have VC investors throwing money at you?

    Thanked by (2)liteserver vimalware
  • liteserverliteserver Hosting ProviderOG
    edited November 2020

    @MaxKVM said:

    12x Micron 9300 series with EPYC 7452 in each node?!


    Do you guys have VC investors throwing money at you?

    Nope, company is privately owned by Callum and me and our amazing team that helps us run the business.

    Thanked by (3)ArcticWolf MaxKVM Asim

    LiteServer.nl - Since 2007 the place where quality meets you! Join our discord server for the latest news and specials
    NL located // AS60404 // KVM based NVME & HDD Storage VPS services, Unmetered VDS services, NVME Shared & Reseller Hosting

  • any flash for 4G RAM?

  • @ehab said: 4G RAM?

    Four gigabytes? My god, you're on the Low End Spirit forum after all

    @liteserver said:
    Little secret, on LET there will be a flash sale soon! :P hopefully you can get one :open_mouth:

    Didn't see any, however I'd also vote for a LES sale here.
    Something low-end - like 1GB RAM or even LESs .)

    StorageAMD EPYC VDS (ref) up to 4TB NVMe & 10TB SAN disk / Big HDD VPS (ref) from $2.42/TB/month

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    @DataRecovery said:

    Four gigabytes? My god, you're on the Low End Spirit forum after all

    Didn't see any, however I'd also vote for a LES sale here.
    Something low-end - like 1GB RAM or even LESs .)

    4G is the new low end.

     CPU Model             : AMD EPYC 7452 32-Core Processor
     CPU Cores             : 4
     CPU Frequency         : 2350.000 MHz
     CPU Cache             : 512 KB
     Total Disk            : 80.0 GB (2.2 GB Used)
     Total Mem             : 3933 MB (150 MB Used)
     Total Swap            : 256 MB (0 MB Used)
     System uptime         : 0 days, 1 hour 10 min
     Load average          : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
     OS                    : CentOS 8.2.2004
     Arch                  : x86_64 (64 Bit)
     Kernel                : 5.9.11-1.el8.elrepo.x86_64
     TCP CC                : cubic
     Virtualization        : KVM
     Organization          : AS60404 Liteserver
     Location              : Groningen / NL
     Region                : Groningen
     I/O Speed(1st run)    : 2.7 GB/s
     I/O Speed(2nd run)    : 3.0 GB/s
     I/O Speed(3rd run)    : 2.3 GB/s
     Average I/O speed     : 2730.7 MB/s
     Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency
     Speedtest.net    765.52 Mbps       895.49 Mbps         1.21 ms
     Shanghai   CT    39.02 Mbps        439.06 Mbps         212.45 ms
     Shanghai   CU    0.36 Mbps         3.27 Mbps           400.05 ms

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • Got one :D

    Thanked by (1)liteserver
  • liteserverliteserver Hosting ProviderOG
    edited November 2020

    ⚡We got some flash deals for you guys! ⚡

    Plan: 2020BF-FLASH-STOR
    1GB RAM, 1 Core (Xeon E3), 800GB HDD RAID-10 storage, 15TB monthly bandwidth @ 1Gbps
    1 IPv4 + /64 IPv6 subnet
    Hosted in The Netherlands
    50 available (if they run out you will be placed on a waiting queue)

    Price per year: 39 euro (ex. VAT if applicable)
    Price per 2 years: 75 euro (ex. VAT if applicable)

    Plan: 2020BF-FLASH-NVME
    1GB RAM, 2 Cores (AMD EPYC Zen 2), 10GB NVME RAID-10 storage, 10TB monthly bandwidth @ 1Gbps
    1 IPv4 + /64 IPv6 subnet
    Hosted in The Netherlands
    50 available (if they run out you will be placed on a waiting queue)

    Price per year: 20 euro (ex. VAT if applicable)
    Price per 2 years: 37,50 euro (ex. VAT if applicable)

    LiteServer.nl - Since 2007 the place where quality meets you! Join our discord server for the latest news and specials
    NL located // AS60404 // KVM based NVME & HDD Storage VPS services, Unmetered VDS services, NVME Shared & Reseller Hosting

  • edited November 2020

    - sorry my mistake -

  • @liteserver said:
    ⚡We got some flash deals for you guys! ⚡

    Plan: 2020BF-FLASH-STOR
    1GB RAM, 1 Core (Xeon E3), 800GB HDD RAID-10 storage, 15TB monthly bandwidth @ 1Gbps
    1 IPv4 + /64 IPv6 subnet
    Hosted in The Netherlands
    50 available (if they run out you will be placed on a waiting queue)

    Price per year: 39 euro (ex. VAT if applicable)
    Price per 2 years: 75 euro (ex. VAT if applicable)

    Plan: 2020BF-FLASH-NVME
    1GB RAM, 2 Cores (AMD EPYC Zen 2), 10GB NVME RAID-10 storage, 10TB monthly bandwidth @ 1Gbps
    1 IPv4 + /64 IPv6 subnet
    Hosted in The Netherlands
    50 available (if they run out you will be placed on a waiting queue)

    Price per year: 20 euro (ex. VAT if applicable)
    Price per 2 years: 37,50 euro (ex. VAT if applicable)

    This would be so nice with 2GB RAM for 20 Euros per Year

    Thanked by (1)Anon
  • @Maxo112 said:

    This would be so nice with 2GB RAM for 20 Euros per Year

    I would buy their storage offer if it goes with 2 GB RAM, even with 512 GB HDD.

  • edited November 2020

    @Anon said:

    I would buy their storage offer if it goes with 2 GB RAM, even with 512 GB HDD.

    The problem is i need to start an gui application and 2GB would be so good.

    Liteserver really have good servers the guys have very stable servers

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