Show us your loot: Black Friday 'til Cyber Monday Edition ©



  • I am afraid I went a bit overboard this year... unexpected, didn't want to spent any money (though usually allow myself a budget of ~200€ , just in case)

    2c/2G/2TB storage servarica CAN $48/y
    2c/2G/40G SSD clouveo AMS 17.5€/y
    4c/2G/80G SSD inceptionhosting LON 7.5€/q
    2c/8G/40G NVME hosthatch NYC $30/y
    2c/8G/40G NVME hosthatch LON $30/y
    1c/4G/2TB storage hosthatch CHI $40/y

    probably getting another 2/4/100 SAS special from ultravps in AMS (~33€/y) and pre-ordered a special deal with VM Specialist for NYC & LON (2x40€/y) ;-)

    so I am already about 100€ short on the budget, but on the other hand I'll consolidate on some older services... I will... probably. ?‍♂

    I also had some existing services upgraded to this years terms free of charge with f.i. freerangecloud and again hosthatch - much appreciated as existing customer, thank you!

    also finally made a shortcut in xshell:


  • And I bit again... Couldn't resist the dealz...

    Gullo, a storage NAT VPS:
    1Core, 512MB,OpenVZ,250GB HDD, 500GB Transfer, Finland, $16/yr

  • @lesbitso said:
    And I bit again... Couldn't resist the dealz...

    Gullo, a storage NAT VPS:
    1Core, 512MB,OpenVZ,250GB HDD, 500GB Transfer, Finland, $16/yr

    Ofcourse, most NAT VPS can be used "normally", atleast HTTP, when putting CloudFlare in the middle:

  • NeoonNeoon OGSenpai
    edited November 2020

    0.5GB KVM LA 7.5$/y Hostdo
    0.5GB KVM LA 8.0$/y anyNode
    0.5GB KVM BU 5.0€/y AlphaVPS
    0.5GB KVM NL 6.00€/y Clouveo
    1.0GB KVM US 0.50$/m Dataideas
    1.0GB KVM DE 9.00€/y
    1.0GB KVM NL 12.00€/y Alwyzon
    1.0GB KVM US 12.00$/y SpartanHost


    5.00$/y NullRoute

    However, I also did renew:

    1.0GB KVM BU 12.00€/y AlphaVPS
    1.0GB KVM NL 12.00€/y Naranjatech
    1.0GB KVM US 1TB 12.00$/y serverica


    Lack of sleep and Coffee usage, sleep per day 4-6 hours.
    Hostdo + anyNode are already working hard to keep this repo up to date.

    Thanked by (1)Ganonk
  • Not a specific Black Friday deal, but snagged this from @exception0x876:

    "KVM HDD Plus US"
    2 vCPU cores Xeon E5 2660
    Unlimited CPU cores 2.7GHz Turbo
    200GB HDD RAID-5 (SSD boost)
    Windows Server 2019
    Unmetered 250Mbps bandwidth
    1 IPv4
    Private networking
    DDoS protection
    Location - Oregon, USA
    $7.99/mo. USD

    Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.

  • @ehab said:

    • Time4vps : 4GB windows , 15€/y
    • Hosthatch : 16GB and other storage 1 TB , $60,$30/y

    thats all.
    i hope.

    Where you found 15€/y ? Have you an link ?

  • @Maxo112 said:
    Where you found 15€/y ? Have you an link ?

    it was on page 31 on the other site.

    • AlphaVPS: 256MB - BG - OVZ - €3/yr
    • AlphaVPS: 512MB - UK - KVM - €5/yr
    • Gullo's Hosting: 128MB - DE - NAT - $1/yr

    Not on Black Friday but I also got this on 11/11:

    • Terrahost: 1GB - NO - KVM - €12/yr

    Now that I take a good look at them, I feel like a total cheapskate...

    Thanked by (1)ehab
  • cheapskate .... don't worry about it ... most don't want to count more than $7

    Thanked by (1)Murv
  • @ehab said:

    it was on page 31 on the other site.

    How do you mean are the offer gone ? Can you give me an link ?

  • i checked its out of stock you can see here

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King
    edited November 2020

    AlphaVPS ryzen 3900X 3GB 4vCPU in LAX
    Liteserver 4GB NVMe in NL

    oh my....added a Hosthatch 8GBram NVMe VPS in LAX
    not sure what for, but at $30 its gonna be an excellent idler.

    retiring all virmach related services. clean cut byebye.

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • AlphaVPS - Ryzen 3900X 4v Core 3GB RAM @ LAX
    SpartanHost - 4GB E5v3 KVM VPS @ Seattle
    WebHorizon - Shared-5G @ Singapore

    In every democracy, the people get the government they deserve.
    ~Alexis de Tocqueville

  • Hosthatch AMS - 2 CPU core/8 GB RAM /40 GB RAID-10 NVMe/5 TB bandwidth/$30 per year

    Thanked by (1)vimalware
  • I only renewed a few servers that are actually in use from last BF.

    Thanked by (1)yoursunny
  • NeoonNeoon OGSenpai

    @Kiwi84 said:
    I only renewed a few servers that are actually in use from last BF.


  • I picked up 14 VPS at HostHatch - about $158/year.

    Thanked by (2)cybertech Ouji
  • edited November 2020


    • HostHatch London Storage 1vCPU / 500GB - $22
    • Servarica Montreal Polar Bear 2 vCPU / 2TB - $40
    • Gullo Singapore OVZ7 1 vCPU / 512MB - $8


    • LETBox Los Angeles BBox 2GB / 256GB - $30
    • VirMach Amsterdam 2 vCPU / 2GB - $10
    • VirMach Piscataway 1vCPU / 386MB - $4.99

    A simple uptime dashboard using UptimeRobot API
    Currently using VPS from BuyVM, GreenCloudVPS, Gullo's, Hetzner, HostHatch, InceptionHosting, LetBox, MaxKVM, MrVM, VirMach.

  • havochavoc OGContent WriterSenpai

    No VPS. Was hoping to rightsize some idling nexus stuff but that didn't materialize.

    Got the 2 year protonmail bundle.

    @mikho said:
    Not much hosting related.
    This is what was my ”premium” buy this year.

    Was 3749kr
    Got it for 2678kr

    Yeah, thats Swedish Kronor. Do the exchange conversion yourself.

    Linkage? I was looking for a displayport kvm that can do 4k@60hz but it's such a minefield. It's all 4k@30hz

  • mikhomikho AdministratorOG

    @havoc said:

    Linkage? I was looking for a displayport kvm that can do 4k@60hz but it's such a minefield. It's all 4k@30hz

    Not sure if sent outside of Sweden.
    The name is

    Startech 2 Port Dual DisplayPort USB KVM Switch w/ Audio & USB Hub

    If you want to search for a local dealer.

    “Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg

  • My final BF loot:

    • 17 VPS from HostHatch (1x 8GB, 13x 2GB, 3x 1GB)
    • X Theme for WordPress

    That's it :)

  • @K4Y5 said:
    Oh man, quite a lot that I will probably get around to testing over the next month or so. Will be keeping the good ones and unceremoniously dropping the turds. :tongue:

    Most of these VMs will be replacing aging HDD / SSD OVZ and KVM boxes that I have with some providers for years - replete with old-ass, under performing and vulnerable Intel CPUs and drives that are just slow by current standards.

    Anyway, here is some stuff that I bought so far:

    • 1x @exception0x876 Black Friday Special 8G KVM in FR that I am probably going to keep for life.
    • 1x @AnthonySmith 2GB KVM SSD special in UK with a couple of snappy E-2276G cores
    • 1x @LiteServer 4GB KVM in NL
    • 1x @LiteServer 2GB KVM in NL
    • 1x @RackNerd 4GB KVM in NYC that will be moved to NL soon™
    • 1x @VPSSLIM 4GB KVM in NL
    • 1x @cociu special 4GB KVM with 500GB SSD in NO.
    • 1x @hosthatch 6TB Storage KVM in NL
    • 1x @hosthatch 8GB KVM in NL
    • 1x @hosthatch 512M KVM during their Flash sale in Stockholm
    • 1x @hosthatch 250GB Storage KVM during their Flash sale in Stockholm
    • 1x @BharatB 4GB KVM in Mumbai as I needed something exotic in the mix PS: @hosthatch, Not gonna drop the older services. They still kick serious ass :wink:

    As if they weren't already enough.. here's the latest one!

    • 1x @hosthatch 2TB Storage KVM from their last flash sale in Stockholm
  • edited December 2020

    I name my boxes vps0-vps9, so I'm only allowed up to ten boxes.
    After this Black Friday, my list is:

    • vps5: Virmach KVM-Lite 384MB in Buffalo (2017 BF), Asterisk and QUIC-UDP gateway
    • vps7: SmartHost KVM 2GB in Los Angeles (2019 April), main website; will be canceled in 2021 March (or not)
    • vps8: HostSlick VZ7 4GB in Amsterdam (2019 BF), Wikipedia mirror for my father; will be canceled in 2020 December
    • vps9: Gullo NAT 128MB in Germany (2019 BF), Named Data Networking testbed monitoring probe
    • vps0: Evolution Host KVM 2GB in Oregon (2019 October, free), Docker development
    • vps1: MaxKVM 512MB in Singapore (2020 August), secondary repository for push-up videos; will be canceled in 2020 December, sorry but China routing is still not good after waiting 3 months
    • vps2: EUserv VS2-FREE (2020 November, free), completely idle
    • vps3: Gullo NAT 128MB in Cananda (2020 BF), primary repository for push-up videos
    • vps4: Spartan Host KVM 1GB in Seattle (2020 BF), currently powered off but the main website will be moved here

    There's only one spot vps6 left.
    Its last life was a Google Cloud free tier box, but I canceled it after idling for 2 years.
    I need to save this hostname for an Oracle Cloud free tier box.

    More details on the last two boxes, newly obtained this weekend:

    Also, I got MXRoute 2GB, $5/year. I'm reading up SPF, etc. It'll take a while because it becomes non-idle.


    Push-ups solve all the problems. Serve push-up videos from all your VPS. Never leave a VPS idle again!

    No hostname left!

  • @Murv said:

    • AlphaVPS: 256MB - BG - OVZ - €3/yr
    • AlphaVPS: 512MB - UK - KVM - €5/yr

    If you don't mind my curiosity, where did you find these offers?

    StorageAMD EPYC VDS (ref) up to 4TB NVMe & 10TB SAN disk / Big HDD VPS (ref) from $2.42/TB/month

  • =) My first BF in the VPS world

    Gullo's hosting - $3/year NAT IPv4 256MB x 2
    George Data Centre - $5/year Ryzen 1GB x 2
    Data Ideas - $1/month Xeon 1GB x1
    Inception Hosting - €5/year 3-location bundle sale x1
    NexusBytes - $36/year Cyber Monday Promo x1 & 1 London Ryzen with pre-BF promo code
    Ultra VPS - €1.66/month SSD-Special-1 x1
    HostHatch - NVMe deal $15/year
    Hostigger $59.94/year - 2cpu 8gb ram x1

    Thanked by (2)seriesn chocolateshirt
  • @swat4 said:
    =) My first BF in the VPS world

    thats a lot for the first time ..... it gets more if your not careful.

  • @ehab said:

    thats a lot for the first time ..... it gets more if your not careful.

    Indeed.. got too excited when trying to learn Linux
    I guess I would be more careful next year :)

  • @swat4 said:

    Then start learning : golang , docker , Kubernetes

    Thanked by (1)chimichurri
  • maybe I'm here who didn't take anything. haha

    should have hoped to get one of promos from @AnthonySmith but it has run out

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