Last day of offers rules without rules (Offer Links Inside)
As I said before the sales weekend the rules don’t apply from 26th to the 1st, today is the final day. It ends at midnight UK time.
Feel free to post your final offers if you wish or confirm any of your BF//CM are still active please do so.
If you want to post any links to your still active offer posts in this thread that is also fine.
I hope everyone had a good weekend.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
LES exclusive
Last Active
October 15
I think you will need to drop him a PM to see if he wants to post here so he gets an email reminder
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Done. And now we wait
Still active for sale from Inception Hosting:
Cyber Monday Offers: (UK NVMe KVM | USA SSD Cached KVM | UK STORAGE KVM)
Black Friday Phoenix Double Storage KVM:
256MB NAT Bundle for €8:
128MB NAT Bundle for €5:
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Maybe I somehow insulted Abdullah, I seem to be good at doing that without intending too.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Well, at least not at a personal level - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
I know.
Was just kidding. - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->
Last day of no rule offers? Hmmm....
100GB Storage (ticket for the upgrade)
Shared DA (standard, 2TB bandwidth)
Coupon Code: LETSGO
Notice: This is the recurring price, this is a limited sale with 2 quantity. This offer will never be sold again, so once claimed it’s yours for lifetime of your services with us.
I took a US KVM. It was getting absolutely pummeled yesterday as I guess people were doing their benches (which I never saw much point in, to be honest), but is idling strongly today.
I'm done for the year unless super-cheap yearly KVMs pop up in Singapore or Dallas for nameservers.
Is it gone?
Can't apply?
Enjoy meditation without religion for one month.
Any thoughts on ClouDNS? They still have an offer going on - asking to add to my knowledge.
Not related to offers from hosts in LES, so feel free to ignore (or Anthony, feel free to remove!)
blog | exploring visually |
thanks. my first black friday deal ?..
Actually I am search for $10 yearly VPS 1G ram to replace my idle php-friendz 4g VPS. any deals?
I don't have experience with them personally. I know @jar used and recommended them, but not sure if that is still the case after their outage. My impression is that they are OK if you want a basic anycast DNS, but if you want to set up GeoDNS or more complex rules then they either can't do it or charge like a wounded bull, e.g. GeoDNS is basically $10 per domain per month which is steep. I can do better myself at lower cost.
Anycast is also not great (definitely CF is king of the game and you can't fight them considering the POPs they have). But other wise it's a decent service - managed "NS" like managed email. Sometimes it's nice to not have to worry about it AND not be part of the 50% internet crowd.
They sold out within five minutes of being posted, sorry!
Cheers. Unfortunately, we don't have anything that cheap when it comes to KVM machines, our cheapest would be $10/month regular, and even with the discounts I can apply, it wouldn't go anywhere near $10/year.
Feel free to ticket if you want a formal quote though.
Am I the only one who read the thread title this way?
Instead of
食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.
Quite frankly, I am surprised the words "Flash" "Deal" "Promo" "Coupon" "Offer" "Discount" "Hostloc" and "MJJ" haven't already put you off for good
Personally, I would have been half way to a rehab by now, had I not been too broke after the crazy shopping spree.
J/K ofc. Good job with the sales dude!
Not to mention all those personal insults. I have no idea who or what triggered things.
Our Last CyberMonday Offers First 8 Customers who're ordering Shared - Starter (CyberMonday2020) & Shared - Standard (CyberMonday2020) will receive Extra 15GB Storage Post your Order No. Here.
Shared - Starter (CyberMonday2020)
5 GB NVMe SSD Storage
500GB Bandwidth
Unlimited MySQL Databases
5 Addon Domains
Unlimited Subdomains
Unlimited Email Accounts
cPanel + Softaculous
Limited Stock
$23.52 $7.06/YEAR (Recurring)
Order Here !
Shared - Standard (CyberMonday2020)
15 GB NVMe SSD Storage
Unmetered Bandwidth
Unlimited MySQL Databases
14 Addon Domains
Unlimited Subdomains
Unlimited Email Accounts
cPanel + Softaculous
Limited Stock
$41.16 $12.35/YEAR (Recurring)
Order Here !
If any Need Custom Space need i can do Last offer so hurry up avail . This offer is custom So no double space possible.
I have 80GB Space Shared cPanel Hosting
Price: $20.99/Year (Recurring)
Order Here !
█ - Your Hosting, Our Responsibility!
█View Offers ( cPanel/DirectAdmin & Reseller Hosting Offers )
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Price: $20.99/Year (Recurring)
let make it reseller and i am in
Surprise Tuesday for singapore VPS anyone?
Last call! This is the very last one that we can sell of this (there will be no more). But, in order to get the coupon code, you must complete a basic challenge to get the code it:
cPanel license costs would be higher than that.
got it thanks,
i am waiting for your input for the 80 gb one
no need to be sane , 20 users would be enough
oops missed it. but thanks for the offer.