DigiBoxx India - $39/year for 2 TB cloud storage

evnixevnix OG
edited December 2020 in General

This service has been launched recently, likely not a summerhost, as NITI Ayog(https://niti.gov.in/) had closely worked with the company throughout its development and were present during the launch. and from some other articles that I read, it wants to see itself as a competitor to Google Drive and be a cheap alternative when Google stops offering free photo storage.

It doesn't seem to be restricted to the country,
though I would be careful, wait a few months before you try as I see a few people complaining about silly bugs and they don't have seem to have a desktop app yet.


My Personal Blog | Currently Building LoadMyCode

Thanked by (3)Abdullah verd Dewlance


  • Modi loves your data

    Thanked by (2)cybertech Rahul
  • The 30INR plan seems to be for the 100GB plan.
    The 2TB plan is 234.82INR (199INR + 18% GST = 3.19USD) which is still cheap though

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited December 2020

    @sonic said:
    Modi loves your data

    Would I rather have Zuckerburg or Bezos or pichai or Xi loving my data??

    @sanvit wonder why you have to pay gst if you are ordering from outside India.

    @evnix pricing in OP title incorrect.
    2TB annual is INR 2,818 incl GST or @ 39 USDollars.


    Add the below coupon to reduce the costs by ten precent overall.

    Thanked by (2)evnix BlaZe
  • @vyas said: @sanvit wonder why you have to pay gst if you are ordering from outside India.

    The only country option available was India (at least for me)

  • evnixevnix OG
    edited December 2020

    @vyas said: pricing in OP title incorrect.

    got excited by the offer and I spoke too soon :'(

    I might still use this if it picks up, rather than stuffing all my data in Google with no human to contact if something goes wrong.
    I feel it is cheaper than owning a 2TB SSD over 5 years.

    Thanked by (1)vyas

    My Personal Blog | Currently Building LoadMyCode

  • wow, good service at proper timing.

    1Gbps connections are becoming affordable (if not cheaper) in India and this is good service.

    i have more than 20 spare pcs and 50+ HDDs and thinking of starting a hosting service from home (for just indian customers) or starting some CDN (with friends in other metro cities and we all share those resources).

    few years back, i would say...i would never host a site if it's DC in India but with DO, aws and technology improvement.... things have changed a lot.

  • BlaZeBlaZe Hosting ProviderOG

    Gonna go for this. The company is being headed (or at least looked by) Amitabh Kant, CEO of NITI Aayog.

    ExoticVM.com - Find VPS in exotic locations! | MonitorDNS.com - domain for sale!

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited December 2020

    Below is not a rant, just some early testing/ user feedback. I could write a longer review some other time.
    My main interest is in finding out where they store the data. I can bet it is Azure or a Singapore DC. Anything else will positively surprise me, and I am willing to get surprised!

    Signed up, and hit the first roadblock:
    Paid for 1 month of the 100 GB plan, about 40 US Cents a month :-)
    their account management system is not set up to accept email aliases.
    Have written to customer service, let us see. I did receive acknowledgement of my ticket.

    The chatbot is useless, it throws up an irrelevant (to India) notice about GDPR privacy yada yada... must be shoved down the founders throat by investors/ lawyers.
    Bot was unable to find a solution to my queries. I asked:
    a. If I sign up for a lower plan using the coupon and decide to upgrade- will the discounted price be applicable?
    b. Can I pay for a month now, and then change to annual billing (more for tax reasons)

    The bot asked me for my email address ..
    "We are not available to attend to your query right now. If you can leave your email address in the box below, someone will get back to you".

    This is going to be fun!

    @seenu said:

    becoming affordable (if not cheaper) in India and this is good service.

    i have more than 20 spare pcs and 50+ HDDs and thinking of starting a hosting service from home (for just indian customers) or starting some CDN (with friends in other metro cities and we all share those resources).

    Just Do it!!!

    Thanked by (1)evnix
  • @vyas said: Just Do it!!!

    which one? Hosting or CDN?

  • AbdullahAbdullah Hosting ProviderOG

    @vyas will you do a review on your blog? I am interested to see how that works, ftp is supported, etc. or I might just get a month, its cheap

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited December 2020

    @seenu said:

    which one? Hosting or CDN?

    Whichever makes a business sense to you !


    @Abdullah said:
    @vyas will you do a review on your blog? I am interested to see how that works, ftp is supported, etc. or I might just get a month, its cheap

    Alpha Product.

    Not even Beta

    Not too impressed . Will post later

    For the "India" hype- the website is hosted in germany ?

    dig digiboxx.in
    digiboxx.in.        300 IN  A

    traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
     1 (  7.417 ms  7.315 ms  15.391 ms
     2  * * *
     3  * * *
     4 (  1786.862 ms  10.901 ms (  13.441 ms
     5 (  9.787 ms (  15.708 ms  15.953 ms
     6  * * (  116.664 ms
     7  * * (  145.826 ms
     8 (  173.202 ms (  32.609 ms *
     9 (  121.626 ms (  605.555 ms (  124.148 ms
    10  * * mei-b3-link.telia.net (  123.912 ms
    11  ffm-bb2-link.ip.twelve99.net (  141.685 ms  306.193 ms *
    12  mcn-b3-link.ip.twelve99.net (  151.523 ms  145.149 ms  147.148 ms
    13  mcn-b2-link.ip.twelve99.net (  142.598 ms  141.107 ms  144.818 ms

    Thanked by (1)Abdullah
  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited December 2020

    So I sent a tweet to the founder, let us see what they come back with. Does this make sense?
    Maybe I do Not understand Tech. Help appreciated. Why would anyone use a CDN in Germany for a website hosted in india?


  • @vyas said: Why would anyone use a CDN in Germany for a website hosted in india?

    I am just guessing here, May be the traffic out of Germany would be cheaper, like how bunnyCDN does for certain locations.
    or likely the CDN provider simply does not have a location in India.

    They seem to use cloudflare SSL ?
    and you are right about the India hype, they have used the word India 14 times on the frontpage, now I can imagine how lame it would sound if every American website shouted USA! USA! USA! It will be a while before people learn not to do that and that there is a world outside their own country.
    I can see why they did that, With all the companies blatantly selling your data, I can imagine people would rather have the data be within the country and that may be a good selling point.

    My Personal Blog | Currently Building LoadMyCode

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited December 2020

    @evnix said:

    I am just guessing here, May be the traffic out of Germany would be cheaper, like how bunnyCDN does for certain locations.
    or likely the CDN provider simply does not have a location in India.

    They seem to use cloudflare SSL ?
    and you are right about the India hype, they have used the word India 14 times on the frontpage, now I can imagine how lame it would sound if every American website shouted USA! USA! USA! It will be a while before people learn not to do that and that there is a world outside their own country.
    I can see why they did that, With all the companies blatantly selling your data, I can imagine people would rather have the data be within the country and that may be a good selling point.

    I have noticed in the past that CF free cdn tier routed traffic to Germany.
    Their main website A record points to single IP that I believe traces to Interworks. The 9 ms latency in Germany (from Hetzner) also suggests the same... main domain could be hosted in Germany.

    Why they use some CDN which is actually slowing down traffic from India when the intention is to speed up traffic FROM India.... is beyond me.

    The subdomain used for storage (accounts. ) is behind Cloudflare..

    This was my response to the guys tweet, and I left it at that. Broken design, half baked product.

    Media reports btw also mentioned INR 30 for 5 TB data!! Which they have not bothered to correct.! So your initial post was probably derived from one such source.


    My tweet response is below:

    Maybe I do not understand tech, and maybe it doesn't make sense to me traffic to Digiboxx website from India should be routed to Europe. And why the chat bot shows European GDPR compliance notice, when accessing the website from BLR. But thanks anyways.

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited December 2020

    On a lighter note,
    See what you started with your OP!

    Edit: That explains a thing or two

    Sory I got a little too anal about this one because the founder's response and attitude was far from satisfactory.

  • @vyas said: See what you started with your OP!

    Oh well, I am truly Over Powered ?

    @vyas said: because the founder's response and attitude was far from satisfactory.

    They deserve it, the system is just too buggy, I wonder how did it even make past the testing team (or more likely there was no testing team).

    My Personal Blog | Currently Building LoadMyCode

  • AbdullahAbdullah Hosting ProviderOG
    edited December 2020

    @vyas that makes no sense, twelve99 is Telia guess Germany & I think data is stored in Germany too (I couldn't trace any Indian IP on their services)

    @vyas said:
    On a lighter note,
    See what you started with your OP!

    Edit: That explains a thing or two

    Sory I got a little too anal about this one because the founder's response and attitude was far from satisfactory.

    They trying to cover with cloudflare now, explains the response.

  • @sanvit said:
    The 30INR plan seems to be for the 100GB plan.
    The 2TB plan is 234.82INR (199INR + 18% GST = 3.19USD) which is still cheap though

    So we dont get to pay without a non indian card/ address?

  • The perfect place to upload photojournalism large RAWs from the Farmer Protests around Delhi.

    JK. I have absolutely no idea what this is.
    a homebrewed Nextcloud? ELI5?

  • gksgks OG
    edited December 2020

    I am not going to try for next 2 years. Edit: Till it is proven but they will promote like hell what they did for paytm

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited December 2020

    @Abdullah said:
    @vyas that makes no sense, twelve99 is Telia guess Germany & I think data is stored in Germany too (I couldn't trace any Indian IP on their services)

    They trying to cover with cloudflare now, explains the response.

    Webwerks Mumbai

    Interesting subdomains.
    The platform is based on PHP7.2 which EOL'd in/....?

    Thanked by (2)Abdullah evnix
  • BlaZeBlaZe Hosting ProviderOG

    @evnix said:
    They deserve it, the system is just too buggy, I wonder how did it even make past the testing team (or more likely there was no testing team).

    I blame the recruitment/hiring system.
    Hiring donkeys to do the work of horses, doesn't go good.

    You know what I am talking about. I bet most of the "engineers" hired to build that would be definitely not based on merit but the other insane factors. Reservation system :/

    Thanked by (2)Abdullah evnix

    ExoticVM.com - Find VPS in exotic locations! | MonitorDNS.com - domain for sale!

  • @BlaZe said:

    I blame the recruitment/hiring system.
    Hiring donkeys to do the work of horses, doesn't go good.

    You know what I am talking about. I bet most of the "engineers" hired to build that would be definitely not based on merit but the other insane factors. Reservation system :/

    This just makes me sad. :(

  • hzrhzr OG
    edited December 2020

    @vyas said: For the "India" hype- the website is hosted in germany ?

    That is digiboxx.in, which is a sedo parking page (germany hosted), there is no site at that domain.

    The twitter response is one of the technically incompetent I have ever seen though.

  • hzrhzr OG
    edited December 2020

    The app is incredibly badly written. There are so many ridiculous misspellings it's not even funny. Like the word Fragment and Listener are misspelled everywhere - you literally have to spell it right to extend the class, how do you screw that up?

    For all the bragging about India First, it appears they load previews in an embedded webview https://docs.google.com/gview?embedded=true&url=...., basically sending it to G

    Also, debug mode is on

    Whoever they paid to build this, it's too much

    Thanked by (1)vyas
  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited December 2020

    @hzr said:

    That is digiboxx.in, which is a sedo parking page (germany hosted), there is no site at that domain.

    I stand corrected on that one. There was a news article that originally referred to the .in domain, syndicated at multiple locations. They had other factual errors, some of which they rectified. The .com is hosted at WebWerks in Mumbai (most likely) and is slapped behind Cloudflare.

    Too late to update my above post, but indeeed, the .in was the logical TLD. The .com has been around for a while looks like.

    Update: I will post an update to the tweet, could not edit so had to delete.

    Domain Name: DIGIBOXX.COM 
    Registry Domain ID: 102997418_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN 
    Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.name.com 
    Registrar URL: http://www.name.com 
    Updated Date: 2020-11-02T13:34:31Z 
    Creation Date: 2003-09-03T04:53:22Z 
    Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2021-09-03T04:53:22Z 

    The twitter response is one of the technically incompetent I have ever seen though.

    There is more pain to come for users :-)

  • so @vyas yay or nay ? can we push or pull backup ? rclone,ftp/sftp anything ?

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited December 2020

    Nay still.

    1. You can delete the files from folder, but you cannot permanently delete from recycle bin
    2. I used web version only and gave up. Haven't tried the app. Don't want to.
    3. You cannot use alias or a relay service for account creation (I tried both vyas+digiboxx@emailprovider) or lastmx etc. does not work.
    4. Multiple email /user accounts on same phone number: I have 3 accounts: 1 paid, 2 free. I gave a different address for each account, different state even. I still received the OTP via text message. No fraud check/ location check.
    5. Paid account: I am locked out due to the alias issue- 48 hours and support is still 'looking into it'. I even explained to them the possible cause. One of the free accounts is locked out because I used 'lastmx' relay.
    6. When you register they send you a 6 character password via email in plain text.
    Thanked by (1)evnix
  • @vyas said:
    Nay still.

    1. You can delete the files from folder, but you cannot permanently delete from recycle bin
    2. I used web version only and gave up. Haven't tried the app. Don't want to.
    3. You cannot use alias or a relay service for account creation (I tried both vyas+digiboxx@emailprovider) or lastmx etc. does not work.
    4. Multiple email /user accounts on same phone number: I have 3 accounts: 1 paid, 2 free. I gave a different address for each account, different state even. I still received the OTP via text message. No fraud check/ location check.
    5. Paid account: I am locked out due to the alias issue- 48 hours and support is still 'looking into it'. I even explained to them the possible cause. One of the free accounts is locked out because I used 'lastmx' relay.
    6. When you register they send you a 6 character password via email in plain text.

    I'd like to try it. Any idea of some reputed services that can provide a phone number in India for receiving sms? I am not looking for those free otp burner phone numbers... could not find any.

    Interesting to see that they are able to activate multiple accounts under same phone number!

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited January 2021

    they refunded me the amount for 1 months paid subscription,and it is curtains drawn onDigiboxx. Wishing the guys all the best, it was not a servicee worth my time.

    Thanked by (2)Ganonk Freek
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