All Things WordPress Discussions



  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited February 2021

    I think mine was a BF deal. 49 US Dollars a year/ 1,000 sites or so. Price for LT was 5 or 6 x the annual, it was around 230 or so dollars.
    Hazy memory. I only have bills to pay and receipts to file :-)

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai

    @vyas said:
    I think mine was a BF deal. 49 US Dollars a year/ 1,000 sites or so. Price for LT was 5 or 6 x the annual, it was around 230 or so dollars.
    Hazy memory. I only have bills to pay and receipts to file :-)

    Haha true :D Would have opted for lifetime to setup and forget haha :)

  • edited February 2021

    @bikegremlin said: All the websites on my domain ( show basically zero visitors in Google Analytics, since the start of this February.

    I don't see analytics.js in your website page source. Maybe you are using a plugin to include google analytics and the plugin isn't working?

    Or maybe you somehow combined/minified some js and cloudflare cached that and google analytics might not work.

    Thanked by (2)bikegremlin kkrajk
  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer
    edited February 2021

    @Ympker said:

    Thanks for the feedback? Only paid version I see is 59$/year or 259$ Lifetime

    I realize there was a BF discount but maybe you were referring to another paid version alltogether? :)

    Sounds good though! Might have a spin :)

    @bikegremlin sorry, no idea about that either, mate. Maybe Google analytics and gdpr caused them to not collect any more data? Anyway, no idea, really :/

    As for the GP:
    They used to sell for about 50$, with discount for renewal (ending up at 30$).
    I thought about it, and thought: "Oh, well - it's not too bad, if I ever need it, I'll pay."
    Never needed anything that couldn't be solved with just a little bit of custom code (so far at least). :)

    Now comes the tin-foil hat! :)
    GP was a small team (or a one-man show) that still managed to make a well written, well optimized theme, with superb support (even for us free users).
    Now, WP is obviously moving in the direction of pushing out themes and page builders - to a great extent.
    So I guess it makes sense to sell a few lifetimes, and maybe raise the price a bit, to make a lifetime purchase look more "reasonable."

    If I used any of the pro options, I'd still buy it - probably going with lifetime (to not worry about whether my bank had cleared the payment, or not... read all about serbian banks haha :) ).

    As for the analytics: that's probably Murphy's law. I hadn't checked it regularly, and when I was helping a friend with their website, explaining, and configuring all the stuff... that's when I realized it's not really working. :)
    Trying with the new, "V4" analytics codes now, to see if those will work. I had delayed playing with that - but suppose now is the time to get into it, see what's new and how it's done. :)

    Thanked by (1)Ympker

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer

    @bibi said:

    I don't see analytics.js in your website page source. Maybe you are using a plugin to include google analytics and the plugin isn't working?

    Or maybe you somehow combined/minified some js and cloudflare cached that and google analytics might not work.

    Hmmm. Strange. I just checked. Cleared cache, and all:
    <script async src=" .... and so on

    Looks identical (apart from the exact tracking code number) to the non WP (plain HTML) website that works fine in Analytics.
    And - it shows visitors in "live traffic". That's how I first check if it's configured: by opening pages (with no ad-blocker) and checking if my views are shown in the live traffic info.

    Since only WP websites are affected, it could be a WP/plugin/theme problem.
    Except - on other domains I have other websites that use the same plugins, but have no problems.

    Quite strange.

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai

    @bikegremlin said:

    As for the GP:
    They used to sell for about 50$, with discount for renewal (ending up at 30$).
    I thought about it, and thought: "Oh, well - it's not too bad, if I ever need it, I'll pay."
    Never needed anything that couldn't be solved with just a little bit of custom code (so far at least). :)

    Now comes the tin-foil hat! :)
    GP was a small team (or a one-man show) that still managed to make a well written, well optimized theme, with superb support (even for us free users).
    Now, WP is obviously moving in the direction of pushing out themes and page builders - to a great extent.
    So I guess it makes sense to sell a few lifetimes, and maybe raise the price a bit, to make a lifetime purchase look more "reasonable."

    If I used any of the pro options, I'd still buy it - probably going with lifetime (to not worry about whether my bank had cleared the payment, or not... read all about serbian banks haha :) ).

    As for the analytics: that's probably Murphy's law. I hadn't checked it regularly, and when I was helping a friend with their website, explaining, and configuring all the stuff... that's when I realized it's not really working. :)
    Trying with the new, "V4" analytics codes now, to see if those will work. I had delayed playing with that - but suppose now is the time to get into it, see what's new and how it's done. :)

    Thanks for the thorough reply, mate :) Sounds indeed like a good pick!
    Gonna be interesting to see how wp changes as pagebuilders/themes are to some degree pushed out.

    Hope you can fix the analytics issue soon :)

  • @bikegremlin said: Hmmm. Strange. I just checked. Cleared cache, and all:

    <script async src=" .... and so on

    Are you checking when logged in? I don't see that, all i see is this:

    Thanked by (2)bikegremlin vyas
  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer
    edited February 2021

    @bibi said:

    <script async src=" .... and so on

    Are you checking when logged in? I don't see that, all i see is this:

    Will look into it.
    Suspecting LiteSpeed cache for now.
    Since a website not using LiteSpeed (plain HTML one) is looking normally. While it too is using the same Cloudflare configuration.

    Just dug this out.
    Still not sure if it makes sense, but will look into it. :)

    Seems to have fixed it - for now at least.
    Disabled the local caching for the GA scripts in LiteSpeed options.

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

  • @bikegremlin said: Seems to have fixed it - for now at least.

    Disabled the local caching for the GA scripts in LiteSpeed options.

    Good to hear you fixed it. Seems my first guess was right then, the combining/minifying broke it for cloudflare.

    Thanked by (1)bikegremlin
  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer

    @bibi said:

    Disabled the local caching for the GA scripts in LiteSpeed options.

    Good to hear you fixed it. Seems my first guess was right then, the combining/minifying broke it for cloudflare.

    Yes. Your suggestion got the solution. I was stuck.

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

  • @bibi said:

    Disabled the local caching for the GA scripts in LiteSpeed options.

    Good to hear you fixed it. Seems my first guess was right then, the combining/minifying broke it for cloudflare.

    Is that true Minify/combine css and js will cause problems with Cloudflare?

    Should I disable that?

  • @Fritz said:

    Is that true Minify/combine css and js will cause problems with Cloudflare?

    Should I disable that?

    I can't say for sure what the problem is. I would think it's because google analytics doesn't get loaded from google which makes cloudflare cache/proxy it which breaks google analytics. But it's also possible litespeed managed to break it somehow.

  • @bibi said:

    I can't say for sure what the problem is. I would think it's because google analytics doesn't get loaded from google which makes cloudflare cache/proxy it which breaks google analytics. But it's also possible litespeed managed to break it somehow.

    I'm using WP Rocket and enable Minfiy and combine for Javascript and css (but I don't enable HTTP/2 option).

    Using Cloudflare gives additional load time, but if I use Cloudflare for images only, no problem happened.

    What do you think?

  • @Fritz said:

    I'm using WP Rocket and enable Minfiy and combine for Javascript and css (but I don't enable HTTP/2 option).

    Using Cloudflare gives additional load time, but if I use Cloudflare for images only, no problem happened.

    What do you think?

    I googled wp rocket and found this:

    They mentioned this:

    Heads up! If your Google Analytics script is installed using Google Tag Manager, this add-on will not work. This Add-on currently only works with the tracking code taken from a Google Analytics account.
    Heads up! If you're using Google Analytics as the verification method for your Google Search Console account, GSC will not detect the local script. So you should use a different verification method.

    So here's my guess, you didn't use gtag and you aren't using google analytics as the verification method (whatever that means), so your google analytics works. @bikegremlin used gtag and that didn't work. Imo, cloudflare on average gives better loading times globally, and it's free and doesn't take any effort from your end. You can obviously find a faster solution but it's probably not worth the effort.

    Thanked by (1)bikegremlin
  • edited February 2021

    At the moment I don't have any problem with Google Analytics as I don't use Gtag manager.

    As I said earlier, using Cloudflare to cache everything adds up to 0.8ms initial load time and that's really sucks.

    The second matter is about wp-content, does anyone know how to properly move whole wp-content to subdomain? So I can server css and js with no cookies subdomain.

  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer

    @Fritz said:

    Is that true Minify/combine css and js will cause problems with Cloudflare?

    Should I disable that?

    It's not that simple. :)

    And no - it doesn't generally (not in my opinion).

    In this particular case - LiteSpeed's storing of GA scripts locally seemed to have caused the problem. Had to disable that.

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai

    @Fritz said:
    At the moment I don't have any problem with Google Analytics as I don't use Gtag manager.

    As I said earlier, using Cloudflare to cache everything adds up to 0.8ms initial load time and that's really sucks.

    The second matter is about wp-content, does anyone know how to properly move whole wp-content to subdomain? So I can server css and js with no cookies subdomain.

    I thought this was a good write-up about serving images/media from subdomain:

  • Why exactly is loading images from a subdomain faster? Can't the browser load images in parallel on the same domain?

  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai

    @flips said:
    Why exactly is loading images from a subdomain faster? Can't the browser load images in parallel on the same domain?

    There are various blog posts and articles about speed improvements like but, personally, I host them on the main domain. Just feels better, tbh.

    Thanked by (1)flips
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai

    Elementor's price hike seems to be quite the topic over at Reddit:

    I'd like to believe 1$/year per site on the 999 sites plan is still "fair" but I can also understand people complaining. A while back I considered creating some sites with Elementor but kinda happy I stuck with Divi and its' good old lifetime license for unlimited sites. Setup & forget.

    Thanked by (1)chocolateshirt
  • flipsflips OG
    edited February 2021

    Nothing like being set to fix a broken site that someone set up using Elementor some years ago. I actually never used Elementor much. I tend to migrate my clients away from it, over to something like Divi's lifetime ...
    (Have some other sites using ThemeForest themes that suddenly break something. They get updates, but when updates break something, you have to pay for more support.)

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited February 2021

    @flips said:
    Nothing like being set to fix a broken site that someone set up using Elementor some years ago. I actually never used Elementor much. I tend to migrate my clients away from it, over to something like Divi's lifetime ...
    (Have some other sites using ThemeForest themes that suddenly break something. They get updates, but when updates break something, you have to pay for more support.)

    I hear you. For clients I only use Divi because of lifetime and I am confident they'll be around for a while. Not much support from Divi's side but after 1-2 patches most stuff gets fixed and I put my clients on daily backup hosting plans for a reason ;)

    Btw. just pulled the trigger on LiveCanvas Lifetime. 99$ was too good an offer to pass up and I can see myself using it for personal projects and/or simple client sites :)

    OxygenBuilder als looks lightweigth and comes at 89$ lifetime but not sure if it is really that good. Any experiences?

    Qubely seems to be in stagnant development atm (unfortunately) and Appsumo sales questions haven't been answered since a while. Fingers crossed but for what it is, it performs great so far and an upadte was only pushed recently. Maybe they just do away with Appsumo?

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    I use Brizy (rather plan to use it now) and have elementor essential addons. Was considering mobirose after the blog series on page builders. Had/have Visualmodo plans that use WP Bakery.

    At the end of the day, choose what works best for you and the project. I have started using as barebones a theme/ set of features as I can- less maintenance, more focus on content

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • edited February 2021

    @Ympker said:

    I thought this was a good write-up about serving images/media from subdomain:

    Now I know the cause of this problem.

    Cloudflare does not cache HTML, CSS and JS, after each request, it will fetch from the origin first.

    This will cause an extra load time.

    I guess the solution is to make a page rules in Cloudflare to cache everything not only images.

    Then another problem will come, cached pages that consist of dynamic information (like comment page, or even GA, will have invalid information).

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • @flips said:
    Why exactly is loading images from a subdomain faster? Can't the browser load images in parallel on the same domain?

    Serving media from cookie-less domain is suggested by GTMetrix.

  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai

    @vyas said:
    I use Brizy (rather plan to use it now) and have elementor essential addons. Was considering mobirose after the blog series on page builders. Had/have Visualmodo plans that use WP Bakery.

    At the end of the day, choose what works best for you and the project. I have started using as barebones a theme/ set of features as I can- less maintenance, more focus on content

    I agree with you. Mobirise has served me well btw :) > @Fritz said:

    Now I know the cause of this problem.

    Cloudflare does not cache HTML, CSS and JS, after each request, it will fetch from the origin first.

    This will cause an extra load time.

    I guess the solution is to make a page rules in Cloudflare to cache everything not only images.

    Then another problem will come, cached pages that consist of dynamic information (like comment page, or even GA, will have invalid information).

    You are on the righ track, I think. However, I have also often read that full-site cache with CF is discouraged from as it slows down site as opposed to selective. FWIW not using any CDN in my site rn.

  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer
    edited February 2021

    @Ympker said:

    I agree with you. Mobirise has served me well btw :) > @Fritz said:

    You are on the righ track, I think. However, I have also often read that full-site cache with CF is discouraged from as it slows down site as opposed to selective. FWIW not using any CDN in my site rn.

    Long post. Probably pointless - but some info might be helpful, or interesting. :)

    Example 1
    This one is served through CF - so practically all the pages are cached there. GTmetrix report, for noting any optimization errors (well, Images should be better optimized, but that's a long story):

    Example 2
    This is my website, where **CF caches images and some static stuff, but not all ** ('cause it takes money, or a particular free plugin to enable that, without visitors seeing cached version of admin pages and vice-versa).

    With google ads (they cripple performance):

    Example 2b:
    Same site, with Ad-Block enabled (no Google AdSense ads):

    Example 3:
    And, here's a static HTML website, cached with CF:

    Pointless drivel:
    - All of these are hosted on the same server, and tested from the same location, that is near the server.

    A good test and comparison when it comes to Cloudflare, would be to compare by testing from a distant location - and judging whether CF helps websites who use it, compared to those who don't.

    In my experience, on the whole, CF still does more good than harm (at least for my uses).

    Finally, more on topic: :)

    Hosting images on a separate (sub)domain adds a bit more complication, hassle - in terms of adding, removing and updating content.
    However, in terms of performance, I think it's a good idea.

    Don't know if WP can be configured to just link to your chosen image-server, not having to be re-directed with .htaccess rules or similar.

    The bottom line (for me at least): compared to other optimization related stuff, off-loading images never seamed like a very important thing.
    Then again - not selling anything, so cutting the page load time from 2.5 to 1.9 seconds doesn't really have any "conversion" to affect. :)

    Thanked by (1)Ympker

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited February 2021

    @bikegremlin said:

    Long post. Probably pointless - but some info might be helpful, or interesting. :)

    Example 1
    This one is served through CF - so practically all the pages are cached there. GTmetrix report, for noting any optimization errors (well, Images should be better optimized, but that's a long story):

    Example 2
    This is my website, where **CF caches images and some static stuff, but not all ** ('cause it takes money, or a particular free plugin to enable that, without visitors seeing cached version of admin pages and vice-versa).

    With google ads (they cripple performance):

    Example 2b:
    Same site, with Ad-Block enabled (no Google AdSense ads):

    Example 3:
    And, here's a static HTML website, cached with CF:

    Pointless drivel:
    - All of these are hosted on the same server, and tested from the same location, that is near the server.

    A good test and comparison when it comes to Cloudflare, would be to compare by testing from a distant location - and judging whether CF helps websites who use it, compared to those who don't.

    In my experience, on the whole, CF still does more good than harm (at least for my uses).

    Finally, more on topic: :)

    Hosting images on a separate (sub)domain adds a bit more complication, hassle - in terms of adding, removing and updating content.
    However, in terms of performance, I think it's a good idea.

    Don't know if WP can be configured to just link to your chosen image-server, not having to be re-directed with .htaccess rules or similar.

    The bottom line (for me at least): compared to other optimization related stuff, off-loading images never seamed like a very important thing.
    Then again - not selling anything, so cutting the page load time from 2.5 to 1.9 seconds doesn't really have any "conversion" to affect. :)

    Wow, thanks for the thorough and interesting reply, mate! Will read more thoroughly after I finish work :)

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited February 2021

    Use a CDN for images instead of subdomain. In case you have to re-use the images elsewhere, so also for speed, etc- with BunnyCDN or Gumlet- you are paying 1 US Dollar a month for peace of mind.
    ALso keeps the DB size smaller for WP backups in case you have to migrate.

  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer

    @vyas said:
    Use a CDN for images instead of subdomain. In case you have to re-use the images elsewhere, so also for speed, etc- with BunnyCND or GUmlet- you are paying 1 US Dollar a month for peace of mind.
    ALso keeps the DB size smaller for WP backups in case you have to migrate.

    Using a CDN for images makes the DB smaller? Not just the files (uploads) directory?

    5 $ Cloudflare package lets you use their network of edge (CDN) servers for serving both all the images, and all the cached pages.
    Or you could use a free plugin to avoid paying the 5$ fee. Called:
    WP Cloudflare Super Page Cache

    Still, I don't think this negates the performance benefits of serving images from a different (sub)domain.
    Not sure they are huge (in terms of performance), but I would expect the difference to be measurable (depending on the number of images on a page).

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

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