Yeah, but you know, when a drill is the right tool for the job and a home tool brand out performs the pro tool in literally every single way by significant margins, the professionals start buying that instead even if it costs more per month to own.
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
Along those lines, I think it would be reasonable to have a section where you can have offers of any price. I do think it makes sense to have "normal offers" and "lowend offers" be separated so it's easy to know which is which without having to actually read the offer. But I also think there is a lot of potential for "great deals" that cost more than the price cap.
Kind of, get the best of both LET and WHT. Get a broad range of offers like WHT has, but still have a strong incentive to post your lowest price stuff at below the cap so that it can get extra exposure from deal seekers.
Since this is a forum starting from scratch, if there is a time to consider such a change I think it would be now.
while I might find a few minor quibbles with some of the points you make above (as one does) ...
I would definitely agree that following these guidelines will make for a happier experience for all parties involved.
I wonder if there might be a good way to present solid translations in various languages - it might be a helpful starting point to welcome many of our bros who find this forum via baidu (etc.)
EDIT: also might be interesting if I can find a better use for ... suggestions welcome!
I don't sweat the small quibbles. I do applied statistics in research, and as long as p < 0.05 that's good enough. I just think that as long as we can cover most key points on how to be an informed consumer, most problems can be avoided and providers can better spend the time creating better value for everyone else.
Off topic, but, p < 0.05 isn't great if you're measuring 20 possible effects, and consider it a "win" if at least one of them shows positive ; )
while I might find a few minor quibbles with some of the points you make above (as one does) ...
I would definitely agree that following these guidelines will make for a happier experience for all parties involved.
I wonder if there might be a good way to present solid translations in various languages - it might be a helpful starting point to welcome many of our bros who find this forum via baidu (etc.)
EDIT: also might be interesting if I can find a better use for ... suggestions welcome!
I don't sweat the small quibbles. I do applied statistics in research, and as long as p < 0.05 that's good enough. I just think that as long as we can cover most key points on how to be an informed consumer, most problems can be avoided and providers can better spend the time creating better value for everyone else.
Off topic, but, p < 0.05 isn't great if you're measuring 20 possible effects, and consider it a "win" if at least one of them shows positive ; )
Measuring 20 different outcomes is a nightmare!!! Anyway, there will always be exceptions, so reducing the probability works most of the time, but it won't work all the time. Pretty much life's like that.
funkywizard said: I do think it makes sense to have "normal offers" and "lowend offers" be separated so it's easy to know which is which without having to actually read the offer.
That is already available, the only caveat is that it must be exclusive to LES, given the origins of the community I felt that was a fair compromise.
No specific price rules except they MUST be LES exclusive for at LEAST 7 days
Only registered providers may post
At least 7 days between offers
LES Exclusive offers do not count towards the general offers section post count i.e. you can make >LES exclusives as well as regular offers within the same 7 day period
LES Exclusive offers are given extra exposure on the front page of the forum and can only bee seen >by logged in users.
These offers will be moved to the standard offers section after 10 days.
funkywizard said: I do think it makes sense to have "normal offers" and "lowend offers" be separated so it's easy to know which is which without having to actually read the offer.
That is already available, the only caveat is that it must be exclusive to LES, given the origins of the community I felt that was a fair compromise.
No specific price rules except they MUST be LES exclusive for at LEAST 7 days
Only registered providers may post
At least 7 days between offers
LES Exclusive offers do not count towards the general offers section post count i.e. you can make >LES exclusives as well as regular offers within the same 7 day period
LES Exclusive offers are given extra exposure on the front page of the forum and can only bee seen >by logged in users.
These offers will be moved to the standard offers section after 10 days.
Worth having a read of the rules and info post.
Oh right, good point!
I had read that but it wasn't entirely clear to me the first time I read it.
I guess I couldn't decide if that first line meant "there are no additional price rules for this category" vs "there are no price rules for this category"
while I might find a few minor quibbles with some of the points you make above (as one does) ...
I would definitely agree that following these guidelines will make for a happier experience for all parties involved.
I wonder if there might be a good way to present solid translations in various languages - it might be a helpful starting point to welcome many of our bros who find this forum via baidu (etc.)
EDIT: also might be interesting if I can find a better use for ... suggestions welcome!
I don't sweat the small quibbles. I do applied statistics in research, and as long as p < 0.05 that's good enough. I just think that as long as we can cover most key points on how to be an informed consumer, most problems can be avoided and providers can better spend the time creating better value for everyone else.
Off topic, but, p < 0.05 isn't great if you're measuring 20 possible effects, and consider it a "win" if at least one of them shows positive ; )
Measuring 20 different outcomes is a nightmare!!! Anyway, there will always be exceptions, so reducing the probability works most of the time, but it won't work all the time. Pretty much life's like that.
In the context of academic research, the idea of looking for any of 20 possible positive outcomes, with any having a p < 0.05, means you'll on average find one interesting result simply by chance, while the p < 0.05 lets you pretend that it's a statistically significant outcome, so long as you don't publish info about the other 19 things that showed nothing.
Quite easily automated these days especially if you have statistical software that can run in parallel computation using all the cores in your PC. Throw the numbers in, go to sleep, wake up to the statistically significant results and reason backward. Rinse and repeat.
Yeah, but you know, when a drill is the right tool for the job and a home tool brand out performs the pro tool in literally every single way by significant margins, the professionals start buying that instead
even if it costs more per month to own.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Welcome @Clouvider!
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
Hello hello hello hello! welcome @funkywizard and @ioflood_michael_b
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
Thanks! Glad to be here.
Along those lines, I think it would be reasonable to have a section where you can have offers of any price. I do think it makes sense to have "normal offers" and "lowend offers" be separated so it's easy to know which is which without having to actually read the offer. But I also think there is a lot of potential for "great deals" that cost more than the price cap.
Kind of, get the best of both LET and WHT. Get a broad range of offers like WHT has, but still have a strong incentive to post your lowest price stuff at below the cap so that it can get extra exposure from deal seekers.
Since this is a forum starting from scratch, if there is a time to consider such a change I think it would be now.
Off topic, but, p < 0.05 isn't great if you're measuring 20 possible effects, and consider it a "win" if at least one of them shows positive ; )
Measuring 20 different outcomes is a nightmare!!! Anyway, there will always be exceptions, so reducing the probability works most of the time, but it won't work all the time. Pretty much life's like that.
Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow
That is already available, the only caveat is that it must be exclusive to LES, given the origins of the community I felt that was a fair compromise.
Worth having a read of the rules and info post.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Oh right, good point!
I had read that but it wasn't entirely clear to me the first time I read it.
I guess I couldn't decide if that first line meant "there are no additional price rules for this category" vs "there are no price rules for this category"
In the context of academic research, the idea of looking for any of 20 possible positive outcomes, with any having a p < 0.05, means you'll on average find one interesting result simply by chance, while the p < 0.05 lets you pretend that it's a statistically significant outcome, so long as you don't publish info about the other 19 things that showed nothing.
Pretty far off topic tho : P
Quite easily automated these days especially if you have statistical software that can run in parallel computation using all the cores in your PC. Throw the numbers in, go to sleep, wake up to the statistically significant results and reason backward. Rinse and repeat.
Ok, let's not bore people.
Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow
welcome on board @liteserver
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
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Hello @Dedispec
Nice to see a new place to post randomly on.
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Welcome, @PureVoltage!
And hello @FHR (SkylonHost) - welcome to the new deal
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
Welcome all. Evil grin
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Welcome @koofr to the spirited world of Low End Spirit!
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Seriously, "Do you have roots on" , doesn't ring a bell ?
Anyways, Welcome
Hey Rahul,
Really not sure what you're referring to!
Thanks for the welcome.
Wonder why hosts that I obviously know are taking so long to ask for a tag
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
@cociu ahem..
Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow
@Ishaq is here!!!
Welcome @Ishaq (BudgetNode) and @Delong (BanditHost)
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
Welcome @Delong!
Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow
@uptime @poisson Thanks for the warm welcome!
BanditHost - NVMe VPS Hosting
hey hey hey hey welcome @BunnySpeed!
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
Only one who can match disks with OVH in Canada is here, Welcome @servarica_hani
hello there @hyperexpert - welcome!
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))