which domain registrar offers the most number of tlds?
Curious if someone knows which registrar offers the most number of tlds?
With a proper search function
What I'm after is actually a place where I can input a word, or a phrase, and see what tlds are available.
perhaps someone here has coded a function like this already?
“Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg
Namesilo has lot of tlds not sure if they are the very best in number of ltds.
I believe in good luck. Harder that I work ,luckier i get.
That is one of the sites I'm using.
“Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg
990 + .... me like
“Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg
It is the very best option for me. The unique problem they not sell .es or country ltds etc. But for general use their prices are usually the very best. I need to stop buying idling domains but usually they are too cheap
I believe in good luck. Harder that I work ,luckier i get.
Not the best search function though....
My exact usage would be ....
Let's say I want to find all available tlds for my domain mrvm.
Namesilo has the checkbox to filter out registered (and premium) domains, which eliminates them from the list.
Netim search is divided into groups
and no filter for already registered domains.
“Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg
Then maybe try EuroDNS.
Try dondominio.com just putting mrvm and appears all the domains . i guess is not 900+ but could make the trick for you. They are expensive and renewal are even more expensive but for search are OK
I believe in good luck. Harder that I work ,luckier i get.
Porkbun it can search many domain extension
I've got domains split among Namesilo, Porkbun and OVH (for EU domains). If I'm looking a domain across mutiple TLDs I use https://tld-list.com/
@mikho I am quite satisfied with Porkbun, "show all extensions" search:
Not sure about many, but big fan of porkbun because they have specials that cover not just 1st year but all
Hey! If you're not ready to buy the domain immediately, maybe, when you return a few days later, it will be registered by a domain name investor? Maybe not the best idea to inform domain name businesses of your interest and the potential interest of others in the name?
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
When I got metalvps.com I also searched baremetalvps.com. The latter was available at the time I searched, but when I returned a few days later it was registered to a speculator and available for $1,000.
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
I also use https://tld-list.com/ and have found it to be incredibly useful. Searches across registrars, can specify character count, price, etc. Can sort output on cheapest registrar, renewal price (since that's often a gotcha), etc. Used it recently to find affordable 3-char domains (nicely named).
Also, while it doesn't cover all tlds, https://micro.domains/ was useful in finding short domains (but pricing info was a bit inaccurate, so just use it as a guide to availability).
Was it GoDaddy?
Not GoDaddy. Also not Porkbun, whom I recommend and with whom I have enjoyed only good experiences. 👍
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Gandi has a lot, OVH has a lot, tld-list.com aggregates a bunch. At one point I scraped a number of those sites (mostly for price comparisons) and I made a csv: https://willie.linuxiso.party/domains.csv
It is way out of date though.
101domains.com not surprised tbh
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