How to st... reduce WordPress comment and contact form spam

bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer
edited September 2021 in WordPress

What and how I've done - i.e. what's worked for me so far:

Stopping WordPress Comment SPAM

Thanked by (1)vpsgeek3333

Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
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  • I'm using Akismet for anti spam comment and add reCaptcha for contact forms.

  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer

    @giang said:
    I'm using Akismet for anti spam comment and add reCaptcha for contact forms.

    I wasn't thrilled with Akismet's performance, bit haven't re-tested it for years now (wasn't planning to, as long as the current setup works).

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

  • @bikegremlin said:

    @giang said:
    I'm using Akismet for anti spam comment and add reCaptcha for contact forms.

    I wasn't thrilled with Akismet's performance, bit haven't re-tested it for years now (wasn't planning to, as long as the current setup works).

    Because it was default plugin from the first time I used WP so I keep it running till now. It blocked 100% spam comments for me.

    Thanked by (1)bikegremlin
  • cleantalk works like a charm , they also offer lot more than spam protection

    Thanked by (1)bikegremlin
  • Have a read over this article from Jeff Star - Useful info using built in WP tools.

  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer

    @LeonDynamic said:
    Have a read over this article from Jeff Star - Useful info using built in WP tools.

    I discussed that in the 2nd chapter, along with a "Solomon's solution" for the contact form discussed in chapter 4.1.

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

  • I am using the free version of the WP Cerber plugin to secure my WordPress websites. Both their security and the anti-spam solution works very well.

  • @bikegremlin said:
    I discussed that in the 2nd chapter, along with a "Solomon's solution" for the contact form discussed in chapter 4.1.

    I didn’t read your blog post (obviously) but having looked at chapter 2 it differs from the linked article. Jeff has curated a list in his post which maybe of use to people looking for a built in self managed solution.

    Thanked by (1)bikegremlin
  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer
    edited September 2021

    @LeonDynamic said:

    @bikegremlin said:
    I discussed that in the 2nd chapter, along with a "Solomon's solution" for the contact form discussed in chapter 4.1.

    I didn’t read your blog post (obviously) but having looked at chapter 2 it differs from the linked article. Jeff has curated a list in his post which maybe of use to people looking for a built in self managed solution.

    Yes, the list could be useful.

    I prefer having Google reCaptcha block spam bot comments, to deleting them from the spam folder after they’ve all been added to the database. Though that’s just one click, so no big deal.

    Thanked by (2)LeonDynamic hostaspace

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

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