BF 2021 Dreams - Anything you can imagine buying for BF 2021!!!

Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

So, here's a thread for stuff you want to buy for BF 2021.

Please post at least:

  • Description

  • Budget

I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

Thanked by (1)Mason


  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer
    edited November 2021
    • Description

    Somebody has an AS number, a couple of extra IPs, a very well connected router, and a bare metal server or two. Willing to let me have access to everything and to teach me about networking. Possible additional topics including sh and C and most anything else computer related. Willing to answer lots of questions.

    Not for heavy use other than learning, although I might stay on as a long term, very low bandwidth command line terminal user of one server. I might run an email MTA (100 handwritten emails a month) and a very lightweight website.

    I like ECC memory, but, beyond that, and the network connection, server specs and server location are not important.

    Okay for others to have access to all the equipment I am using for learning. For possible long term use of one bare metal server, I might need it to be private.

    • Budget

    Subject to discussion, perhaps as much as US$500.00 setup plus up to US$200.00 per month for teaching. Fair fee for possible long term, bare metal server. No long term commitment on either side.

    • Note

    Right now I have a wonderful server colocated with a wonderful provider,! I have no wish to change the present wonderful arrangement! Instead I am looking for something additional.

    @uptime @vyas @Ian_Dot_Tech @InceptionHosting @Hetzner_OL

    Thanked by (2)Chievo uptime

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • Description: Some plugins from codecanyon and some things for adobe after effects ( parent page of codecanyon ) I would buy them anyway just waiting to see at which price ;)

    Budget: 300-500 euros aprox

    @Not_Oles why do not create a thread and share feedback or advices or trouble questions? May be people could help you to make it grow faster ( the thread) and could be helpful for all of you, the community and for more people. I mean take the learning process to another level. And you know if someone has had a problem and has invested a week to solve it .May be could be possible to avoid such experience for another person. Just saying .

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles

    I believe in good luck. Harder that I work ,luckier i get.

  • Let's see if I stumble upon some interesting development boards and electronics on Aliexpress to tinker around with. Got myself two of these on Singles' Day to play with LoRa wireless communication.

    Budget: ~50 USD

    Oh, and some VPS, of course. :# Let's see what we get. In particular, I'm hoping for Virtono to bring back their 512MB plans, irresistible offers from Stratagem and UltraVPS and some specials for Eastern Canada (Montreal, Toronto, maybe even Halifax?)

    Budget: 10-20 USD/y - depending on specs and location.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->

  • edited November 2021

    @Not_Oles said:
    * Description

    Somebody has an AS number, a couple of extra IPs, a very well connected router, and a bare metal server or two. Willing to let me have access to everything and to teach me about networking. Possible additional topics including sh and C and most anything else computer related. Willing to answer lots of questions.

    Not for heavy use other than learning, although I might stay on as a long term, very low bandwidth command line terminal user of one server. I might run an email MTA (100 handwritten emails a month) and a very lightweight website.

    I like ECC memory, but, beyond that, and the network connection, server specs and server location are not important.

    Okay for others to have access to all the equipment I am using for learning. For possible long term use of one bare metal server, I might need it to be private.

    • Budget

    Subject to discussion, perhaps as much as US$500.00 setup plus up to US$200.00 per month for teaching. Fair fee for possible long term, bare metal server. No long term commitment on either side.

    • Note

    Right now I have a wonderful server colocated with a wonderful provider,! I have no wish to change the present wonderful arrangement! Instead I am looking for something additional.

    @uptime @vyas @Ian_Dot_Tech @InceptionHosting @Hetzner_OL

    You don't need a lot of $$$ to get an ASN and a few /48 to play with, unless you want IPv4, that's gonna put a dent.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles

    The all seeing eye sees everything...

  • Kinda big-ass VMs from @InceptionHosting with 2+ vcores, 8+ GB RAM, 80+ GB NVMe, phat 10G pipes in NL with big discounts to match this BF :tongue: A guy can hope, right?

    Thanked by (2)webcraft Not_Oles
  • edited November 2021

    no more spending on dreams and idlers.
    hopefully i spend as little as possible..

    dedicated , some download services outside of LET/LES ...

    Thanked by (2)Ympker Not_Oles
  • @Brueggus said:
    Let's see if I stumble upon some interesting development boards and electronics on Aliexpress to tinker around with. Got myself two of these on Singles' Day to play with LoRa wireless communication.

    This is Heltec LoRa 32.
    You'll be disappointed to find that the range isn't 10KM that LoRa supposedly can do.
    I only got them working over about 700 meters.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles

    No hostname left!

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    @ehab said:
    no more spending on dreams and idlers.
    hopefully i spend as little as possible..

    dedicated , some download services outside of LET/LES ...

    hmm.. best wishes :-)

    Thanked by (3)ehab Ympker Not_Oles
  • @K4Y5 said:
    Kinda big-ass VMs from @InceptionHosting with 2+ vcores, 8+ GB RAM, 80+ GB NVMe, phat 10G pipes in NL with big discounts to match this BF :tongue: A guy can hope, right?

    That sounds very modest :) proper to be happy.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @InceptionHosting said:

    That sounds very modest :) proper to be happy.


    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • @yoursunny said:

    This is Heltec LoRa 32.
    You'll be disappointed to find that the range isn't 10KM that LoRa supposedly can do.
    I only got them working over about 700 meters.

    But.... but.... it's the UPGRADED VERSION!!111

    Well, let's see how it goes. My backyard doesn't even have 700m, let alone 10km.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @Chievo said: @Not_Oles why do not create a thread and share feedback or advices or trouble questions? May be people could help you to make it grow faster ( the thread) and could be helpful for all of you, the community and for more people. I mean take the learning process to another level. And you know if someone has had a problem and has invested a week to solve it .May be could be possible to avoid such experience for another person. Just saying .

    Hi @Chievo!

    Creating a thread to "share feedback or advices or trouble questions" sounds like a great idea! Thank you!

    Coming 🔜 -- The MetalVPS Labs Server Tech Thread! :)

    Best wishes from New York City and the Sonoran Desert! 🗽🇺🇸🇲🇽🏜


    @Not_Oles a/k/a Tomo

    Thanked by (1)Chievo

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • XenicXenic OG
    edited November 2021
    • Description:
      I want to build a huge mass storage (With RAID as well), because it would be cool to have something like this, I'm using so much space since a year (and bandwith as well) it's really fierce.

    • Budget:
      Round about 200€ should be fine i guess for a small "mass storage"

    I will probably buy a VPS Server as well, i need a new one to replace my old NAT VPS Servers in NA (🇺🇸 USA).

    Thanked by (2)Chievo Not_Oles
  • @Not_Oles said:

    Hi @Chievo!

    Creating a thread to "share feedback or advices or trouble questions" sounds like a great idea! Thank you!

    Coming 🔜 -- The MetalVPS Labs Server Tech Thread! :)

    Best wishes from New York City and the Sonoran Desert! 🗽🇺🇸🇲🇽🏜


    @Not_Oles a/k/a Tomo

    Yes for sure many people would find it extremely interesting ;)

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles

    I believe in good luck. Harder that I work ,luckier i get.

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @Xenic said: huge mass storage

    @Xenic said: so much space since a year (and bandwith as well)

    Hi @Xenic! Maybe you want to give your readers an idea of how much? Best wishes and kindest regards! :)

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • @Not_Oles said:

    Hi @Xenic! Maybe you want to give your readers an idea of how much? Best wishes and kindest regards! :)

    Heya @Not_Oles, 2 HDDs are in minum planned, I'm thinking to buy around 4 currently and expand then later when I've more money.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    Ah! Sold out! :(

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • freerangecloudfreerangecloud Hosting ProviderOG

    @Not_Oles said:
    * Description

    Somebody has an AS number, a couple of extra IPs, a very well connected router, and a bare metal server or two. Willing to let me have access to everything and to teach me about networking. Possible additional topics including sh and C and most anything else computer related. Willing to answer lots of questions.

    Not for heavy use other than learning, although I might stay on as a long term, very low bandwidth command line terminal user of one server. I might run an email MTA (100 handwritten emails a month) and a very lightweight website.

    I like ECC memory, but, beyond that, and the network connection, server specs and server location are not important.

    Okay for others to have access to all the equipment I am using for learning. For possible long term use of one bare metal server, I might need it to be private.

    • Budget

    Subject to discussion, perhaps as much as US$500.00 setup plus up to US$200.00 per month for teaching. Fair fee for possible long term, bare metal server. No long term commitment on either side.

    • Note

    Right now I have a wonderful server colocated with a wonderful provider,! I have no wish to change the present wonderful arrangement! Instead I am looking for something additional.

    @uptime @vyas @Ian_Dot_Tech @InceptionHosting @Hetzner_OL

    We don't have any dedicated servers, but could spin up a resource pool on proxmox if that would be of interest to you? Not sure how well connected very well connected needs to be, we typically only have 1-2 transit's plus an IX at most of our POPs

    Thanked by (2)uptime Not_Oles - VPS, shared hosting, LIR services & more!

  • @freerangecloud said: resource pool on proxmox

    Hi there!

    I'd be interested to know more about that.

    Also wondering if you still offer colo for single-board computers in Fremont?

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles

    HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @freerangecloud said: We don't have any dedicated servers, but could spin up a resource pool on proxmox if that would be of interest to you? Not sure how well connected very well connected needs to be, we typically only have 1-2 transit's plus an IX at most of our POPs


    Thanks for your reply! I am aware of Free Range Cloud's excellent reputation over the years, so I am especially grateful to hear from you. One significant aspect of my interest is learning a little about routers and BGP. You mentioned a resource pool on Proxmox. How would a resource pool on Proxmox help me learn a little about routers and BGP?

    Best wishes and kindest regards,


    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • @Not_Oles said: help me learn a little about routers and BGP

    Tom - have you considered experimenting with DN42 - it should help you go a long way with minimal cost (and I think you already have most of what you need). I'd say it's a great way to get your toes wet and then figure out what next after your initial experiments and learning...

    Irrespective, best wishes on what will no doubt be a very rewarding journey.

    Thanked by (3)Not_Oles yoursunny saibal
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @nullnothere said:


    Yes!!! Another kind gentleman brought DN42 to my attention earlier this evening. I was so amazed! I had zero idea whatsoever that such an elegant thing as DN42 even existed!

    Here's a link I found:

    Julia Evans had a fun post about BGP just after the recent FB incident.

    It looks like DN42 might be very helpful!

    You know I'm from New York City, right? So maybe the guys at NYIIX might wanna let me mess with their setup! I've been lucky to visit over there, and it was a lot of fun!

    Thanks again so much!

    Thanked by (1)nullnothere

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • 1TB HDD + 200gb SSD
    10gbit network (unmetered)
    8gb RAM


    Thanked by (1)chocolateshirt
  • freerangecloudfreerangecloud Hosting ProviderOG

    @uptime said:

    Hi there!

    I'd be interested to know more about that.

    Also wondering if you still offer colo for single-board computers in Fremont?

    What we do is provision a limited account on a Proxomx cluster (which has access to create VMs only under it's own profile) and allocate a fixed amount of resources (RAM/Cores/Disk). You can then create an arbitrary number of VMs within the limits of your resource pool, create/destroy them at will etc. Note that it's pretty barebones; we don't currently have templates so you need to upload your own ISOs or LXC templates and work from there.

    Thanked by (1)uptime - VPS, shared hosting, LIR services & more!

  • freerangecloudfreerangecloud Hosting ProviderOG

    @Not_Oles said:


    Thanks for your reply! I am aware of Free Range Cloud's excellent reputation over the years, so I am especially grateful to hear from you. One significant aspect of my interest is learning a little about routers and BGP. You mentioned a resource pool on Proxmox. How would a resource pool on Proxmox help me learn a little about routers and BGP?

    Best wishes and kindest regards,


    You'd be able to create a VM and use it like a router, so basically it would have one interface connected to our uplink (which you would be able to run BGP over, etc) and then another interface you could use to connect to other VMs as a kind of internal network. Obviously this would work best with Linux as a router, but it is possible to get VM images of Junos and other router OS' for experimenting with as well.

    Thanked by (2)uptime Not_Oles - VPS, shared hosting, LIR services & more!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @freerangecloud said:

    You'd be able to create a VM and use it like a router, so basically it would have one interface connected to our uplink (which you would be able to run BGP over, etc) and then another interface you could use to connect to other VMs as a kind of internal network. Obviously this would work best with Linux as a router, but it is possible to get VM images of Junos and other router OS' for experimenting with as well.

    Hi again @freerangecloud !

    Thanks for your message!

    This all sounds very interesting! I am going to take a careful look at all your offers over the next few days and see about becoming your customer for at least something. Although making a Linux VM into a router seems great educationally, and might even be the very best of all possible places to start, someone with whom I have been talking asked me to find "a real router (cisco, juniper, arista, extreme, mikrotik, ubiquiti) with 10GE interfaces." So I am kinda looking for somebody who has one or more of these router systems plus an extra bare metal server and who also might be willing to let me peek over his shoulder into the router. :) Is there a way Free Range Cloud might offer the expansive point of view which I seek this BF? For example, if you do not normally offer bare metal, could I buy and colo a server with you and also get enough access to a router to see what's happening there?

    I appreciate that the above request might seem like an impossible deal, but "impossible" deals are what BF is about, right? :)

    Best wishes and kindest regards! :)

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • a fairly large (200gb+) (Raid) HDD server with 4 cores, 4gb ram for a fair price

  • A little limited preview of Inception Hostings BF deals:
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    @InceptionHosting said:
    A little limited preview of Inception Hostings BF deals:

    Bold and beautiful artwork!
    (is that the same graphic designer as Clouvider posts)?

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