Multi server monitor tool?

AmadexAmadex Hosting Provider
edited March 2022 in General

Hello, is there any multi server monitor tool that is free?

Something like this:

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  • mikhomikho AdministratorOG

    Zabbix and Grafana

    “Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg

  • +1 on Zabbix.
    Not using Grafana as I don't feel I need a better dashboard then Zabbix give me.

  • m4num4nu Hosting Provider

    I use m/monit for simple stuff, like services and online/offline. And Prometheus+Grafana for more complex metrics and alerts of specific projects. And finally, Uptime Kuma for blackbox monitoring.

    Thanked by (2)Abdullah skorous

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  • rubenruben Hosting Provider

    I use LibreNMS for collecting stats and monitoring servers and services, you can make dashboards but they usually don't look as cool as the dark Grafana ones :)

    Thanked by (1)MannDude

    iFog GmbH - Dedis, Colo; VPSs in DE, NL, UK, US, NO, CH, ES, SG, AU; IXP VMs, RIPE LIR, BGP VMs - Free BGP v6/v4 Tunnels

  • TemasekTechTemasekTech Hosting Provider

    You can try Zabbix is free or paid version Datadog is a cloud base

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  • +1 Zabbix (selfhost)
    Takes some time to learn it, but it's worth of it. - use this link to signup and we both get extra 10GB free.

  • This probe tool should preferably have ssh on the web page and the function of scheduled tasks to run commands in batches. Without these two functions, it is unacceptable to me.

    My virtualized amusement park:

  • @spiritlhl said:
    This probe tool should preferably have ssh on the web page and the function of scheduled tasks to run commands in batches. Without these two functions, it is unacceptable to me.

    Of course, there is the most important login function, whether it is for the foreground or the background.

    My virtualized amusement park:

  • Lovin me some uptime-kuma

    Thanked by (1)risharde
  • @thagoat said:
    Lovin me some uptime-kuma

    I use it as well, simple to get started but I suspect op is looking for something more detailed

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  • MannDudeMannDude Hosting Provider

    LibreNMS works great, based on / is a fork of the Observium project.

    It may not be as visually pleasing as whatever + Grafana but it works and has an active community of development behind it.

    Thanked by (1)Mason

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  • You might have to be a bit more specific about what you are trying to monitor.
    I have a lot of experience in monitoring large environments and I would say that it is very hard to find a single tool that provides a really good overview when it comes to bigger environments. To get something that really suits you, I would recommend that you break it down into realtime monitoring, collecting statistics and visualizing and use the best product in every area and combine them to a complete solution. I have probably tested just about everything out there, and if you want the best of the free stuff I would advise you to look at the following.
    Icinga for live alerts and "is it down right now" stuff. Build it with templates, groups and utilize the provided api and you can get a very close to fully automatic monitoring solution. You could go with Naemon or Nagios here, but Icinga has a few perks that they don't have. For the actual alerts have a look at Pushover, their solution is really good and integrates easily into Icinga/Nagios.
    LibreNMS if you have a big physical network. It will traverse your entire network by just following the arp in every switch, and the builtin intelligence when it comes to layer 2 is really good. It will give you full visibility down to every single switchport in your network with very little maintenance needed once configured and set up properly. You could team it up with Netdisco if you have a very dynamic network and want to be able to easily track down clients in your network.
    Grafana with Influx and Telegraf and/or Prometheus for stuff like resources, system load and general graphs. Grafana will happily use almost any kind of datasource you point it at and create beautiful graphs of it. It works very well with data from Icinga, Nagios or LibreNMS. Or use the ELK stack, it should be just as good, but personally I have always preferred Grafana.

    If you just want a single product I would say Zabbix is your best bet. It may not beat the above mentioned products in their specific area, but it is one of the few solutions that I would say does a decent job in every aspect of monitoring. Not the best at anything, but pretty good at everything.

    Thanked by (2)skorous root
  • mikhomikho AdministratorOG

    Ready to spend money?
    PRTG by Paessler.

    “Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg

  • AmadexAmadex Hosting Provider

    Something like "htop" but web version and multiple servers in the view-point would be nice

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  • I use Hetrixtools uptime monitor (heartbeat version) to get a general sense of usage but it doesn't display anything process-specific.

    Thanked by (1)jason5545
  • @Amadex said:
    Something like "htop" but web version and multiple servers in the view-point would be nice

    You could build that with Grafana. If you don't feel like doing it yourself use something already built, like

  • vpsslimvpsslim Hosting Provider

    Grafana with a custom dashboard will do the trick.

  • AmadexAmadex Hosting Provider

    This looks good, I will google if it supports multiple servers.

    AmadexHosting ForumsWie ist meine IP-Adresse?AS215325
    Forum for System Administrators:

  • +1 for Grafana
    With some external monitoring service (hetrixtools, etc) to send push notification if the self host instance sent down

  • rubenruben Hosting Provider

    @mikho said:
    Ready to spend money?
    PRTG by Paessler.

    And up to 100 Sensors are even for free.

    I used them a looong time ago for some Windows Servers, worked well.

    iFog GmbH - Dedis, Colo; VPSs in DE, NL, UK, US, NO, CH, ES, SG, AU; IXP VMs, RIPE LIR, BGP VMs - Free BGP v6/v4 Tunnels

  • mikhomikho AdministratorOG

    @ruben said:

    And up to 100 Sensors are even for free.

    I used them a looong time ago for some Windows Servers, worked well.

    PRTG is very versatile, too bad it costs an arm, and a leg. and probably part of your family as well.

    “Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg

  • @Sunny said:
    +1 for Grafana
    With some external monitoring service (hetrixtools, etc) to send push notification if the self host instance sent down

    I used hetrixtools for both monitoring and push notifications, any cons?

  • TheDPTheDP OGSenpai

    Is there anyone here that uses

    I did try it out a long time ago but it was just a quick shot at it for a single node.

  • @TheDP said:
    Is there anyone here that uses

    I did try it out a long time ago but it was just a quick shot at it for a single node.

    I haven't used it but it seems that they offer Open source agents on nodes. There are also agents for Kubernetes clusters. Besides, they can also export to Prometheus as an external backend. Look very promising. I will try to use agent + Prometheus as I want to self-host but using their panel should be fine (free)

  • edited March 2022

    @TheDP said:
    Is there anyone here that uses

    I did try it out a long time ago but it was just a quick shot at it for a single node.

    I have just installed netdata agent to all my K8s clusters. Very detailed information on both node-level and pod-level. The network on each node only costs about a few hundred years KB/s (much less than my Prometheus node exporter setup a few MB/s). is free to use with unlimited nodes and the agent is also open source.

    Thanked by (1)TheDP
  • skorousskorous OGSenpai

    Was going to mention BotoX but couldn't find an example. Jus thappened to notice @emperor appears to be using it.

    Thanked by (1)emperor
  • @skorous said: appears to be using it.

    I'm lazy to swap.. but this looks really great and will try it when i have more free time.

    ServerStatus , slackvpn <-- openVPN auto install script for Slackware 15

  • @emperor said:

    I'm lazy to swap.. but this looks really great and will try it when i have more free time.

    My-idlers is not for monitoring, it's simply a database for inventory.

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