Is NordVPN still a good choice?

LeeLee OG
edited March 2022 in General

Just got my renewal notice in for NordVPN. Never really considered anything else. I use it for a couple of things but my usage is not heavy at all.

Just wondering what the views are on the VPN providers. Is NordVPN still a good choice or is there something considered better, maybe there is a good reason not to use NordVPN. Not really a market I keep up with.

Appreciate any views.



  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited March 2022

    I replaced NordVPN for VPN Unlimited/Keepsolid Lifetime sub back in 2017 and haven't looked back. Back then, there was quite a big thread on Reddit about some backdoor spying hidden in NordVPN's client. Couldn't find it with a quick Google Search, but there were several reasons (aside from the sub) why I left back then.

    You could check out Keepsolid VPN (lifetime sub available on Stacksocial) or Windscribe (lots of neat features) as alternatives.

    Thanked by (3)Lee bruh21 chimichurri
  • If it works, why not?

    I am a believer of a saying that, if your IPS cannot spy on you, someone else will surely. So, I'd rather not spend extra to be spied on someone else.

    I am also a believer of a myth that VPN companies are being paid to spy on you, discreetly. A smaller pool to spy on after all. Makes the job easier.

    Thanked by (3)Lee bikegremlin pikachu

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  • havochavoc OGContent WriterSenpai

    I trust ProtonVPN significantly more than any of the others privacy wise and pay them anyway for mail

    ...but I've been having perf issues with them so bit reluctant to recommend (half the time it connects well...200mbps+...but sometimes doesn't work at all)

    @deank said:

    I am also a believer of a myth that VPN companies are being paid to spy on you, discreetly

    One of the "we don't log" vpn providers got caught red-handed logging...forgot which one.

    Not sure about spying as such...but my trust levels on vpn companies is pretty low

    Thanked by (1)Lee
  • deankdeank OG
    edited March 2022

    They kind of have to log if they wish to survive as a company.

    I mean, let's think logically here. If you run a VPN company and advertise as "We don't log!" and really don't log anything at all other than basic info ....
    If one of users creates lots of troubles and your local authority comes after you, you will be fucked if you didn't have any logs. You will be liable.

    Thanked by (2)Lee pikachu

    ♻ Amitz day is October 21.
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  • Probably stick with Nord. I mean the worst offence it gets used for is that the kids use it to get around Netflix and watch US tv.

  • Nord has been really active in advertising from what I can tell.

    At least, they advertise like a PMSing boy on Critical Role.

    ♻ Amitz day is October 21.
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  • I use NordVPN, I have a lot of different ones including lifetime ones from ivacy and vpn unlimited but always end up back at NordVPN.

    My last Nord purchase was via Quidco when they had 100% cashback available, currently 80% cashback but goes to 100% quite often.

    Thanked by (1)Lee
  • MikeAMikeA Hosting ProviderOG

    I've never used NordVPN but still happy with Privateinternetaccess... You can find some good deals, I still have 2-3 years left on mine and paid under $80 or something stacking promos.

    Thanked by (1)Lee
  • MannDudeMannDude Hosting Provider

    Can always just find a decent 128MB or 256MB box and install Wireguard on it.

    Thanked by (1)BlazinDimes

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  • @Ympker said:
    I replaced NordVPN for VPN Unlimited/Keepsolid Lifetime sub back in 2017 and haven't looked back. Back then, there was quite a big thread on Reddit about some backdoor spying hidden in NordVPN's client. Couldn't find it with a quick Google Search, but there were several reasons (aside from the sub) why I left back then.

    You could check out Keepsolid VPN (lifetime sub available on Stacksocial) or Windscribe (lots of neat features) as alternatives.

    Keepsolid and Fastestvpn are both great

    Thanked by (2)Ympker Lee
  • Unless you need top speeds from specific locations, specific routing or geo-unblocking streaming sites, I don't see why you'd need to pay a premium for Nord. Most of the popular providers have decent US and Europe servers. VPNUnlimited and FastestVPN lifetime deals are fine for general use. If you're not getting some sort of killer renewal deal, I'd say try cheaper options first.

    A lot of VPN providers, including Nord, have something like 40-60%(!!!!!) commission rates. Then they pay ad sites tons of money to spam you. What's left for operations and fastest possible servers is near zilch.

    Thanked by (3)Ympker Lee chimichurri
  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer

    I'm using Windscribe - it works fine for what I need which is geoblocking avoidance, auto-redirect avoidance and static IP service, so nothing privacy-related :) - not that I think Windscribe is any worse in terms of privacy compared to most other VPN services.
    (my experience and tests with Windscribe VPN)

    Thanked by (1)Ympker

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
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  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited March 2022

    @Lee if you wanna check my signature you'll find that there are plenty Keepsolid users among the LE* community. Grabbing it for 40$ one-time or even with discount may just be worth a try :) Just no double-vpn or tor over vpn here, if that's what you needed. Other than that, highly performant VPN ;)

    Thanked by (1)Lee
  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    what about using an existing vps with wireguard?

    Thanked by (1)Ympker

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited March 2022

    @cybertech said:
    what about using an existing vps with wireguard?

    I think the reason many people (including me) use a VPN is, among other things, access to various (geo-)locations. Sure, as far as encryption is concerned you can get a 256-512MB RAM VPS and @Nyr script for OVPN/Wireguard and you're good to go. At least for me, using a VPN is mostly for unblocking content, though. Unblocking the likes of Flix can be annoying when your VPS IP gets blacklisted (or already is and you only find out after ordering). It's a hassle to keep switching until smth works. VPN providers, on the other hand, have servers destined to work with various streaming services and ensure they keep working, so you don't have that kinda hassle. That's about my two main reasons for VPN. Others would be for protection on public wifi (can be achieved with a mini vps, too) and some other things like occasionally streaming stuff etc.

    Thanked by (1)cybertech
  • ssh tunnels are enough for me, and even then, it's overkill

    paranoia goes hand in hand with egoism in the sense that you believe things are about you

  • @Ympker said: I think the reason many people (including me) use a VPN is, among other things, access to various (geo-)locations.

    Indeed, I just need a simple solution for this type of activity. Not interested in setting up a VPS with Wireguard, too much effort, far fewer advantages than something like Nord for my use case.

    To be fair to NordVPN, it's always fast, has no connection issues, app for every device, up to 5 connections which means the whole family can use it as needed. It's simple and that is all I want.

    Will check out a couple of the ones listed above and decide. To be honest I will probably renew NordVPN at this stage.

    Thanks all.

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited March 2022

    @Lee said:

    Indeed, I just need a simple solution for this type of activity. Not interested in setting up a VPS with Wireguard, too much effort, far fewer advantages than something like Nord for my use case.

    To be fair to NordVPN, it's always fast, has no connection issues, app for every device, up to 5 connections which means the whole family can use it as needed. It's simple and that is all I want.

    Will check out a couple of the ones listed above and decide. To be honest I will probably renew NordVPN at this stage.

    Thanks all.

    Well, if it's a simple solution you need, Keepsolid got you covered. Also works on all common devices (even has a Linux GUI client) and should check all regular boxes. Then again, if NordVPN works for you and continuing to pay for a yearly sub isn't much of an issue to you NordVPN might just be the more comfortable pick. Keepsolid 5 device limit may also be a bit "annoying" if you share your acc with family members because you can only "remove" one device every 7 days. NordVPN on the other hand does not have add/remove device feature but only counts concurrent connections (similar to Ivacy, FastestVPN and others) iirc making the whole device count thing less of a problem (e.g. if 3 family members wanted to use the VPN on all their phones, laptops, pcs..). Anyway, the verdict is probably that if you are not looking for anything "special" you could probably go with just any established VPN provider (including NordVPN ofc), because most share the "mainstream" features. If your focus was on Double VPN, Tor over VPN (NordVPN), HYDRA (SlickVPN), or "anonymity" (e.g. Mullvad, Perfect Privacy..) that would be a reason to thoroughly consider. This way though, you probably can't go wrong with either known VPN provider. I get that you wanted to check for other options, but at this point (/use case) it probably isn't worth researching much further. If NordVPN has kept you and your family happy just renew the sub and be done with it ;)

    Thanked by (3)bikegremlin Lee Logano
  • AirVPN by far the best. And it does not bombard you with upselling.

  • I use Mullvad because they’re cool and because they don’t require any details for sign and offer a discount for crypto. They also take cash in the post.

  • I don't use a VPN, but if I'd use one I would choose Mullvad.

    Thanked by (1)BarryHercules
  • @Ympker said: I get that you wanted to check for other options, but at this point (/use case) it probably isn't worth researching much further. If NordVPN has kept you and your family happy just renew the sub and be done with it

    Probably this. Take the cost out of it, is there any real reason not to use NordVPN? Doesn't appear to be. Is there anything better? A feature here and there but for my use case not really.

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai

    @Lee said:

    Probably this. Take the cost out of it, is there any real reason not to use NordVPN? Doesn't appear to be. Is there anything better? A feature here and there but for my use case not really.

    Basically the same reasoning which lead me to stick with Keepsolid after cancelling my NordVPN sub back in 2017. Ivacy, FastestVPN and Windscribe lifetime subs are just the result of me being a LTD VPN hoarder. Windscribe has some nice extra features, FastestVPN/Ivacy probably are resellers of PureVPN or otherwhise related. Thus by having a lifetime sub of Keepsolid and Windscribe + 2 subs which are kinda linked to another major VPN provider, that is PureVPN, I am kinda set for the years to come :)

    Getflix SmartDNS and Keepsolid SmartDNS lifetime is are a backup for further unblocking and for DNS in FireTV stick :)

    Thanked by (2)Lee Logano
  • @Ympker said: PureVPN

    I did get an offer from them, 5-year deal for $80 which seemed a decent deal.

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai

    @Lee said:

    I did get an offer from them, 5-year deal for $80 which seemed a decent deal.

    Yeah, they had some kinda "questionable" past, but in the end I was like: Why pay for a sub with them if I can just get Ivacy for lifetime (which is a purevpn reseller) :P Sure, the main brand has some extra features and servers but, eventually, those were adapted by Ivacy, too.

    Thanked by (2)Lee Logano
  • edited March 2022

    If you don't use VPN for things that are really illegal, all the privacy and logs stuff really doesn't matter. Nobody has the time to go through the logs just to catch you for things like torrenting, regional pricing abuse, netflix or things like that.

    All that really matters is things like speed, latency and depending on your usecase, if you get throttled for torrenting or if you can unblock content like netflix. NordVPN is definitely one of the better ones for this.

    If you're cheap, look out for cashback deals on VPNs. They usually go up to 80-100% and sometimes they even pay you to buy their VPN (think I've seen 120% cashback).

    It's also really no surprise that lowendbox wrote 9 shill posts for a single VPN within 4 months. The affiliate money is pretty good for VPNs because they count on people to forget about their recurring payments.

  • LeeLee OG
    edited March 2022

    @Ympker said: You could check out Keepsolid VPN (lifetime sub available on Stacksocial)

    Decided to shake it up, not like me really but it's only a VPN, what can go wrong that would bother me? Nothing. Went for the lifetime on Stacksocial. Seems pretty decent and set up quickly on everyone's devices. Will see how it goes but so far perfectly good and very quick. If I get at least 2 years out of it at that price I will be happy enough.

    Thanks for the guidance.

    Thanked by (2)Logano Ympker
  • edited April 2022

    @Lee said:
    Thanks for the guidance.

    While you're at it, get FastestVPN lifetime for $20. 10 concurrent connections! lol :p

    EDIT: Coupon special2021 makes it $16.60

    Thanked by (2)Ympker chimichurri
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited April 2022

    @Lee said:

    Decided to shake it up, not like me really but it's only a VPN, what can go wrong that would bother me? Nothing. Went for the lifetime on Stacksocial. Seems pretty decent and set up quickly on everyone's devices. Will see how it goes but so far perfectly good and very quick. If I get at least 2 years out of it at that price I will be happy enough.

    Thanks for the guidance.

    Welcome to the Keepsolid club! Seems like I now need to update my spreadsheet with a new LE member :D

    I'm with them since 2017 and they have been founded in 2013 iirc. Odds are that you'll be able to use them way longer than just two years :)

    @Logano said:

    While you're at it, get FastestVPN lifetime for $20. 10 concurrent connections! lol :p

    EDIT: Coupon special2021 makes it $16.60

    Always nice as a backup when the Keepsolid device limit kicks in. At least that's what I mostly use it for. With this VPN I usually just use OVPN configs, though. I remember when I got it at a PayWhatYouWant Bundle on Stacksocial for 3$ish lifetime :P FastestVPN is likely a PureVPN/Ivacy reseller, or otherwhise related, which isn't a bad thing though (Unlike Ivacy and PureVPN, I couldn't prove it yet, though). While it isn't the fastest VPN as the name suggests, I remember some people on the green forums still reaching 200 Mbits with it which is perfectly fine for a lifetime VPN that you can get for 5-20$ usually. Along with that comes the gracious device limit and NAT firewall which is typical for Ivacy and PureVPN. They even have a Flix server (select UDP protocol and look for US Streaming).

    Thanked by (2)Logano Lee
  • @Ympker said:
    Welcome to the Keepsolid club! Seems like I now need to update my spreadsheet with a new LE member :D

    Add me to the club, although I never use it because it is worthless for my specific use case (unblocking Korean streaming services) =)

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
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