@VirMach said:
I still need to get an account on HostLoc, it'd be fun to do something there once we hire some interns. I haven't kept up with all the other places though, what's OGF? I'm not good with acronyms.
Other Green Forum
I guess this one would make more sense on how it was used, depends on where you use it and would explain.
@VirMach said: We will also do this if you spam this thread with your order ID asking for something outside of an activation request, or if you post your ticket ID (unless requested by us.)
This is highly appreciated. Hundreds of "please respond to ticket" posts about something already answered really sucks when you can't then ignore a thread.
@alvaro said: @VirMach can you please cancel my order for Ryzen 2560 (ordered in 03/13/2022)? Invoice #1400293.
I want to order again your Ryzen Special 4096.
Sorry to be rude but:
@VirMach said:
Refunds? Personal Order Status Updates? Management? Look At My Ticket First?
No. No. No. No.
@bdl said: ooh, forgot to ask - do the deals posted in this thread have VM-x/AMD-V enabled?
From the OGF what I remember: some do, some not. You can (almost?) always trick the system by installing gen2 template that enables that and then proceed with desire ISO. Pretty sure VirMach said they should and when everything calms down they will track all those (or ask for a ticket )
@FrankZ said:
If I provider has netboot.xyz I can usually make it work from there, even if netboot.xyz does not offer what I am looking for in specific. So for me it works. I would be curious to hear what others say, as this is a more refined crowd then the OGF.
yeah same that works. but cannot get netboot iso even boot up on the ryzen vm , I have SanJose location.
Are you on RYZE.SJC-Z008.VMS? VPS is broken for me there too, no ISO and the Debian templates don't work, also shows I have 1GB of bandwidth. Not that I need more than 1GB for idling, but it would be nice to have a little more. I guess I'll just wait, I know VirMach is busy.
@bdl said: do the deals posted in this thread have VM-x/AMD-V enabled?
VirMach has stated previously that all Ryzen servers would have VM-x/AMD-V enabled.
From previous experience I have found that if you install the ALMA8 template from the billing panel then cpu pass-thru and VM-x/AMD-V becomes enabled. After doing this you can then install from your favorite ISO in SolusVM.
@FrankZ said:
If I provider has netboot.xyz I can usually make it work from there, even if netboot.xyz does not offer what I am looking for in specific. So for me it works. I would be curious to hear what others say, as this is a more refined crowd then the OGF.
yeah same that works. but cannot get netboot iso even boot up on the ryzen vm , I have SanJose location.
Are you on RYZE.SJC-Z008.VMS? VPS is broken for me there too, no ISO and the Debian templates don't work, also shows I have 1GB of bandwidth. Not that I need more than 1GB for idling, but it would be nice to have a little more. I guess I'll just wait, I know VirMach is busy.
There's two services on this node, both appear to be working. Bandwidth, I do see yours as 1GB. I'll see what's up with that.
(edit) Oh I remember now, it's an old bug they never fixed with the module.
@bdl said: do the deals posted in this thread have VM-x/AMD-V enabled?
VirMach has stated previously that all Ryzen servers would have VM-x/AMD-V enabled.
From previous experience I have found that if you install the ALMA8 template from the billing panel then cpu pass-thru and VM-x/AMD-V becomes enabled. After doing this you can then install from your favorite ISO in SolusVM.
@bdl said: ooh, forgot to ask - do the deals posted in this thread have VM-x/AMD-V enabled?
From the OGF what I remember: some do, some not. You can (almost?) always trick the system by installing gen2 template that enables that and then proceed with desire ISO. Pretty sure VirMach said they should and when everything calms down they will track all those (or ask for a ticket )
I was faster than both of you but for some reason I screwed up on the part that mattered, clicking post comment.
(edit) I still don't even know what happened, it's just fully gone.
@VirMach said:
There's two services on this node, both appear to be working. Bandwidth, I do see yours as 1GB. I'll see what's up with that.
(edit) Oh I remember now, it's an old bug they never fixed with the module.
My bad, looks like the Debian 11 template doesn't work, but the Debian 10 template does. Adding netboot.xyz would still be appreciated, looks like there isn't any ISO in Solus. Thank you for the quick response!
IKR, it'll be idling for the next 2 years but I'm glad to know it'll be a premium idler. Still sad about the lack of 10GPS, I'll miss bursting my backups on my old Virmach VPS in CC An absolutely fantastic deal regardless!
Huh, that's weird, I've had people on LET tell me I should consider going on OGF and I thought it may be this one with all the "OG" tags.
I guess this one would make more sense on how it was used, depends on where you use it and would explain.
OG means "Old Guy", the one who joined LES in its early stage
食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.
Which indicates you can't join MJJs?
You have to be born to be one?
I do have an account there... but don't know what to post.
食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.
By "you" I mean people in general, not necessarily whom I was talking to.
This is highly appreciated. Hundreds of "please respond to ticket" posts about something already answered really sucks when you can't then ignore a thread.
I'm waiting for LA
Which are the two DCs in Dallas and is assignment between them random? INAP has three (from memory).
@VirMach can you please cancel my order for Ryzen 2560 (ordered in 03/13/2022)? Invoice #1400293.
I want to order again your Ryzen Special 4096.
awwwww yeahhhhhhhhh
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Infomart and Carrier1.
It'll be Infomart first and then leftover Carrier1.
Sorry to be rude but:
Holy crap I just took a look at the @VirMach thread on the OGF - wow, dude has the patience of a saint
ooh, forgot to ask - do the deals posted in this thread have VM-x/AMD-V enabled?
Hi,less crowded here.I'm wondering Is the buffalo migrating thing still going on,cus I really tired of all the captcha and connection failure!
all stand up!
From the OGF what I remember: some do, some not. You can (almost?) always trick the system by installing gen2 template that enables that and then proceed with desire ISO. Pretty sure VirMach said they should and when everything calms down they will track all those (or ask for a ticket
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Are you on RYZE.SJC-Z008.VMS? VPS is broken for me there too, no ISO and the Debian templates don't work, also shows I have 1GB of bandwidth. Not that I need more than 1GB for idling, but it would be nice to have a little more. I guess I'll just wait, I know VirMach is busy.
VirMach has stated previously that all Ryzen servers would have VM-x/AMD-V enabled.
From previous experience I have found that if you install the ALMA8 template from the billing panel then cpu pass-thru and VM-x/AMD-V becomes enabled. After doing this you can then install from your favorite ISO in SolusVM.
EDIT: @jab - you fast man.
There's two services on this node, both appear to be working. Bandwidth, I do see yours as 1GB. I'll see what's up with that.
(edit) Oh I remember now, it's an old bug they never fixed with the module.
I was faster than both of you but for some reason I screwed up on the part that mattered, clicking post comment.
(edit) I still don't even know what happened, it's just fully gone.
Virmach yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas welcome to the real LOW END SPIRIT
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
@VirMach please include Test IP & Looking Glass Locations for the Tokyo Server, I looked for it and didn't find it on the virmach member page https://billing.virmach.com/index.php?rp=/knowledgebase/11/Test-IP-and-Looking-Glass-Locations.html
My bad, looks like the Debian 11 template doesn't work, but the Debian 10 template does. Adding netboot.xyz would still be appreciated, looks like there isn't any ISO in Solus. Thank you for the quick response!

Also just for fun since I'm on an empty node, here's an absolutely insane YABS:
which location?
also try again with almalinux8 template?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
San Jose, and just for you:
thanks amazing IO there, cannot believe there's no RAID
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
@fluttershy - That is crazy good for $35 a year!
IKR, it'll be idling for the next 2 years but I'm glad to know it'll be a premium idler. Still sad about the lack of 10GPS, I'll miss bursting my backups on my old Virmach VPS in CC
An absolutely fantastic deal regardless!
nice offers!
just come from let.