Not sure what node I'm on, but Debian 11 template didn't work, said no cdrom or something like that. Debian 10 worked so I installed that and upgraded manually.
Disk and network on the vps are extremely fast. Nice!
ubuntu 18,20 do not work for 768mb ryzen from template, error on boot is illegal filesystem, not even netboot as I guess it need 1GB+ only option of ubuntu for 768MB VM is 16.04 then upgrade to 18.04->20.04 when you boot it
I had to clean up the database a little bit so I can activate these Tokyo services more quickly.
@willie said:
Not sure what node I'm on, but Debian 11 template didn't work, said no cdrom or something like that. Debian 10 worked so I installed that and upgraded manually.
Disk and network on the vps are extremely fast. Nice!
I'll double check these reports of no Debian 11. Maybe I left it out on accident on some syncs.
@reb0rn said:
ubuntu 18,20 do not work for 768mb ryzen from template, error on boot is illegal filesystem, not even netboot as I guess it need 1GB+ only option of ubuntu for 768MB VM is 16.04 then upgrade to 18.04->20.04 when you boot it
@VirMach I tried to open the solusvm control panel, after clicking the reinstall menu, I haven't found any templates (Node RYZE.SJC-Z003.VMS)
and please Test IP & Looking Glass Locations for the Tokyo Server
I want to try to ping from my country. because there are only 2 good servers pinging from my country (LA, San Jose) I want to try a ping test for Japan
For San Jose, I already have a VPS with you, LA is waiting for Ready from my 3GB Migration Special package
@vgood said: @VirMach I tried to open the solusvm control panel, after clicking the reinstall menu, I haven't found any templates (Node RYZE.SJC-Z003.VMS)
and please Test IP & Looking Glass Locations for the Tokyo Server
I want to try to ping from my country. because there are only 2 good servers pinging from my country (LA, San Jose) I want to try a ping test for Japan
For San Jose, I already have a VPS with you, LA is waiting for Ready from my 3GB Migration Special package
LG is on the list, just delayed.
What plan do you have? This is dependent on the plan.
@VirMach yes i saw it in client menu, and i am patiently waiting for LA, so no problem
can you please provide the Tokyo IP for the ping test? if ping is good from my country maybe i will plan to order again for Tokyo
LG is on the list, just delayed.
What plan do you have? This is dependent on the plan.
what happened, client area down?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
one child registration policy
Welcome! ! !
My virtualized amusement park:
I saw that there was a maintenance notice
Not sure what node I'm on, but Debian 11 template didn't work, said no cdrom or something like that. Debian 10 worked so I installed that and upgraded manually.
Disk and network on the vps are extremely fast. Nice!
ubuntu 18,20 do not work for 768mb ryzen from template, error on boot is illegal filesystem, not even netboot as I guess it need 1GB+ only option of ubuntu for 768MB VM is 16.04 then upgrade to 18.04->20.04 when you boot it
I just want to migrate from the awful ColoCrossing Buffalo to Japan.
Any Tokyo yabs?
I feel like I'm the only person who liked Buffalo, the network improved a lot and routing was OK to the EU and west coast.
i like buffalo
just not colocrossing
and lack of IPv6
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
The reason I skipped the network test is that Send is unusually slow and seems like it's not working properly (also geekbench?)
I had to clean up the database a little bit so I can activate these Tokyo services more quickly.
I'll double check these reports of no Debian 11. Maybe I left it out on accident on some syncs.
Exact name please?
Hello, please help me with it
Invoice 1413533
您的訂單編號為: 4538982206
Thank you!
@VirMach I tried to open the solusvm control panel, after clicking the reinstall menu, I haven't found any templates (Node RYZE.SJC-Z003.VMS)

and please Test IP & Looking Glass Locations for the Tokyo Server
I want to try to ping from my country. because there are only 2 good servers pinging from my country (LA, San Jose) I want to try a ping test for Japan
For San Jose, I already have a VPS with you, LA is waiting for Ready from my 3GB Migration Special package
Hello, please get jiggy with it
LG is on the list, just delayed.
What plan do you have? This is dependent on the plan.
It acts like……3 cpus=1 cpu at Tokyo node 039

@VirMach yes i saw it in client menu, and i am patiently waiting for LA, so no problem
can you please provide the Tokyo IP for the ping test? if ping is good from my country maybe i will plan to order again for Tokyo
Can you PM Me too, pleaes :-)
blog | exploring visually |
Billing still down, for me at least.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
PM me too please.
I'd also appreciate it if possible!
Me 3
Quote your order number so it can be cancelled
English please
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
'ej SoHvaD ja'chuqtaHvIS,
nArgheb tIquvmoH. yej'a' 'ej QujmeH ghaH, qa'Daj je.
Edit: Not quite the stage yet where Jay would shout "Cleanup in Aisle 5"
blog | exploring visually |
Hello,Hello, current status is: Pending, can you help me?
Thank you.
Hello, yes i can. Next step is post-pending.