Get free NAT VPS:
1. Make a free account
2. Make container, make sure to make it private and "blank", with either ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04
3. Go into container settings, make it invite-only and readonly for invites unless you want to actually share it
4. Enable always on
5. Forward ports if needed
6. Start container with the terminal icon, run passwd and set a new password
7. Go into settings again to check ssh port
8. Connect and enojy!
by default they add a broken repo to the ubuntu 16.04 image (possibly also the 18.04 image, didn't test), you can safely remove it by removing /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudfoundry-cli.list
Can i use any other template (stack) provided?
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This is better than I thought, it looks like an AWS
VM just without a public IP. Must be expensive to provide, but I assume it's VC money somewhere.systemd-detect-virt: docker
This is a nice, polished service. Would be brill in the classroom!
It seems that even if it is KVM based, it is not possible to change the OS by yourself. IPv6 connectivity is not available either.
Thanks! Got one just setup.
Not sure how the uptime became 15 days since I just created an account and this container a few minutes ago. Maybe they pre-spin up a few containers and clear out files then assign them out to accounts?
@parasquid 30GB of RAM? On a free NAT VPS?
it's free to set one up and @szymonp gave really good instructions so you can confirm (I'm probably doing something wrong)
Also I'm not sure if this technically qualifies as a NAT VPS since it looks like there's an IPv4 assigned to the machine (the ssh instructions ask me to ssh directly via IPv4 on the usual port 22)
Docker, shows the Host Memory.
Always On is apparently a premium feature now.
It's not liking my email and tells me to "Click the [Verify] button to authenticate your email" when I click on the sign-up button and then tells me "Please enter your email correctly". I've tried different browsers, so I'm not sure what's happening.
VPS providers to check out:
Welcome to $7 heaven.
What does that mean?
VPS providers to check out:
What do you think it means?
I mean I dipped out for a while, and maybe they bumped it up a $1 and I missed the memo. Regardless, welcome.
If I knew I would not ask... smh
VPS providers to check out:
Rules are rules.
Rule #1 - don't ask any questions ever...
VPS providers to check out:
It is important to ask questions. That's what separates us from [other] animals.
But some questions, are really hard to answer.
And their answers lie hidden within the realms of the parametaphysical.
One such example is the existence of a hypercube.
Who made it, what does it, how can i profit from it?
- Nobody knows. Not even science people.
Schooled mathematicians, freerange pysicists, philosofers and prostitutes, all ponder upon the idea of some sort of [an] odd cube.
Anyhow, the $7 rule, is the LowEnd rule, meaning top quality services with prices within the range of $0-7/month.