Freedom Sale! ๐ฎ๐ณ Limited Specials Restocked | WebHorizon

I've put together some offers quickly.
1) Sunday Special LE community plan
Sunday treat last February, restocked, this plan includes -
32 x units available. KVM Virtualization,
Test network IPv4 - Test IPv6 - 2a03:cfc0:803f:0713::1
Includes additional features -
1 dedicated IPv4 & /64 IPv6 2 remote backups / restores per month, Full CPU passthrough, OS templates - Debain , Ubuntu, Centos, Almalinux, Rockylinux etc. option to upload any custom ISO.
Price - $38 / YEAR ~ $3.2 per month - Order Link
2) VPS - NAT256 (Poland, France, Germany)
4GB SSD Disk
1 vCPU (Fair Use)
/80 IPv6 + 20 IPv4 ports
500GB transfer @ 1Gbps; then unlimited at reduced speed$7 USD $3.99 / year use coupon Independence22
Order in Poland, EU ==16 available==
Order in Paris, France, EU ==40 available==
Order in Germany, EU ==25 available==
Payment Methods
PayPal payments (USD)
Credit / Debit Cards via Stripe (USD)
Cryptocurrencies BTC / BCH / XMR / LTC etc. (USD currency)
Credit / Debit Cards via Stripe (INR)
NetBanking/Cards/UPI/EMI via Razorpay (INR)
All promotions are recurring, valid until stock lasts.
Hi @Abdullah
Where in Central Europe? Thanks!
Recommended providers: BuyVM - MXroute - LunaNode - Forpsi - IntoVPS
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Poland ๐ต๐ฑ ๐ต๐ฑ
@Abdullah is it possible to change routing on PL VPS?
It is possible if something is wrong or if it can be improved.
We can also announce your ipv4/6
Can you offer more than 1gbit (even burstable) on this plan?
YABS for LE Sunday Special from a full host node.
do you offer port 25 access if I make a ticket? that or do you offer some form of smtp relay?
Port 25 should be open by default
Problem with slow speed on evening and strange routing to my ISP. Slow speed on evening was on old and new routing. I'm added some examples to compare mtr from others provider with Poland location that work ok on evening.
my ISP AS6697
direct connecting to my ISP from PL (that i did know about)
cogentco AS174
telia AS1299
Level3 AS3356
Couple month before routing was
now evening ping 80-100, at day time ~35-50
example of routing Vultr Poland to my ISP
example of routing G-Core Lab Poland to my ISP
I have damn nice connectivity to this place.
Added a semi-annual billing option for the payment flexibility
Order Link
Get two of those ^_^
I'll PM you.
Is there a fair use requirement for the $40/yr Ryzen5 systems? If so, can you share what it is?
Fair usage applies to cpu,
20% dedicated , 100% burstable.
I got the Sunday special!
Oh, noicce.
hope you put it to good use.
We added another special to stock, the 'LET Twentyfour Special VZ'
This uses a different network setup from Hybula.
Looking glass is coming up soon, by then.
Test IPv4 -
Test IPv6 - 2a01:4f8:191:fd00::2
Order Link
You've slowly turned out to be one of my favorite providers
I placed the order but had issue with the currency difference and it wont let me pay. I've opened a ticket! #8854739
Team push-ups!
And boom just like that @Abdullah replied to the ticket and took care of it. blazing fasttttttt
Team push-ups!
I intend to be real premium one day ๐
It's a long way, one step at a time.
Adding live chat helpdesk soon.
I think you have everything it takes! Best wishes! You have one permanent fan now
Team push-ups!