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Member, OG


  • I wouldn't be interested because of raid 5
  • see also: (Quote) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SATA_Express
  • For the sake of this discussion ssd and nvme only differ in the way they connect to the system: sas/sata vs pci. This means if you are not reaching the limits of sata you won't see the difference.
  • (Quote) all your queries are belong to
  • absolutely not, bots just brute force ip addresses, so eventually it will be indexed by search engines
  • If you do not need files to be able to diverge later, then yes it would work - relatively straightforward, see above. Otherwise you need some pro dedup tool (or filesystem).
  • I also want to point out that if CDN didn't serve a request from cache it actually made it worse for that request because it leads to two requests instead of one, which increase amount of round trips establishing tcp sessions before any content is s…
  • CF free offering is hard to beat simply because it's free. It isn't actually a killer offering by itself. For instance, they do not cache everything for you, I have no proof, but I strongly suspect they serve free tier from cache on a best effort ba…
  • Main storage box set up with snapshots sitting in private network pulls, usually with rsync over ssh, from all the public stuff. That way it is vulnerable pretty much only to fire, which you can solve by uploading selected files, encrypted of cours…
  • (Quote) I almost always look for KVM because I pay yearly and I don't know in advance what I will be using it for. Maybe I will need it maybe I won't. Just imagine debugging a script which works fine on your computer, but not on your customer's ser…
    in KVM vs OpenVZ 7 Comment by comi May 2020
  • (Quote) subscribed!
  • (Quote) let's not get carried away, SMR is not "inapropriate tech" not mentioning anywhere a drive is using SMR is inapropriate EDIT: sorry, now I know the word "to submarine" exists Someone else posted, not sure here or somewh…
  • (Quote) Superior to what? Superior to 4TB of ext4 and luks volumes? As far as I know not really, because disk controller doesn't care what filesystem claimed to be it's real estate. The story is different with SSDs where OS actually tells disk cont…
  • Well basics of BGP are brutally simple. Add list of subnet you have inside your AS, add peer; do the same on the other side. That's freaking it. That of course is a lie that creates false sense of security. I would suggest researching BGP filterin…
  • (Quote) yep, everything that wants different ports is just fine - just install and let through firewall everything that wants 80/443 is traditionally solved by "virtual hosts" - every major webserver software like nginx supports them or y…
  • (Quote) I know, but it looks like the worst case scenario didn't happen with aquisition, and they still are the best. That being said I don't know, maybe it simply hasn't been discovered that they use SMR. And of course everything can change in an i…
  • * experiments * proxys * DMZ storage * demonstrating products - so I can get paid before deploying to client's servers.
  • HGST stands tall... I guess...
  • (Quote) LOL =] Sometimes I am cool under pressure, such "like a boss" I envy myself how cool I am. Sometimes I overreact to silly things and can't sleep even if I realise the issue is not worth it. I mean why focus on whether anyone over…
    in Free support Comment by comi April 2020
  • (Quote) we all shouldn't do a lot of things that we do such are humans what a silly design
    in Free support Comment by comi April 2020
  • Hi @gwndilshan1989 ! Please Please Please Please Please don't take offence from comments on this thread and mine. It's just everyone seem to feel there is something wrong with your offer. I have thought about this before so if you'd just let me shar…
    in Free support Comment by comi April 2020
  • (Quote) period ;-) @gwndilshan1989 "UNIX & Linux System Administration Handbook" This is IMO the book. It has had many editions over the years. But as with any book in a fast changing field it's already old when it's printed. So I su…
  • (Quote) Sorry, my bad, you can just as well terminate everything at haproxy, and setup the forward header. But everything behind haproxy need to read the header. If it can't you need to apply some jutsu for transparency. So yeah, basically what @Ne…
  • @AlwaysSkint okay, got you. I believe you need nginx here - much more natural to terminate all https on nginx and forward to whatevs. Things that are not http/s can be just dnatted since you don't need load balancing or smth I suppose.
  • (Quote) Okay, so I misunderstood, I assumed the header must come from somewhere before it hits haproxy. (Quote) Why not use destination nat with default ports? Are there multiple instances of same service? Can you use haproxy in http mode?
  • If I understand your setup correctly, haproxy has nothing to do with this. Haproxy just forwards tcp packet and everything within. If http inside tcp contains x-forward family header it will be there after haproxy forwards it. It means it is webmin…
  • (Quote) Well at the time I had stupid assumption that it's just like RAM but slower and cheaper, L2ARC must be an extension of ARC, right? right? But it simply isn't, good thing I had enough RAM already and the ssd I wanted to use for it was a lefto…
  • When I wanted something like this I just went to local distributor, bought all the components, connected the wires and put it on a shelf. The thing wasn't even a "box" because it didn't even have a case, just components lying on a shelf. I…
  • (Quote) I care! I don't use bookmarks, because I use Ctrl+L and start typing ta.. and browser autocompletes the url and I hit Enter and it all together is faster then finding and clicking a bookmark, plus no hassle over transferring bookmarks betwe…
  • @nullroute have you tried blocking by referer header?
  • (Quote) It is not so much technology is maturing as it is general public's understanding of the technology. Until the Internet stack is rewritten, which I very much hope will happen at some point, and to a degree is happening now, the best kind of r…
  • (Quote) But it isn't. Surely they use term "decentralised" a lot, but what they actually have decentralised is just harddrives, which is the simplest part of any storage subsystem. Everything else in their network seems pretty centralized,…
  • @Mr_Tom, since search results go directly to the user, there is another cheap hack you can utilise. You can pick backend that supports "streaming", meaning it should start giving away results as it finds matches, not when the query is comp…
  • (Quote) That escalated quickly. (Quote) Always. If sensible option exists. (Quote) That's a cool idea! But if you do that you will need to throw multi-gigabyte-of-ram server at it as 8 times the rows will eat ram 8 times faster. And you better mak…
  • (Quote) you are not wrong, but: * it will satisfy a lot of usecases * it is 0.5s without database and all involved hassle * it is 0.5s without optimisations like query caching As you said yourself it is not possible to index by substrings in the m…