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Member, Hosting Provider


  • Done with the auto-recharge feature. And deployed a new server for PhotoPrism only, since that's pretty CPU-intensive. Up next is the filtering/app tags.
  • (Quote) Literally my other todo for the day. 😄 I'll add category tags first to find photo, wiki, monitoring, etc apps quickly. And a tag for popular apps, as you say. Roughly this UI of on/off tags: (Image)
  • Thanks for testing and sharing your thoughts, everyone! 🙌🤗 (Quote) Would be best to allow adding one's own email service. I think Bookstack keeps it in some config/env file. Will make sure this is accessible and persistent. (Quote) Planning to add…
  • Finished implementing the payment system with some adjustments based on the feedback I got: There is now a pre-paid option with credits and optional auto recharges. All feedback still welcome. 😀 Will move on to updating a few apps now.
  • (Quote) I test updates before updating all pods. So there will be a few days of delay between the announcement and your pod running on the new version. It’s not automatic and likely won’t be in the future. On the upside you get better stability comp…
  • (Quote) Already planned. And tags to filter.
  • (Quote) Yes, it’s only $20 since a few weeks and we’ll switch to live payments in a few days. If you still want more credits for testing, PM me your account email and I’ll add the difference for you.
  • (Quote) Every pod is separate, even if they belong to the same customer. This allows for easy migrations and using specialized hardware for some apps. Like high-storage, high-CPU, etc.
  • (Quote) Good idea. Vuetify even got a OTP field since I implemented this. Will add one or the other. (Quote) Stripe charges $0.25 fixed fee. I'll probably do pre-paid only with optional automatic top-ups of (which makes it similar to post-paid). Mi…
  • (Quote) First thing I did. 😄 For now backups are at the server-level, but we're looking to add this as add-on and make on-demand snapshots and restores available at the pod level. More here.
  • (Quote) Not resolving as of now. In detail, we check if dig cname is mapped to the pod domain and dig caa is empty or includes sectigo.com $ dig status.la***.xyz +short$ (Quote) Not a big PayPal fan. Will try without at first. Maybe add it a bit l…
  • (Quote) Is this for the apex/root domain ***.xyz? I don't think this works yet since the standard doesn't allow adding a CNAME for the apex.
  • (Quote) Yes, they have. Been testing with ipv6.google.com from the start. Maybe it got lost on the way, so will reconfirm it's still there.
  • (Quote) Seems to resolve as of now. I could probably improve my DNS implementation by bypassing the recursive resolver. That would make it faster. Currently it's cached locally until the result expires.
  • (Quote) This feature to select a primary card is now added. I have also limited risky (= run custom code) apps to users with a payment method added. Hopefully this helps to keep such apps available, while keeping crypto miners out.
  • (Quote) Just implemented a notification for cases where the CNAME isn't pointed to your Pod domain any more or the CAA prevents certificates from being issues. Without this, the SSL proxy will keep trying to get a certificate and eventually hit a ra…
  • (Quote) If you use Cloudflare, please disable the proxy feature. Else we can't check the CNAME record is still valid and will disable it automatically. This is because too many orphaned domains can cause rate limiting issue with the CA. There shoul…
  • (Quote) Will see what can be done. Usually I just let the CSS framework deal with this and just set high level stuff like col widths at different screen sizes.
  • (Quote) Thanks for sharing! Looks like some of the text was too long, preventing a proper line break, which caused the logo to cause a responsive issue. This is now fixed.
  • (Quote) Those look all fine. Added them to the feedback tracker: https://feedback.pikapods.com/ (Quote) Such things often depend on the upstream image and I'm trying to have a solid default workflow for now. Then add more exotic setup processes.
  • (Quote) Didn’t consider the case of deploying apps “on the go” until now. Will review responsive setup again to make sure it’s all smooth. Console setup is only needed for very few apps. Will look into automating this more with default values. (Quo…
  • (Quote) Thanks for sharing. I think it's pretty different from PikaPod's value proposition in that I target end users who want to replace personal services, like Google Photos, Dropbox, bookmarks, document management, etc. These guys target business…
  • (Quote) Hard questions. Many Russians already left the country, especially more liberal IT workers. So I wouldn’t say everyone supports it. Rest depends on the details. Can’t answer that really.
  • (Quote) That users of my service are generally not supporters of Putin or his war, so not selecting based on country unless legally required.
  • Thanks for the thorough test, @Ironia! Much appreciated. Will have the TOS and GDPR stuff updated by the end of the day. Regarding payment methods, there is already a feature to set one as "primary", but it's not fully enabled in the UI …
  • (Quote) Just add any Stripe testing card linked on the billing page and the limit will increase to 10 pods. And let me know how billing works 😄
  • Not just drives: * ZeroSSL and others are no longer signing .ru domains. LE still does, I think, * Russian guy emailed me to check if there are plans to kick Russians out. * On Transferwise’s (UK fintech) Twitter page you regularly see startups/bu…
  • AWS Lightsail has good uptime for me. Inception as well (they run the forum here, right?). Currently trying Netcup and it’s been good so far. Hetzner Cloud is also pretty good from what I saw. Linode seems good too. Managing a client’s server there …
  • (Quote) Will try to add some regions after the beta. Already have a server lined up in the US and could use Leaseweb in SG.
  • (Quote) Yes, definitely looking at adding Grafana+Prometheus. Already have it running internally.
  • (Quote) Common question: I had to pick some first step that works for most apps. That was 10 GB. Note that storage is only about $5/TB, so 10 GB is only a few cents more. Since I don’t charge for storing the Docker image or database, it seemed fair …
  • Finished integrating the first batch of multi-container apps, which was my final larger mile stone. HIghlights: * Paperless: index and categorize your paper documents * Rocket.Chat: chat app, similar to Slack * Wiki.js: simple wiki page for documen…
  • There could be demand for a service built on top a CDN that converts video files into different formats and provides snippets for embedding. Like Netlify does for static websites.
  • I use m/monit for simple stuff, like services and online/offline. And Prometheus+Grafana for more complex metrics and alerts of specific projects. And finally, Uptime Kuma for blackbox monitoring.
  • Good idea! How about adding socks or http proxy to the offering? Then it can be used from the browser only and won’t redirect 100% of the traffic. Also easier to set up.
  • (Quote) BookStack was one of the first apps I added. 😄 But had some issues integrating the container image. Just had another look and it seems to work much better with a new image (by the good folks from linuxserver.io). Let me know if you find any…
  • (Quote) Added the apps you requested, as well as PrivatePin for hosting code snippets and Smokeping for latency monitoring. 💪
  • (Quote) I was planning on giving some free welcome credit, but no free tier. With your beta tester credit you can run Uptime Kuma and Ghost for maybe 2 year for free. BTW: I'm also a paying customer of WebHorizon. The circle closes. 😄
  • (Quote) Apps have minimum resource requirements. For Uptime Kuma and most apps that's pretty low, for PhotoPrism or NextCloud it's higher. Those will be selected when adding a new Pod and you can't go below that. Else the app would crash from low me…
  • I'm happy if someone is stress-testing the service and helping me learn about bottlenecks and bugs without the stress of real money. So feel free to use your welcome credit any way and for as long as you like. No way to reserve a subdomain yet, jus…