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  • (Quote) Please don’t get me started on support jobs. :) While there is a slight chance that you pick up tech skills, the high stress environment does something to you, and either you become stuck in your career (only more so because companies view …
  • (Quote) To be honest I started it, though I remain firm in what I said and it may better serve OP to pick up aforementioned skills so they can find better jobs, instead of scraping the bottom of the barrel.
  • (Quote) Add http://0x0.st/ to that list. They might even be running this project.
  • AWS r6g.medium, 30GB gp2 disk, us-west-2. No iperf tests, because AWS bandwidth is expensive :smile: # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Yet-Another-Bench-Script ## v2022-06-11 …
  • (Quote) I agree, @LetMeBeSad is a repeat offender too.
  • Greencloud 4th of July special - $47/2y: # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Yet-Another-Bench-Script ## v2022-06-11 ## https://github.com/masonr/yet-another-bench…
  • (Quote) Might as well learn some dev skills in C/Python/Go, learn a bit of Docker, Ansible/Puppet and some networking and OS fundamentals. The best-in-class jobs for the skillset that you're looking to develop - which would be SRE jobs - actually re…
  • A few things: * Please be open to taking different kinds of work - being "choosy" about the kind of work doesn't favor anyone. You're giving the impression to potential employers that you don't like challenging yourself and learning new s…
  • Ah shit, here we go again.
  • What do you intend to do with these servers? That's what I'd ask myself if I were in your shoes. If you're just lacking time for sysadmin tasks, I suggest you write ansible playbooks and have them deploy/update your stuff automatically.
    in Idling VPS Comment by pikachu June 2022
  • (Quote) Apart from what @chimichurri already said, Docker is also a thing, and the big three clouds also allow you to upload a container and have X instances of it running, which doesn't make the skills you mentioned all that relevant. However, I ag…
  • (Quote) X4B maybe?
  • (Quote) This is for the first three months only, right? Is there a way to not pay up $35/mo as I won’t be using up all those 50,000 emails?
  • And thanks for your presence on LES!
  • The recommended way to get help with these things is to provide a jsfiddle with a minimal example of the issue described.
  • (Quote) These are two separate concepts though. "Asymmetric" is used to refer to public-private key based encryption, whereas "one way" is used to refer to refer to the property of functions (such as hash functions) where it's ea…
  • (Quote) Password hashing isn't encryption. Password hashing is a one way process that only makes it possible to verify whether the user provided password equals the hashed one on the server, whereas encryption is supposed to make the original data r…
  • @bikegremlin you’re thinking about one time passwords/verification codes sent via email or SMS. This is something different, where the browser manages keys for you to log into each website and because of how asymmetric crypto works, you don’t need t…
  • (Quote) Haha, thanks for the laugh :lol: You could also try compressed air, as suggested in the documentation, but I wasn't sure if compressed air would exacerbate the problem by blowing the dust away to other hard-to-reach areas of the keyboard.
  • (Quote) You can turn the laptop upright and tap the bottom of the laptop to remove dust. Recently my Macbook's shift key was acting up and I fixed it that way.
  • (Quote) It is. Sadly, webauthn is being pushed with really shaky justifications about how passwords can be stolen from servers and how passwords can be phished. If everything is already in a password manager, you aren't really thinking about passwor…
  • Racknerd "Black Friday 2021" $14.88, Dallas, TX: # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Yet-Another-Bench-Script ## v2022-05-06 ## https://github.com/masonr…
  • Would you mind commenting on these recent involucrations @hosthatch? I've always been a happy customer, but I think it's getting out of hand these days and a statement about what's the deal with all these incidents would go a long way.
  • (Quote) Don't really have one. Since this is an experiment of sorts where I'm dealing with far more important things, I'd just really stick my app somewhere and have it run without the hassle. I do better understand the reasons for the pricing now,…
  • Thanks for the recommendations folks, but this was what I feared - most hosts seem to be selling their shared hosting packages at nearly the same price range as a VPS, and I really wonder why. Honestly, I was hoping to save a bit by moving my proje…
  • (Quote) The big cloud providers use their unutilized capacity this way, any time a server isn't being used, it can be put up as a spot/preemptible instance which can be utilized by an external customer, or the internal FaaS customer. Digitalocean do…
  • (Quote) So much for Vultr's PMS a few months ago about how Akamai would destroy Linode by raising their prices and getting rid of customers, and yet here we are...