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  • Tapes actually do still exists and are maybe not widely used but not so uncommon as one might think. When you get into government/military or big financial some of them actually demand data to be stored on tape for some certification reasons or what…
  • What are the prices for renewal? And what provider is this?
  • Been testing for a while now, and everything seems to work perfectly. Good performance, the templates work, network is fast. I have some packet loss between some of my vps's in the states and this one, but I have not figured out which side its on so…
  • Just tried it out and it seems to run great, awesome performance and great network. Just a minor thing, not really related to the new location but anyway. In your panel when I list my vps's, it would make more sense to list the hostname in bold le…
  • (Quote) But low end hosting has never been an industry that requires support. I personally is not moving anywhere, I left the hosting business years ago. My post was an open question to the community as I am simply curious about how providers will r…
  • (Quote) Not sure who you are replying to here? CentOS is free and who has said anything about Windows?
  • (Quote) I don't think the diskspace is what bothers most providers, but maintaining templates for multiple os's means more work. I feel like the majority of providers here have templates for Debian, CentOS and Ubuntu, and that's about it. You rarely…
  • (Quote) [...] (Quote) This is the kind of answers I was hoping for. Like you, I've tried both and find it hard to pinpoint any direct differences that would make me go one way or another. Technically, there are very few differences. Different suppo…
  • (Quote) Has anyone claimed otherwise? I am sure I have not, I defended them in several threads here as they had no obligation to keep anything running once the bills were due. But having a clause that allows a provider to offer customers a way out i…
  • (Quote) Of course. Any seller is at any time allowed to make an offer to anybody they want, that's called free market. But that is not what we meant. What I was referring to was more of a direct communication with the actual customers. As the provid…
  • (Quote) > (Quote) This might actually not be a terrible idea. I might not word it as "take clients", but a clause that says that in the case of insolvency, emergency or whatever, the reseller holds the right to make all clients an offe…
  • I really think no one can question that @jarland has gone above and beyond his duty in this matter, credit where credit is due. Simply clicking the "thanks" on his post doesn't really feel like enough so for whatever it's worth, thank you …
  • LibreNMS is a totally awesome piece of software. I manage an installation that monitors a big network of layer 2 switches. It has full monitoring and alerting on every single port (something like 60k ports). It also monitors cpu, temperature, memory…
  • (Quote) Please explain how? Grafana is a visualization tool, it cant even do the most basic monitoring without help. You would need something like Telegraf or node-exporter, or some kind of custom solution that feeds a Prometheus, Influx or similar …
  • Nagios or Icinga could certainly do it, but the learning curve is steep. Uptime Kuma would probably have you up and running in minutes but I think you will have to do some custom api calls to get the exact functionality you want. I think things lik…
  • (Quote) I can do all of that and more with Icinga or Nagios, but thanks.
  • (Quote) I think you missunderstod me somewhere. I've been running Nagios since it was called Netsaint, some of my installations are 16 node gearman setups with six figures hosts checks. I do not need docker to run Nagios. :smile:
  • (Quote) That is actually pretty clever, cant understand why I have never thought of this. :smile: I use Icinga for similar functionality but I always put the call for Icinga inside the script that cron executes. It gives a little more flexibility s…
  • Something like Nagios, Icinga or CheckMK would give you an arsenal of tools, but the learning curve is quite steep. If you simply want to monitor websites with as little effort as possible, I think changedetection.io mentioned above looks like a wi…
  • (Quote) That's one of the things I like about letting Icinga handle the alerting. I can get the notifications via mail, sms, pushover, on a website, on the tv in the noc, it can call the office receptionist or even blink the lights in the office. Or…
  • (Quote) It depends on what the jobs actually do. To just monitor logs can be a bit hazardous, what if the job stops and does not output any logs? Are you monitoring for that as well? I have cron jobs that actually monitor other cron jobs. In some s…