What do you think of InterWorx's future?
After the cPanel price hike InterWorx & DirectAdmin caught the attention of hosting companies & general users as closest possible alternatives to cPanel. DA are working very hard to live upto expectations & by not only improving their control panel but also making it as newbie friendly as possible. But what do you think of InterWorx's future now that it is owned by LiquidWeb & backed up by HostDime & others?
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If I remenber correctly Interworx was bought by LiquidWeb, so the future with them is unclear.
They can continue to develop the product for the general public or in the future they could turn it to a company only product.
Personally I would bet more on DirectAdmin.
Don't know about LW but when I used Interworx years ago it did look promising, everything worked great, but cPanel was the obvious choice then. I'm glad they updated the UI, the old one was pretty bad. I think DirectAdmin will be what most people prefer.
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I will ask the Oracle and let you know about InterWorx's future.
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i tell update u in about 5 years' time
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
I am using DirectAdmin in most of my servers now but do plan to use InterWorx in few of the servers as well. I want DA & IW both to improve & gain more market share so that there is no monopoly in the industry. I hope LiquidWeb will polish IW into a more user friendly control panel with less bugs & more features.