FreeBSD and bhyve
Would there be any interest in a VPS/Cloud Provider that used the bhyve hypervisor on FreeBSD? The LXC offers here are fascinating to us and we know we cannot be the only devs who started out on *nix with FreeBSD 4 on a Pentium III. Does anyone have enough experience with bhyve to tell us about any drawbacks before we go deep into testing?
FreeBSD/bhyve Host with Custom Control Panel
- Would you consider VPS/Cloud services from a provider using the bhyve hypervisor on FreeBSD?16 votes
- Yes.50.00%
- Yes, but only with RYZEN/EPYC/NVMe or other specific feature.6.25%
- Are torrents allowed? Do u have any promos?25.00%
- Maybe.18.75%
- No.0.00%
AMD EPYC powered Performance NVMe VPS - Los Angeles, Dallas, New York, Amsterdam, Singapore | Support | Status
I remember reading about it on a Pentium II, I thought it was long abandoned tbh.
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You thought FreeBSD was long abandoned?
AMD EPYC powered Performance NVMe VPS - Los Angeles, Dallas, New York, Amsterdam, Singapore | Support | Status
It was out in beta LONG before that, I think 10 was just when they included it as standard, I may be misremembering (I am old now) but I am pretty sure I remember trying to get it working on FreeBSD 6
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I suspect that low-end hosting forums aren't the best place to look for such interest.
In my experience on low-end hosting forums, the great majority of people want to run Linux and/or Windows, with a small minority opting for a BSD variant. Nowadays, BSD runs sufficiently well on KVM, so from a low-end BSD user's perspective, the provider's choice of bhyve as the hypervisor wouldn't be so crucial in itself. In the low-end hosting market, price is everything, and so unless a provider using bhyve can compete in price, the choice of bhyve alone wouldn't be sufficient to draw a significant number of (the already small number of) low-end BSD users.
This said, I think that there's a small niche market of diehard FreeBSD users who'd be willing to pay extra for a FreeBSD-savvy provider who uses bhyve as the hypervisor, but such users don't hang out on low-end hosting forums.
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
I think small NAT BSD container/jails would be very interesting, but I dont think you would see much interest in the LE market beyond that.
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Hell yeah, I would switch my linux NAT vps's for jails in a second!