Google lost domain..and chaos ensues

vyasvyas OG
edited July 2020 in Industry News

Google loses ownership over, users face issues accessing their blogs

Google’s is currently inaccessible to many users in India. People who post on the platform are facing issues getting access to their blogs. Many web pages within the Indian domain are inaccessible at the moment. This is because Google has lost control over the URLs

However, blogs are visible when users change the URLs to, but the major issue is that over a million users who have put links with domain on various websites are now broken links.

Blogspot has now been acquired by Domainming.

Link to original article (Note: multiple ads, read in preview mode)
WhoIs confirms it. Looks like domainming are going to get a lot of free PR and traffic!

As many of you may be aware, this is
not for the first time that google has lost a domain! Maybe they should set up google calendar alerts for renewal.
And btw- confirming the above. shows me this:


On extended break from LES due to selective bias of mods
blog | exploring visually |

Thanked by (2)MichaelCee vimalware


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