Looking for Domain Registrar with free email hosting
Hello I'm looking for recommendations for a domain registrar.
I already use namesilo (good prices and nice privacy setting without extra payment) but for this domain I need a registrar that provides an email account (imap and smtp required) on the same price of the domain email forwarding will not make it.
So far the only registrar I have found is ovh. Could anybody share their experiences with them or with another provider that passes the requirements.
I know this is not the answer you are looking for, but If I were you I would get my domain from the cheapest provider possible, and get a separate email subscription like https://hostedtalk.net/t/mxroute-hosted-email-promo-50gb-storage-25-year-unlimited-accounts/5154
Or just get a cheap cP/DA hosting for $few/year and use it to receive emails and use SES to send ($0.1/1K sent)
OVH and Gandi do this. I have experience with both of them and I can’t say I’m too fond about this.
Anyway, if email is very important to you, you could always just order a small hosting plan @SmallWeb or maybe even free hosting with @seriesn to make sure you’ll receive mails. Maybe @jarland still has a sweet MXroute promo?
And if you want it to be at one company, you might also want to look at hosting providers that give you a free domain.
I'm looking for a phone company that provides free ice cream, and an electricity company that will give free shoes.
Not really the same it's a somewhat rationale request but there just better options if it's split up. I use a different registrar, dns, email, shared web host, and vps provider. Keeps things untied and flexible but many prefer it all under one roof
Thanks for the mention fam
Hiya boss,
Why not use Zoho for email hosting? Totally free
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Zoho is free for 5 accounts, but web only now. Inbox dot eu is what I would recommend also
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Gandi comes to mind. They are reliable and cover lots of TLDs.
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If you're trying to save money, another possibility is Yandex, which apparently allows up to 1000 email accounts on one's domain. Here's a relevant YouTube video:
(I use Yandex but I use their ordinary email service with an @yandex.com address.)
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
Bad analogy. Domain and domain mailbox are related, and some register do provide free mail hosting. OP's requirment are fair.
Action and Reaction in history
I use the free mail service included with my gandi.net domains. gandi works fine, never had a problem with them in more then 9 years (just looked that up, wow!) but of course it is only a free addon to your domain. I can totally recommend them.
mxroute is of course also very much recommended!
My domain registrar offers complimentary shared hosting and email. Including the free domains. But I use mxroute and zoho. Learnt early on from the best (ie worst) providers GD and HG .. to keep them separate
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+1 for separate domain registrars and email providers. I'm using Namecheap for my domains and Smallweb for my emails, since I needed web hosting too. For $3/yr. it's been perfect for my needs (I keep a tidy inbox and send very little email).
Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.
This also seems to be a godd choice, althoigh I personally never tried before.
$0.2/mo/GB and $0.1/1K outbound, first 5K sent and 1GB is free as long as you use more than $3/mo
I'm looking for a cheap and simple solution for a couple of small projects. Since they're not mine, I'm looking for something also easy for the owners of those projects.
Before you begin with your comment's they're teachers and the budget is tight.
Tight budget is good quality. What is the number in quantity? That would give a starting point...also location and how many accounts per domain
Porkbun in offers 3 months email at no cost for new domain reg.
My domain registrar offers complimentary email/ shared hosting for the duration of
Inbox offers 25 GB per account per year for $3.
Zoho: free With domain. Disrupt and ecloud offer free nextcloud based ( rain loop?) 5 GB
At $15 / year you can consider MXRoute resellers
There are options aplenty .
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https://indyadot.com , 2 free emails w 100mb space.
Will be better if u mention how much space/accounts u need