@willie said:
For a North American offer it is amazing: does anyone know the server location? Their site says Canada in several places, but doesn't say where the DC is. Anyone have a test IP?
Montreal, Quebec. Company based in Saint-Laurent. Test IP:
@willie said:
That 5 minute limit is pretty constrictive and IME with the Virmach deals of the past few BF's, the cores are relatively slow. But they are still excellent deals. I haven't bought any this year but resisted temptation for a few, and missed a few that I'd have jumped on.
this is fine if you buy it to keep it idle, but its very bad if you plan to put it in production
anyway, being from europe, i dont get the excitement about virmach, maybe its just me, they are on a shitty network, the prices are small for sure, now i see this cpu stuff, i wouldnt touch them
People like to look at price only. At least Virmach is a decent host although for the same price you can find other hosts with slightly lower specs but actually better performance overall.
My small VirMach idlers (mostly just for VPN) have been very stable, probably because they have such strict processes in place for abusers. Consequently, I don't use them for anything remotely CPU-intensive.
You would have been nuts not to have gone for that $4/yr 1GB, though, if their billing site hadn't crashed and burned under the load.
tgl said: this is fine if you buy it to keep it idle, but its very bad if you plan to put it in production
For what it's worth, I have two VirMach VPSes from last year's Black Friday sales that I just renewed for another year:
$74.85/year: 4 vcores at 3GHz, 10 GB RAM, 120 GB SSD, 4000 GB monthly transfer on 10 Gb/s network
$39.69/year: 4 vcores at 3GHz, 8 GB RAM, 60 GB SSD, 3000 GB monthly transfer on 10 Gb/s network
Both use E5-2690 v2 processors, and both are in Buffalo.
I'm using the one with 10 GB RAM as a Jenkins build server and a Prometheus/Grafana server for monitoring: Scraping metrics from Netdata once per minute from ~10 other VPSes, and tracking ping times every minute. Working fine for me and I haven't had any issues. The only thing I dislike is that it's on ColoCrossing's network and does not have native IPv6, so I have to use HE.NET IPv6 tunnels. Oh well.
tgl said: this is fine if you buy it to keep it idle, but its very bad if you plan to put it in production
For what it's worth, I have two VirMach VPSes from last year's Black Friday sales that I just renewed for another year:
$74.85/year: 4 vcores at 3GHz, 10 GB RAM, 120 GB SSD, 4000 GB monthly transfer on 10 Gb/s network
$39.69/year: 4 vcores at 3GHz, 8 GB RAM, 60 GB SSD, 3000 GB monthly transfer on 10 Gb/s network
Both use E5-2690 v2 processors, and both are in Buffalo.
I'm using the one with 10 GB RAM as a Jenkins build server and a Prometheus/Grafana server for monitoring: Scraping metrics from Netdata once per minute from ~10 other VPSes, and tracking ping times every minute. Working fine for me and I haven't had any issues. The only thing I dislike is that it's on ColoCrossing's network and does not have native IPv6, so I have to use HE.NET IPv6 tunnels. Oh well.
The cores and RAM on paper is overkill, although the price is nice. I guess if the price is right and your job is done, the rest does not matter.
For now I'll just summarize my assessment from last couple years in a few of their USA locations: solid systems, great uptime, modest specs, okay-ish network (depending on what you need it for - it is colocrossing after all) ... Also reasonable to deal with in terms of support.
So all things considered I've been pleasantly surprised. I'm guessing that the CPU limits (etc) are actually fine for some medium-load webserver duty (such as this forum) - but probably less so for more sustained usage patterns such as transcoding.
tl;dr: could be a good option for many but not all lowend applications - and proven to be worthy of consideration (in my own limited experience at least).
I didn't know Virmach's paper limits were that restrictive. I have no need for LA /Buffalo as well.
Now let's take a moment to appreciate @liteserver 's model cpu clauses. It just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling, even with a single core.
5.1 Client agrees not to run any processes on his or her VPS which use the equivalent of 50% or more of all available CPU capacity for an extended period of time. As an example, a VPS with four (4) cores assigned may not use more then two (2) full CPU cores for an extended period of time. An exception on this are VPSes with one (1) CPU core assigned – these may use all available CPU capacity. An extended period of time will generally mean two (2) hours, but will depend upon the CPU load and level of impact on other clients sharing the physical server. Disruptive CPU usage may result in a reboot, shutdown, and/or suspension of the VPS regardless of the time lapse involved.
poisson said: The cores and RAM on paper is overkill, although the price is nice
Yeah. I figure, if the RAM allocation is so large, there's likely fewer users on the node, which could result in better performance. I wasn't sure how much RAM Prometheus would use... Turns out I'm not even using 4 GB out of the 10 GB. I was going to consolidate everything onto the cheaper VPS but haven't had time to, so just renewed everything for another year and figure I'll sort it out next year some time.
It's not the cheapest any more, but my favourite for sustained CPU usage is BuyVM. $15/month gives you 4 GB RAM, 80 GB SSD, unmetered transfer and dedicated CPU usage - You can use 100% CPU constantly and it's no problem. I've got a whole heap of stuff (including several LXC containers) on my BuyVM slice.
It's not the cheapest any more, but my favourite for sustained CPU usage is BuyVM. $15/month gives you 4 GB RAM, 80 GB SSD, unmetered transfer and dedicated CPU usage - You can use 100% CPU constantly and it's no problem. I've got a whole heap of stuff (including several LXC containers) on my BuyVM slice.
Weren't you also bitching about paying $15/yr for a KVM service with a dedicated IP?
WSS said: Weren't you also bitching about paying $15/yr for a KVM service with a dedicated IP?
No, I was saying that I don't need a $15/year VPS when a $3/year NAT VPS does basically what I need for that particular project. I got five NAT VPSes for the same price. I can deal with OpenVZ's bugs and limitations in that case. I needed a bunch of small VPSes in various parts of the world and OpenVZ NAT VPSes worked well for that use case.
@Daniel said:
my favourite for sustained CPU usage is BuyVM. $15/month gives you 4 GB RAM, 80 GB SSD, unmetered transfer and dedicated CPU usage - You can use 100% CPU constantly and it's no problem. I've got a whole heap of stuff (including several LXC containers) on my BuyVM slice.
Let me introduce you to my little friend, the 21 euro 8 core Hetzner 4770k.?
I run ffmpeg jobs in lxc too.
I wasn't sure how much RAM Prometheus would use... Turns out I'm not even using 4 GB out of the 10 GB.
Thanks for this. I've been postponing this for 2years.
Even ignoring transcoding, I occasionally want to do something that uses a few hours of cpu. There are around 750 hours in a month so if my box is burning cpu for 7.5 hours and idle the rest of the time, I'm at 1% average cpu load, and that really is about what my usage is like. I like to wish LES hosts could be ok with that.
another great deal was friday from @terrahost who posted here first the coupons, i was looking for a vps in Norway myself, but who got a dedi should be very happy with the offer
@tgl said:
another great deal was friday from @terrahost who posted here first the coupons, i was looking for a vps in Norway myself, but who got a dedi should be very happy with the offer
Yeah, I don't think I saw a Norwegian VPS on sale?
@tgl said:
another great deal was friday from @terrahost who posted here first the coupons, i was looking for a vps in Norway myself, but who got a dedi should be very happy with the offer
Yeah, I don't think I saw a Norwegian VPS on sale?
yes, there is one from hosthatch in Oslo over @LET
Montreal, Quebec. Company based in Saint-Laurent. Test IP:
Source: https://servarica.com/faq/
People like to look at price only. At least Virmach is a decent host although for the same price you can find other hosts with slightly lower specs but actually better performance overall.
Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow
My small VirMach idlers (mostly just for VPN) have been very stable, probably because they have such strict processes in place for abusers. Consequently, I don't use them for anything remotely CPU-intensive.
You would have been nuts not to have gone for that $4/yr 1GB, though, if their billing site hadn't crashed and burned under the load.
For what it's worth, I have two VirMach VPSes from last year's Black Friday sales that I just renewed for another year:
Both use E5-2690 v2 processors, and both are in Buffalo.
I'm using the one with 10 GB RAM as a Jenkins build server and a Prometheus/Grafana server for monitoring: Scraping metrics from Netdata once per minute from ~10 other VPSes, and tracking ping times every minute. Working fine for me and I haven't had any issues. The only thing I dislike is that it's on ColoCrossing's network and does not have native IPv6, so I have to use HE.NET IPv6 tunnels. Oh well.
Daniel15 | https://d.sb/. List of all my VPSes: https://d.sb/servers
dnstools.ws - DNS lookups, pings, and traceroutes from 30 locations worldwide.
The cores and RAM on paper is overkill, although the price is nice. I guess if the price is right and your job is done, the rest does not matter.
Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow
@tgl - I think there may be enough to say about virmach to warrant a thread unto itself
EDIT: started a new thread to continue discussion about VirMach - https://talk.lowendspirit.com/discussion/226/virmach/p1
For now I'll just summarize my assessment from last couple years in a few of their USA locations: solid systems, great uptime, modest specs, okay-ish network (depending on what you need it for - it is colocrossing after all) ... Also reasonable to deal with in terms of support.
So all things considered I've been pleasantly surprised. I'm guessing that the CPU limits (etc) are actually fine for some medium-load webserver duty (such as this forum) - but probably less so for more sustained usage patterns such as transcoding.
tl;dr: could be a good option for many but not all lowend applications - and proven to be worthy of consideration (in my own limited experience at least).
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
I didn't know Virmach's paper limits were that restrictive. I have no need for LA /Buffalo as well.
Now let's take a moment to appreciate @liteserver 's model cpu clauses. It just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling, even with a single core.
5.1 Client agrees not to run any processes on his or her VPS which use the equivalent of 50% or more of all available CPU capacity for an extended period of time. As an example, a VPS with four (4) cores assigned may not use more then two (2) full CPU cores for an extended period of time. An exception on this are VPSes with one (1) CPU core assigned – these may use all available CPU capacity. An extended period of time will generally mean two (2) hours, but will depend upon the CPU load and level of impact on other clients sharing the physical server. Disruptive CPU usage may result in a reboot, shutdown, and/or suspension of the VPS regardless of the time lapse involved.
Fair enough.
@nyr naranjatech seems to be colo-Ed with liteserver/serverius
There's also a 15/yr 1GB kvm for CM, if this sells out
Yeah. I figure, if the RAM allocation is so large, there's likely fewer users on the node, which could result in better performance. I wasn't sure how much RAM Prometheus would use... Turns out I'm not even using 4 GB out of the 10 GB. I was going to consolidate everything onto the cheaper VPS but haven't had time to, so just renewed everything for another year and figure I'll sort it out next year some time.
It's not the cheapest any more, but my favourite for sustained CPU usage is BuyVM. $15/month gives you 4 GB RAM, 80 GB SSD, unmetered transfer and dedicated CPU usage - You can use 100% CPU constantly and it's no problem. I've got a whole heap of stuff (including several LXC containers) on my BuyVM slice.
Daniel15 | https://d.sb/. List of all my VPSes: https://d.sb/servers
dnstools.ws - DNS lookups, pings, and traceroutes from 30 locations worldwide.
Weren't you also bitching about paying $15/yr for a KVM service with a dedicated IP?
Asking for a friend.
My pronouns are like/subscribe.
No, I was saying that I don't need a $15/year VPS when a $3/year NAT VPS does basically what I need for that particular project. I got five NAT VPSes for the same price. I can deal with OpenVZ's bugs and limitations in that case. I needed a bunch of small VPSes in various parts of the world and OpenVZ NAT VPSes worked well for that use case.
Daniel15 | https://d.sb/. List of all my VPSes: https://d.sb/servers
dnstools.ws - DNS lookups, pings, and traceroutes from 30 locations worldwide.
Let me introduce you to my little friend, the 21 euro 8 core Hetzner 4770k.?
I run ffmpeg jobs in lxc too.
Thanks for this. I've been postponing this for 2years.
Even ignoring transcoding, I occasionally want to do something that uses a few hours of cpu. There are around 750 hours in a month so if my box is burning cpu for 7.5 hours and idle the rest of the time, I'm at 1% average cpu load, and that really is about what my usage is like. I like to wish LES hosts could be ok with that.
In other news, I was reviewing my best of VPS inventory.
A 2015 ( Singapore launch ) Leaseweb 4core KVM ( 70% discount ) is still running fabulous. 0 cpu steal when I burn all cores doing make -j4.
It's $7/mo now after all the 3% hikes. Keeping it.
Virmach had explained that the AUP is there to deter abusers is all.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
another great deal was friday from @terrahost who posted here first the coupons, i was looking for a vps in Norway myself, but who got a dedi should be very happy with the offer
Yeah, I don't think I saw a Norwegian VPS on sale?
yes, there is one from hosthatch in Oslo over @LET
I'll LET it go, then (I haven't logged in there in quite a while now, and I don't miss it) ...

(Already spent all my pennies this BF/CM ...)