Inception Hosting - CYBER MONDAY - let the madness begin - 19 different offers. [UPDATED]

edited December 2020 in Offers

the sale is over

UK SSD Cached KVM - London - sold out

RAM GB Disk GB CPU Cores Transfer IP4 IP6 DDOS Free DA Pirce Link

UK NVMe SSD KVM - London

RAM GB Disk GB CPU Cores Transfer IP4 IP6 DDOS Free DA Pirce Link
0.5 10 1 1000 1 /64 Yes Yes €12 /year Link
1 30 2 1000 1 /64 Yes Yes €7.50 /6 mo Link
2 60 2 2000 1 /64 Yes Yes €15 /6 mo Link
3 80 2 3000 1 /64 Yes Yes €22.50 /6 mo Link
4 100 2 4000 1 /64 Yes Yes €30 /6 mo Link
8 120 2 5000 1 /64 Yes Yes €60 /6 mo Link

UK Storage KVM - London

RAM GB Disk GB CPU Cores Transfer IP4 IP6 DDOS Pirce Link
0.5 200 1 1000 out 1 yes yes 13 /Year Link

USA SSD Cached KVM - Phoenix Arizona USA

(Double Disk or extra IP)

RAM GB Disk GB CPU Cores Transfer IP4 IP6 Price Link
0.5 20 4 500 1 No €10 /year Link
1 40 4 1000 1 No €15 /year Link
1.5 60 4 1500 1 No €20 /year Link
2 80 4 2000 1 No €30 /year Link
4 160 4 3000 1 No €60 /year Link

With Phoenix as a bonus you can choose between an extra IP or double disk space, just pop a ticket in after payment with your choice, it will be actioned within 24 hours, I suggest waiting for the upgrade confirmation before installing if you want extra disk space!


  • They last as long as they last
  • No you can't upgrade a current package, as always you can cancel and order a new one though
  • Torrent abuse reports = termination
  • No bulk mailing at all
  • No Tor
  • No ordering from behind VPN's/Proxies unless you are willing to provide ID.
  • Personal or business use VPN etc is fine
  • PayPal subscriptions are currently disabled due to the volume of people who forget to cancel them and blame the host.
  • Orders from Brazil and China are currently not accepted.

Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.



  • Thanked by (1)bdl

    This space intentionally left blank

  • pricing for uk ssd-cached 2G and 3G seems to be off by 5€ , shows 30 & 40 in cart...

  • @Falzo said:
    pricing for uk ssd-cached 2G and 3G seems to be off by 5€ , shows 30 & 40 in cart...

    oopsie, fixed.

    Thanked by (1)Falzo
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • Damn! Had to renew my annual before 30th Nov. :'(
    Great deals.

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • Might upgrade my old OVZ plan! What sort of utilization is acceptable over 4 cores? Obviously not dedicated/100%, but also checking that it is not 4 cores with average 1% utilization expected.

  • I'm on mobile, the formating has left the chat.

  • @tetech said:
    Might upgrade my old OVZ plan! What sort of utilization is acceptable over 4 cores? Obviously not dedicated/100%, but also checking that it is not 4 cores with average 1% utilization expected.

    Don't be a dick policy is applicable, I am sure.
    As long as you aren't being a nuisance on the node and affecting your neighbors, it should be alright :smile:

  • for UK SSD Cached 6Gb and 8gb there is no change in price
    please fix it

  • @AnthonySmith NAT, 256 MB Bundle please.. a gentle reminder.

  • "UK Storage KVM - London" - Is bandwidth 500GB outbound as it says in the order form or 1TB? Maybe I should have gone further with the order to see the total?

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited November 2020

    @plastik said:
    "UK Storage KVM - London" - Is bandwidth 500GB outbound as it says in the order form or 1TB? Maybe I should have gone further with the order to see the total?

    You partly answered your own question. And read the first post.
    In general
    Reading terms of the deal before pulling the trigger is a lost art but very helfpul if practiced.

    Thanked by (1)nullnothere
  • @vyas said:

    You partly answered your own question. And read the first post.
    In general
    Reading terms of the deal before pulling the trigger is a lost art but very helfpul if practiced.

    That was really helpful, thank you so much. I went back and read the first post where it absolutely explains the discrepancy. Sometimes I miss the most obvious things. <3

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    We all > @plastik said:

    That was really helpful, thank you so much. I went back and read the first post where it absolutely explains the discrepancy. Sometimes I miss the most obvious things. <3

    Sometimes, we all do. Glad it worked out for you. Cheers

  • @gks said:
    @AnthonySmith NAT, 256 MB Bundle please.. a gentle reminder.

    Yes, please.

  • Sweet! Grabbed the 3GB 4CPU UK SSD Cached for 35 euros / year.
    Also, who is this guy Pirce you are referring to, Ant ;) ?

    Thanked by (1)InceptionHosting
  • @Freek said: Also, who is this guy Pirce you are referring to, Ant ?


  • Was going to grab a 8GB SSD one, but the price of the SSD Cached one is way more competitive and attractive. Gotta need some time to rethink now...

  • @Mew said:
    Was going to grab a 8GB SSD one, but the price of the SSD Cached one is way more competitive and attractive. Gotta need some time to rethink now...

    Performance wise, SSD is gonna trump an SSD cached box. Every. Single. Time.

    Thanked by (2)Mew cybertech
  • @Mew said:
    Was going to grab a 8GB SSD one, but the price of the SSD Cached one is way more competitive and attractive. Gotta need some time to rethink now...

    Depends on your use case. My use case will probably be some old gameservers. The games itself are from an era in which SSDs didn't exist yet, so SSD cached will be more than sufficient.
    However, if you're planning to run some database intensive apps, I suggest opting for the SSD one.

    Thanked by (1)Mew
  • @tetech said:
    Might upgrade my old OVZ plan! What sort of utilization is acceptable over 4 cores? Obviously not dedicated/100%, but also checking that it is not 4 cores with average 1% utilization expected.

    Number 1 item in the terms:

    1. Server Abuse

    Any attempt to undermine or cause harm to a server or customer of Inception Hosting Limited is strictly prohibited. As our customer you are responsible for all your accounts. Should you violate the Terms of Services outlined within, your account will be cancelled without chance of refund. Excessive CPU use or continued high disk IO R+W requests will be considered server abuse, CPU cores are given on an equal share basis only they are not dedicated cores for your server alone.

    As a general rule as long as you are not impacting others then you will not be restricted however as a guide line we ask that you do not average over 60% of a CPU core/thread for more than 24 hours on average or 100% of a core/thread for more than 1 hour.
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @Fritz said:
    I'm on mobile, the formating has left the chat.

    sorry, when I have caught up I will redo a mobile-friendly version.
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @Mew said:

    Yes, please.

    :o forgot, will sort that today.

    Thanked by (1)Mew
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @Freek said:
    Sweet! Grabbed the 3GB 4CPU UK SSD Cached for 35 euros / year.
    Also, who is this guy Pirce you are referring to, Ant ;) ?

    Well, let's be honest, if I spelt everything right, no one would believe it was me behind this account :)
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @plastik said:

    That was really helpful, thank you so much. I went back and read the first post where it absolutely explains the discrepancy. Sometimes I miss the most obvious things. <3

    I must be going blind, or missing some sarcasm =)

    Anyway, FYI, ordered one and can confirm the service is configured with 1000GB on the meter.

    Thanked by (1)plastik
  • @AnthonySmith said:

    Number 1 item in the terms:

    Thank you. That is good.

  • Order form updates @plastik @cochon to avoid confusion.

    Thanked by (2)cochon vyas
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @AnthonySmith said:
    Order form updates @plastik @cochon to avoid confusion.

    Thanks for the clarification Anthony, adding another Inception VPS to my toolbelt. :)

    Thanked by (1)InceptionHosting
  • Free software along these offers (also storage yearly)?

  • @webcraft said:
    Free software along these offers (also storage yearly)?

    I only offer DA in the UK

    UK storage deal is 512mb ram so you cant run DA on it.

    Thanked by (1)webcraft
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @AnthonySmith

    You may want to double-check the advertised disk sizes above for USA SSD Cached KVM - Phoenix Arizona USA. I assume that these are not yet the double-sized disks. Nevertheless:

    • For KVM1024, the doubled-sized disk is advertised (40 GB as opposed to 20 GB)
    • For KVM1536, the doubled-sized disk is advertised (60 GB as opposed to 30 GB)
    • For KVM2048, the disk size is advertised as 80 GB (as opposed to 45 GB)

    For KVM512 and KVM4096, the advertised disk sizes seem to be correct.

    "A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)

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