[MaxKVM] Network Updates with Christmas and New Year Offers (2020)!

edited December 2020 in Offers

Hello LES!

NAUGHTYLIST is now active for 30% off the entire line of services as well as add-ons (any billing cycle, ends 12/25). =)

You might be happy to hear (if you are one of the people who has requested this feature countless times) that Internal Networking has finally been deployed on our global "cloud" KVM infrastructure. The MaxKVM Internal Network is now online wordwide and all KVMs are able to communicate over the private internal network in each individual datacenter (no matter the host node in the DC).

Since the main internal network spans all datacenters in the USA, all virtual machines in the Los Angeles, Dallas, and/or New York datacenters are able to communicate with each other using Internal IPs (though Amsterdam and Singapore internal networks are limited to their respective DCs).

Please feel welcome to ping/trace to and from Los Angeles, Dallas, and New York internal IPs using one of our Looking Glass pages:

http://lg.lax.maxkvm.net | Internal Test IP:
http://lg.dfw.maxkvm.net | Internal Test IP:
http://lg.nyc.maxkvm.net | Internal Test IP:

While you're there, try out the new "screenshot" and "ttfb" commands. These were useful for us to diagnose geographic network and other technical issues while we configured a new anycast HA cluster for maxkvm.com, so we thought these features might also be helpful to some of you.

Internal Networking is available to all current and new subscribers. Please open a ticket and we will configure your system(s) on the internal network ASAP!

What new feature should we deploy next? Comment or send a PM

Now that all the boring info is out of the way, let's talk about Rampart..



From now until 1/1/21, we will have new promotions every single day that activate automatically every 24 hours. The promotion code is the date and you will need to search through different products with different billing cycles to find the daily discount.

As an example, today's promotional code is 12-18-2020 (for 30% off the SKVM-** on *** billing cycle) and tomorrow's code is 12-19-2020 (but you will need to find the discounted service.) The next day's code will be 12-20-2020, and this will continue until the end of 1/1/21 (PST).

Some of these offers are massive recurring discounts and will be extremely limited. Good luck!

We also have 3 custom KVM plans (including a new 256M plan) to offer along with our existing lineup between now and 1/1/21:


1x CPU 
0.25TB Transfer @ 1Gbps
1x IPv4 & IPv6 /64

$1.50/mo or $18/yr - Add to Cart



2x CPU 
2TB Transfer @ 1Gbps
1x IPv4 & IPv6 /64

$5/mo or $49/yr - Add to Cart



4x CPU 
3TB Transfer @ 1Gbps
1x IPv4 & IPv6 /64

$7/mo or $69/yr - Add to Cart

EDU50 and ADD35 are still valid! Please check on our other promotions!

Looking for a yabs?

SKVM-2G-2CPU in New York, NY:

# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
#              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
#                     v2020-12-07                    #
# https://github.com/masonr/yet-another-bench-script #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #

Fri 18 Dec 2020 06:45:24 PM UTC

Basic System Information:
Processor  : AMD EPYC 7302P 16-Core Processor
CPU cores  : 2 @ 3000.000 MHz
AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
RAM        : 1.9 GiB
Swap       : 1024.0 MiB
Disk       : 48.2 GiB

fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
Read       | 204.51 MB/s  (51.1k) | 1.91 GB/s    (29.8k)
Write      | 205.04 MB/s  (51.2k) | 1.92 GB/s    (30.0k)
Total      | 409.55 MB/s (102.3k) | 3.83 GB/s    (59.9k)
           |                      |
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
Read       | 3.10 GB/s     (6.0k) | 3.31 GB/s     (3.2k)
Write      | 3.27 GB/s     (6.3k) | 3.53 GB/s     (3.4k)
Total      | 6.38 GB/s    (12.4k) | 6.84 GB/s     (6.6k)

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed
                |                           |                 |
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 893 Mbits/sec   | 811 Mbits/sec
Online.net      | Paris, FR (10G)           | 887 Mbits/sec   | 569 Mbits/sec
WorldStream     | The Netherlands (10G)     | 881 Mbits/sec   | 787 Mbits/sec
Biznet          | Jakarta, Indonesia (1G)   | 556 Mbits/sec   | 161 Mbits/sec
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 937 Mbits/sec   | 935 Mbits/sec
Velocity Online | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 280 Mbits/sec   | 839 Mbits/sec
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 904 Mbits/sec   | 656 Mbits/sec
Iveloz Telecom  | Sao Paulo, BR (2G)        | 870 Mbits/sec   | 599 Mbits/sec

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed
                |                           |                 |
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 882 Mbits/sec   | 856 Mbits/sec
Online.net      | Paris, FR (10G)           | 881 Mbits/sec   | 707 Mbits/sec
WorldStream     | The Netherlands (10G)     | 869 Mbits/sec   | 835 Mbits/sec
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 925 Mbits/sec   | 922 Mbits/sec
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 886 Mbits/sec   | 871 Mbits/sec

Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value
Single Core     | 1001
Multi Core      | 1869
Full Test       | https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/5402891

Looking Glass & Speedtest

If you noticed that our site was offline in the past week or so, we have completely migrated away from Cloudflare DNS/Proxy/Caching and replaced it with... Cloudflare (Magic Transit). The maxkvm.com site is now running with triple replication and optimizations for High Availability. Thank you for your patience in the few moments the main website was offline in the past week. We may have over-engineered this project and there were a few bugs to iron out, but everything is running extremely well now. :)

Our current users will report that we are incredibly responsive to support requests and that we monitor our systems very closely. Many have heard from us and have had their system(s) interrupted and/or suspended due to resource abuse. Please understand all the resources in these plans are fair share and although machines can always burst to use 100% of allocated resources, systems detected running with a constant 100% utilization of CPU, Disk I/O, and/or Network could be issued a power cycle, hard shutdown, and/or suspension with or without prior notice depending on the severity of abuse. Communication detailing the reason(s) for interruption will always be sent. These rules and procedures are in place to ensure uptime and performance for all guest systems and host services. More information can be found in our Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy.

Payment Options:
We offer a wide array of payment options for both local (US based) and international customers. PayPal, Bitcoin, Stripe, Alipay, QIWI, SOFORT, Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Banamex, Bancomer, Bancontact, Boleto, DOKU, eNets, EPS, Globe GCash, iDeal, MyBank, Multibanco, Onecard, OXXO, PayU, and Przelewy24 (P24) are all currently accepted.



  • NAUGHTYLIST is very fragrant.

    ADD35 doesn't work with the 256MB plan. Also, Singapore has left the 256MB party.

    Thanked by (1)MaxKVM

    No hostname left!

  • UnixfyUnixfy OG
    edited December 2020

    @MaxKVM said: As an example, today's promotional code is 12-18-2020 (for 30% off the SKVM-** on *** billing cycle) and tomorrow's code is 12-19-2020 (but you will need to find the discounted service.) The next day's code will be 12-20-2020, and this will continue until the end of 1/1/21 (PST).

    This is new and fun. Very nice <3

    EDIT: Do these promocodes only apply to the products listed in this post? Or to all products on your site?

    Thanked by (1)MaxKVM
  • @yoursunny said:
    NAUGHTYLIST is very fragrant.

    Keep an eye on the LES Christmas thread for some yoursunny promos =)

    ADD35 doesn't work with the 256MB plan. Also, Singapore has left the 256MB party.

    Fixed! And Singapore has left all parties until some resources free up or as soon as we can get more systems over there. It'll be back for the NYE party. B)

  • @Unixfy said: Do these promocodes only apply to the products listed in this post? Or to all products on your site?

    The daily codes apply to one (or more) random products from the site and the post :).

  • edited December 2020

    @Unixfy said:

    This is new and fun. Very nice <3

    EDIT: Do these promocodes only apply to the products listed in this post? Or to all products on your site?


    1. Add every product to cart.
    2. Apply coupon, see which product has changed price.
    3. Decide whether you have an available hostname for this product.
    4. Think hard on how you won't idle this product.
    5. Check that you have money in PayPal.
    6. Last chance to stop yourself from ordering a box that you won't use productively.
    7. Delete other products before checkout.
    8. Explain to the wife why there's a new DNS entry on the family domain.

    The billing system treats "location" as an add-on selection, so the location wouldn't matter on coupon applicability. You just need to cover all RAM sizes and billing cycles.

    @MaxKVM said:

    Singapore has left all parties until some resources free up or as soon as we can get more systems over there. It'll be back for the NYE party. B)

    This is exactly why people need to stop collecting idle boxes. Resources are scarce!

    No hostname left!

  • @yoursunny said:


    1. Add every product to cart.
    2. Apply coupon, see which product has changed price.
    3. Decide whether you have an available hostname for this product.
    4. Delete other products before checkout.

    The billing system treats "location" as an add-on selection, so the location wouldn't matter on coupon applicability. You just need to cover all RAM sizes and billing cycles.


    You will need to be quick on some of these. There might be 50,60,70%+ discounts available on some key dates. =)

  • BuT WhAt hApPeNs iF yOu LiVe iN aN aReA tHaT uSeS DD-MM-YYYY?!?! B)

    Thanked by (2)yoursunny MaxKVM
  • @bdl said:
    BuT WhAt hApPeNs iF yOu LiVe iN aN aReA tHaT uSeS DD-MM-YYYY?!?! B)

    Then only 01-01-2021 will work for you. =)

    Thanked by (2)Unixfy bdl
  • Very prem and fragrant.. I love it!

    Thanked by (2)Ganonk MaxKVM

    A simple uptime dashboard using UptimeRobot API https://upy.duo.ovh
    Currently using VPS from BuyVM, GreenCloudVPS, Gullo's, Hetzner, HostHatch, InceptionHosting, LetBox, MaxKVM, MrVM, VirMach.

  • @yoursunny said:


    1. Add every product to cart.
    2. Apply coupon, see which product has changed price.
    3. Decide whether you have an available hostname for this product.
    4. Think hard on how you won't idle this product.
    5. Check that you have money in PayPal.
    6. Last chance to stop yourself from ordering a box that you won't use productively.
    7. Delete other products before checkout.
    8. Explain to the wife why there's a new DNS entry on the family domain.

    The billing system treats "location" as an add-on selection, so the location wouldn't matter on coupon applicability. You just need to cover all RAM sizes and billing cycles.

    This is exactly why people need to stop collecting idle boxes. Resources are scarce!

    Adding all products/plans into the cart will be no help. The total deduction will not tell you from which plan you earn the trophy, just displaying the total number of deduction only.

    Thanked by (1)MaxKVM
  • NeoonNeoon OGSenpai

    @MaxKVM Well, the thing you call "Holiday Discounts" is the same thing, why people still do a BF Sale.
    "256MB KVM for 18$/y" This is LES sir.

    Thanked by (1)MaxKVM
  • @MaxKVM said: And Singapore has left all parties until some resources free up or as soon as we can get more systems over there. It'll be back for the NYE party.

    Bummer! This location's the one I was hoping to grab.

    Thanked by (1)MaxKVM
  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    @maxkvm why do you have all the fun on OGF? We need some drama here too! (not really) ..

    glad to see some fragrant offers. Just need some in
    or YYYY-MMM-DD format next time.

    Thanked by (1)MaxKVM
  • @Neoon said:
    @MaxKVM Well, the thing you call "Holiday Discounts" is the same thing, why people still do a BF Sale.
    "256MB KVM for 18$/y" This is LES sir.

    LES, in a nutshell:

    @vyas said:
    @maxkvm why do you have all the fun on OGF? We need some drama here too! (not really) ..

    Oh my.. the IQ on the OGF is really a sight to behold. "Your promo codes are racist!"

  • NeoonNeoon OGSenpai
    edited December 2020

    @MaxKVM said:

    LES, in a nutshell:

    cmon, at least 0.5GB memory.

    Thanked by (2)chocolateshirt seriesn
  • @Neoon said:

    Please link the offer you think is better than $1.50 for 256M with EPYC (or 1000 GeekBench 5 single core equivalent) with NVMe and IPv4 + IPv6 /64. :)

    It can be a slow 8 year old Intel CPU too - I don't even mind. I might want the offer for more nameservers.

  • NeoonNeoon OGSenpai

    @MaxKVM said:

    Please link the offer you think is better than $1.50 for 256M with EPYC (or 1000 GeekBench 5 single core equivalent) with NVMe and IPv4 + IPv6 /64. :)

    It can be a slow 8 year old Intel CPU too - I don't even mind. I might want the offer for more nameservers.


    You didn't said it can't be your own offer or it needs to be in stock or can't be a limited promo.

    -You cut the storage by 50%
    - You cut the traffic by 50%
    - You cut the Memory by 50%

    For the same price, at least make a LES exclusive for the poor people.

  • @Neoon said:


    You didn't said it can't be your own offer or it needs to be in stock or can't be a limited promo.

    -You cut the storage by 50%
    - You cut the traffic by 50%
    - You cut the Memory by 50%

    For the same price, at least make a LES exclusive for the poor people.

    Lol. The regular price of the SKVM-256M is indeed half the price of the SKVM-512M (or the same price as the 512M on sale for half price). This is still overpriced with half the spec and the full core and IPv4/IPv6. :lol:

    The SKVM-256M might be in one of that daily promos. :)

    Would LES be interested in a 256M with IPv6 only?

  • 2G Monthly

    Thanked by (1)MaxKVM
  • 2G annually too!

    Thanked by (1)MaxKVM
  • edited December 2020

    @MaxKVM said:

    Lol. The regular price of the SKVM-256M is indeed half the price of the SKVM-512M (or the same price as the 512M on sale for half price). This is still overpriced with half the spec and the full core and IPv4/IPv6. :lol:

    Would LES be interested in a 256M with IPv6 only?

    The "full core" is shared. For same amount of usage, the suspension hammer would drop earlier on smaller packages.
    There's no clear policy on how much CPU usage is permitted without getting suspended; Virmach has a clear "33%" policy on this.

    When I had a 512M box, I attempted 30% for an hour (to encode push-ups of course), and didn't get a suspension.
    I suppose 51% would be pushing it.

    Regarding IPv4, it should be like this:

    • 1 IPv4 for SKVM-1G
    • ½ IPv4 for SKVM-512M
    • ¼ IPv4 for SKVM-256M

    To setup ¼ IPv4:

    • Ports under 1024 are controlled by the host node. Port 80 and 443 have reverse proxy into the guest.
    • Ports between 1024 and 49151 are divided. Each guest gets 12032 ports.
    • Dynamic port starting from 49152 are also divided. Each guest gets 4096 ports.

    Fee schedule:

    • Pay $1 setup fee to add a reverse proxy entry.
    • Pay $1 annually to claim a dedicated low port, such as Quote-of-the-Day or FTP.
      TCP, SCTP, UDP, and UDPLite ports are claimed together.

    • Pay $3 annually to claim an ip_proto, such as SIT or GRE.
      TCP, SCTP, UDP, and UDPLite cannot be claimed because they are divided by ports.

    The major difference from NAT services is that, every guest node can see the public IPv4 inside, not a private IP. Programs must ensure they only bind to a port that belongs to this guest, or the packet would be dropped.
    Incoming and outgoing packets after passed without address / port modification. RFC 3514 requires NAT box that modifies packet to set the evil bit, but this setup doesn't modify packet so the packets remain non-evil.

    Additionally, there are fewer neighbors on the same IPv4, so that it's less likely to get the IPv4 blocked.

    Thanked by (1)MaxKVM

    No hostname left!

  • @yoursunny said:

    The "full core" is shared. For same amount of usage, the suspension hammer would drop earlier on smaller packages.
    There's no clear policy on how much CPU usage is permitted without getting suspended; Virmach has a clear "33%" policy on this.

    When I had a 512M box, I attempted 30% for an hour (to encode push-ups of course), and didn't get a suspension.
    I suppose 51% would be pushing it.

    Regarding IPv4, it should be like this:

    • 1 IPv4 for SKVM-1G
    • ½ IPv4 for SKVM-512M
    • ¼ IPv4 for SKVM-256M

    To setup ¼ IPv4:

    • Ports under 1024 are controlled by the host node. Port 80 and 443 have reverse proxy into the guest.
    • Ports between 1024 and 49151 are divided. Each guest gets 12032 ports.
    • Dynamic port starting from 49152 are also divided. Each guest gets 4096 ports.

    Fee schedule:

    • Pay $1 setup fee to add a reverse proxy entry.
    • Pay $1 annually to claim a dedicated low port, such as Quote-of-the-Day or FTP.
      TCP, SCTP, UDP, and UDPLite ports are claimed together.

    • Pay $3 annually to claim an ip_proto, such as SIT or GRE.
      TCP, SCTP, UDP, and UDPLite cannot be claimed because they are divided by ports.

    The major difference from NAT services is that, every guest node can see the public IPv4 inside, not a private IP. Programs must ensure they only bind to a port that belongs to this guest, or the packet would be dropped.
    Incoming and outgoing packets after passed without address / port modification. RFC 3514 requires NAT box that modifies packet to set the evil bit, but this setup doesn't modify packet so the packets remain non-evil.

    Additionally, there are fewer neighbors on the same IPv4, so that it's less likely to get the IPv4 blocked.

    Interesting idea. Do you mind if these ½ and ¼ IPv4 KVMs are nested in a larger KVM?

    Thanked by (1)chocolateshirt
  • @MaxKVM
    if I order now, can I migrate to singapore location when the stock available again?

    Do you have plan to have dedicated core package?

  • @verd said:
    if I order now, can I migrate to singapore location when the stock available again?

    Do you have plan to have dedicated core package?

    Yes, that should be no problem. :)

    And no, there are no plans for dedicated cores.

    Thanked by (2)verd chocolateshirt
  • @MaxKVM said:

    Yes, that should be no problem. :)

    Wait, what?!

    Does this apply for anyone ordering anything under this promo? =)

  • @casadebamburojo said:

    Wait, what?!

    Does this apply for anyone ordering anything under this promo? =)

    Sure. That will be no problem whatsoever. :)

    Did anyone here find the deal(s) for today?

  • @MaxKVM said:

    Sure. That will be no problem whatsoever. :)

    Did anyone here find the deal(s) for today?

    I did ;)

    Thanked by (1)MaxKVM
  • Today deal very prem, similar with the one got on August..

    Thanked by (1)MaxKVM

    A simple uptime dashboard using UptimeRobot API https://upy.duo.ovh
    Currently using VPS from BuyVM, GreenCloudVPS, Gullo's, Hetzner, HostHatch, InceptionHosting, LetBox, MaxKVM, MrVM, VirMach.

  • You gave me a VM for a few months when you first started because I found an issue with the IPv6 version of your website - had no issues at all with that (seemed stable and quick), and having just seen the student discount, think it's all convinced me to sign up for a bigger plan :) Really glad you're still going strong and listening to customer feedback.

    Thanked by (1)MaxKVM
  • @MaxKVM said:
    NAUGHTYLIST is now active for 30% off the entire line of services as well as add-ons (any billing cycle, ends 12/25). =)


    $1.50/mo or $18/yr - Add to Cart

    Hmm, NAUGHTYLIST works on 256MB as well. $12.6/year with IPv4.
    However, even Virmach is no longer recommending 256MB small KVM, so this isn't going to end up well. I must resist.

    We offer a wide array of payment options for both local (US based) and international customers. PayPal, Bitcoin, Stripe, … are all currently accepted.

    Can we pay by kiss currency or push-ups?

    Thanked by (1)MaxKVM

    No hostname left!

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