@AaronSS said:
For anyone looking for somewhere to move to I can offer space on my Hetzner Storage Share for $4.99USD/TB/Month. You get your own subdomain. PM me if your interested.
Nah, I want $4.99 / forever, until Hetzner collapses.
I'm terribly sorry about this but it just wasn't sustainable. It was launched with the goal that people would upgrade if their storage was full but almost nobody did. Then Chia came and harddisk prices almost doubled which eventually killed the entire project.
I lost thousands of euros myself with this so trust me this wasn't done to take away your dollar from you. In fact I got a lot of frustrated responses and many paypal claims from people demanding their dollar back. If you really want that dollar back then just do the same, file a paypal request for it and I will honor it. This really isn't about your dollar.
Some people also claim I did this to use and sell their personal info. That's not the case either, when the project ends all your personal info will be deleted and it was never sold, transfered or used in any commercial way possible.
I'm sorry guys I wish it was a succes but it wasn't. I have 2 options then let it bleed more money or pull the plug. I can't operate something at a loss.
I think it was a really good idea and it might have worked, but I never saw you promote it in any way besides the lifetime plan. Lifetime plans never makes money, you need actual paying customers. I tried to check out the pricing for the service but I couldn't even find it listed on your website.
@martijnk, I had several months (5 or 6) of 200 GB for 1 euro. Not a bad deal I believe.
For life often means "for lifetime of the service; not your life" and the same applied to this. I honestly feel a bit sorry for those wanting their 1 euro back... Really? Do you guys really make a fuss about 1 euro when they still received the service for nearly half a year?
@martijnk said: Some people also claim I did this to use and sell their personal info.
Seriously... wtf. That's why we can't have nice things.
1 euro because is not life time obviously this people are not going to upgrade never. Good plan but if you expect that people are going to upgrade their plans in Low end communities is a bit risky. May be if was automatic upgrade from 1 euro for 3 months and if you like the service pay 5 euros monthly could survive as a project
I hear you… but it had been a mixed bag, mostly positive for us. It is not everyone’s cup of tea for sure. And I totally get that
Pcloud and Koofr are solid, great interconnection with gdrive, dropbox, OneDrive. And webdav/rclone. Good upload/download speeds and sharing with other’s.
We run our podcasting file exchange completely off of Koofr. (One editor still prefers Wetransfer!)
I mentioned to someone in this forum as a PM: I have invested in dud lifetime deals. Not proud of some. Thunder drive and Rethink being two of them. Latest addition: Publitio shafted their early adopters. Grr..
But on an average, more deals have worked out well, roi typically in 12 months and I saved on labour cost because of automation.
Case in point: because of a certain problem requirement, we had to re edit nearly 1,000 podcast episodes. Adding new intro, outro, call to action. And re encode fo higher bitrate. I had a LT deal subscription for the latter. Set a batch process, batches of 20 audio at a time; was done in 3 days. The first part - best solution in town does not have a lifetime. Happy paying a monthly subscription. Our original time estimate was 2 weeks and hiring 2 contractors, btw.
In recent times, if you check lifetime SAAS sites (appsumo, stacksocial…) and related FB forums you will see more and more cases of abandonware or founders balking on original deal. So the charm and the market for Lt deals might have outlived its utility.
On that note: still happy with “lifetime” web hosting of Myw.pt. 2 years on
@image_host said:
1USD/Month for 100GB photo storage is good pricing?
If I can upload via rclone or a similar open source tool, it supports albums and searching, and it can be shared publicly to my fans, I'll consider.
If I have to upload manually folder by folder, I may as well use Facebook.
@yoursunny said: If I can upload via rclone or a similar open source tool, it supports albums and searching, and it can be shared publicly to my fans
You can create albums, do the search, and share it publicly with your fans. As of now, it doesn't support open-source tools. And it is 1USD/Month or 8USD/Year for 100GB and 8USD for 1TB/Month or 80USD/Year.
But I will add the option to do upload via rClone and other similar open-source tools, soon.
@martijnk said:
Some people also claim I did this to use and sell their personal info. That's not the case either, when the project ends all your personal info will be deleted and it was never sold, transfered or used in any commercial way possible.
@martijnk said:
Some people also claim I did this to use and sell their personal info. That's not the case either, when the project ends all your personal info will be deleted and it was never sold, transfered or used in any commercial way possible.
That might still be the case. Perhaps @martijnk can clarify
@martijnk said:
Some people also claim I did this to use and sell their personal info. That's not the case either, when the project ends all your personal info will be deleted and it was never sold, transfered or used in any commercial way possible.
Selling your business doesn’t mean selling personal information in that sense. Also, he apparently is going to remove your data. Either way, @martijnk is awfully silent here. I hope @SGraf made him a good enough offer. If it’s going to be sold, it better be to someone I trust.
I can also offer 250GB for $24/year. No subdomain, have to use mine
Don't store any.
Search on XTube whenever desired.
There's no IPv6, so no.
Nah, I want $4.99 / forever, until Hetzner collapses.
No hostname left!
For the 1EUR peeps, I've moved to Oracle Cloud Free Tier. Fee 200GB of storage.
It was expected.
guess i wasted my dollar. shouldve known better lifetime offers are just bait tools used by scumbags
Recommended hosts:
Letbox, Data ideas, Hetzner
In the OP it says
It should have been treated as such.. not sure how it's "bait tools" or how he is a scumbag because of this..
What's your PayPal address? I will send you $1 if you edit your post and rectify @martijnk being a scumbag, which he is not (obviously)
Hi guys,
I'm terribly sorry about this but it just wasn't sustainable. It was launched with the goal that people would upgrade if their storage was full but almost nobody did. Then Chia came and harddisk prices almost doubled which eventually killed the entire project.
I lost thousands of euros myself with this so trust me this wasn't done to take away your dollar from you. In fact I got a lot of frustrated responses and many paypal claims from people demanding their dollar back. If you really want that dollar back then just do the same, file a paypal request for it and I will honor it. This really isn't about your dollar.
Some people also claim I did this to use and sell their personal info. That's not the case either, when the project ends all your personal info will be deleted and it was never sold, transfered or used in any commercial way possible.
I'm sorry guys I wish it was a succes but it wasn't. I have 2 options then let it bleed more money or pull the plug. I can't operate something at a loss.
Thanks for the service, wishes for the times ahead. As for the complainers… let them be
blog | exploring visually |
@martijnk i believe you and wish you good changes ahead.
I think it was a really good idea and it might have worked, but I never saw you promote it in any way besides the lifetime plan. Lifetime plans never makes money, you need actual paying customers. I tried to check out the pricing for the service but I couldn't even find it listed on your website.
@martijnk Jeesh, that's some serious paranoia from people. 'To sell user data', 'steal a dollar'.. people need to calm down. All the best!
@martijnk, I had several months (5 or 6) of 200 GB for 1 euro. Not a bad deal I believe.
For life often means "for lifetime of the service; not your life" and the same applied to this. I honestly feel a bit sorry for those wanting their 1 euro back... Really? Do you guys really make a fuss about 1 euro when they still received the service for nearly half a year?
I feel sorry for you... It was a nice idea with lots of time invested in and now you have to deal with...
Seriously... wtf. That's why we can't have nice things.
dnscry.pt - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? -> https://microlxc.net/
1 euro because is not life time obviously this people are not going to upgrade never. Good plan but if you expect that people are going to upgrade their plans in Low end communities is a bit risky. May be if was automatic upgrade from 1 euro for 3 months and if you like the service pay 5 euros monthly could survive as a project
I believe in good luck. Harder that I work ,luckier i get.
For those looking for alternatives:
PCloud “lifetime” deals are back starting at 125 Dollars 500 GB.
They have been around for atleast 5 years, good product, as robust as Koofr.
Speaking of Koofr, still my #1 storage
blog | exploring visually |
I hear you… but it had been a mixed bag, mostly positive for us. It is not everyone’s cup of tea for sure. And I totally get that
Pcloud and Koofr are solid, great interconnection with gdrive, dropbox, OneDrive. And webdav/rclone. Good upload/download speeds and sharing with other’s.
We run our podcasting file exchange completely off of Koofr. (One editor still prefers Wetransfer!)
I mentioned to someone in this forum as a PM: I have invested in dud lifetime deals. Not proud of some. Thunder drive and Rethink being two of them. Latest addition: Publitio shafted their early adopters. Grr..
But on an average, more deals have worked out well, roi typically in 12 months and I saved on labour cost because of automation.
Case in point: because of a certain problem requirement, we had to re edit nearly 1,000 podcast episodes. Adding new intro, outro, call to action. And re encode fo higher bitrate. I had a LT deal subscription for the latter. Set a batch process, batches of 20 audio at a time; was done in 3 days. The first part - best solution in town does not have a lifetime. Happy paying a monthly subscription. Our original time estimate was 2 weeks and hiring 2 contractors, btw.
In recent times, if you check lifetime SAAS sites (appsumo, stacksocial…) and related FB forums you will see more and more cases of abandonware or founders balking on original deal. So the charm and the market for Lt deals might have outlived its utility.
On that note: still happy with “lifetime” web hosting of Myw.pt. 2 years on
blog | exploring visually |
Also got nothing but praise for Koofr
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison, Uptime.is, Ympker's GitHub.
Gosh I can compete with jsg in terms of wall of text. Not a badge I would like to wear
blog | exploring visually |
1USD/Month for 100GB photo storage is good pricing?
If I can upload via rclone or a similar open source tool, it supports albums and searching, and it can be shared publicly to my fans, I'll consider.
If I have to upload manually folder by folder, I may as well use Facebook.
No hostname left!
You can create albums, do the search, and share it publicly with your fans. As of now, it doesn't support open-source tools. And it is 1USD/Month or 8USD/Year for 100GB and 8USD for 1TB/Month or 80USD/Year.
But I will add the option to do upload via rClone and other similar open-source tools, soon.
for $1 it lasted long enough
Contribute your idling VPS/dedi (link), Android (link) or iOS (link) devices to medical research
Ouh... that's disappointing
dnscry.pt - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? -> https://microlxc.net/
So far for;
@martijnk Keep us updated about this subject. Your VPS was a service I was super happy and trusted. Hope to keep it that way.
That might still be the case. Perhaps @martijnk can clarify
Selling your business doesn’t mean selling personal information in that sense. Also, he apparently is going to remove your data. Either way, @martijnk is awfully silent here. I hope @SGraf made him a good enough offer. If it’s going to be sold, it better be to someone I trust.