Looking for 1U Colocation in Philadelphia, New Jersey, or New York
Here are the exact requirements:
1U Space
1A @ 120V
Gigabit + 30TB Bandwidth
At least 1 IPv4 address
Would prefer to be able to purchase more IPv4 addresses for cheap (not necessary), and to be able to drop off the server myself.
Already looked at TeraSwitch, their datacenter is a bit too far for me.
I am a representative of Advin Servers
NYC Metro Dedicated Servers?
You can try Dedipath, we have tons of colo with them, they are good @ernie
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
Colocation, not dedicated servers.
Seems good
I am a representative of Advin Servers
Shoot us an email sales@purevoltage.com or https://purevoltage.com
We have space in Staten Island and would be more than happy to help you out.
PureVoltage - Custom Dedicated Servers Dual E5-2680v3 64gb ram 1TB nvme 100TB/10g $145
New York Colocation - Amazing pricing 1U-48U+
https://www.wcit.net/ ...and they are in Philly. Rock solid for years for us.
SmartHost™ - Intelligent Hosting! - Multiple Locations - US/EU! - Join our Resale Program
https://www.smarthost.net - sales@smarthost.net - Ultra-Fast NVME SSD KVM VPS - $2.95/month!