ReadyDedis LLC | Black Friday LES Exclusive | New Deals every 4 hours!
Hosting ProviderOGServices Provider
NVME FLASH 4GB - Los Angeles
AMD Ryzen 3950x - 2 cores
100GB NVMe
1 IPV4
Unmetered Bandwidth @ 1Gbps ( Fair use )
Free Windows!
Not stackable
Stocks: 8
Order NOW $10/mo
NVME FLASH 8GB - Los Angeles
AMD Ryzen 3950x - 4 cores
100GB NVMe
1 IPV4
Unmetered Bandwidth @ 1Gbps ( Fair use )
Free Windows!
Not stackable
Stocks: 10
Order NOW $15/mo
NVME FLASH 16GB - Los Angeles
AMD Ryzen 3950x - 4 cores
100GB NVMe
1 IPV4
Unmetered Bandwidth @ 1Gbps ( Fair use )
Free Windows!
Not stackable
Stocks: 10
Order NOW $25/mo
Readydedis, LLC - Managed Dedicated Servers | KVM SSD VPS
Another deal to spice it up
Readydedis, LLC - Managed Dedicated Servers | KVM SSD VPS
what's on offer? :-)
blog | exploring visually |
Check initial thread :P added 8G plan
Readydedis, LLC - Managed Dedicated Servers | KVM SSD VPS
NVME FLASH 16GB - Los Angeles
AMD Ryzen 3950x - 4 cores
100GB NVMe
1 IPV4
Unmetered Bandwidth @ 1Gbps ( Fair use )
Free Windows!
Not stackable
Stocks: 10
Order NOW $25/mo
Readydedis, LLC - Managed Dedicated Servers | KVM SSD VPS
Oh my! This is making me drool!
With it being shared, what's your rules on CPU usage?
fair share, not 100% all the time.
Readydedis, LLC - Managed Dedicated Servers | KVM SSD VPS
Lifting it up, not sure if it's allowed.
Readydedis, LLC - Managed Dedicated Servers | KVM SSD VPS
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
will anything with lower specs be offered? eg vps with 1GB Ram etc.
E.g. some 512MB budget vps is better
Um we haven't thought low specs yet.
Readydedis, LLC - Managed Dedicated Servers | KVM SSD VPS