Host of the year 2019



    1. Hetzner
    2. Netcup
    Thanked by (1)Hetzner_OL
    1. Buyvm
    2. Virmach
    Thanked by (1)Francisco
  • Voting will close at the strike of the new year UK time, any votes after that will not count.

    I may need a little while to go through the votes though hopefully results within a few days, I am not on top form atm.
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • FAT32FAT32 OGSenpai
    edited December 2019

    Take care @AnthonySmith, I am more than happy to consolidate it for you, transparency report will be similar to what I did for last provider poll in another forum.

    食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.

  • @FAT32 said:
    Take care @AnthonySmith, I am more than happy to consolidate it for you, transparency report will be similar to what I did for last provider poll in another forum.

    I would appreciate that a lot.

    Thanked by (3)flips FAT32 Amitz
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

    1. Hetzner
    2. PHP-Friends
    Thanked by (1)Hetzner_OL
  • @cam and @Francisco
    Happy to see virmach didn't make it on the list. Whew!

    You just read my signature.

  • cough read the first post cough

    Thanked by (1)honestlybruv
  • Still happy to see virmach didn't make the list. Whew!

    You just read my signature.

  • This has been a very hard one - there are many equally top notch providers on that list (and I have VPSs with many of them), so in keeping with the spirit of things here, Low End, I will cast my vote for MrVM for his wonderful NAT bundles (I doubt one can go any lower than that, resource or price wise. And every time I manage to "catch up" configuring my bundle, there's a new location and/or bundle offer and there goes my effort!). My Optional vote, I will cast for the other end of the spectrum, the High End VPS realm, where I have services with Netcup (who don't seem to have a presence here, per the register) (they too provide quality services at a price point that is hard to match).

    1. MrVM (@mikho)
    2. Netcup

    Thanked by (2)seriesn mikho
    1. Nexus Bytes @seriesn
    2. HostHatch
    Thanked by (1)seriesn
  • Listed: by @MikePT
    unlisted: wishosting

    Thanked by (1)MikePT
    1. BuyVM/BuyShared
    2. OVH
    1. HostHatch (Not on register)
    2. FlowVPS
  • FAT32FAT32 OGSenpai

    @corbpie Your vote might not be counted because @AnthonySmith mentioned that it closed at 1/1/2020 12am UK time, but it is almost 3am UK time now.

    食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.

  • FAT32FAT32 OGSenpai
    edited January 2020

    Thanks for voting and congrats to all the top providers! Host of the year that is listed here is BuyVM with a whopping votes of 15! Besides that, host of the year that is unlisted here is VirMach and Netcup with votes of 6!



    Rank Provider Votes
    1 BuyVM - @Francisco 15
    2 NexusBytes - @seriesn 11
    3 Hetzner - @Hetzner_OL 7
    4 Ultra VPS - @UltraVPS 5
    5 Inception Hosting - @AnthonySmith 4
    6 ExtraVM 3
    6 HostDoc 3
    6 MrVM 3
    6 MYW 3
    6 Smarthost 3
    11 Dr. Server 2
    11 FlowVPS 2
    11 Gullo's Hosting 2
    11 IonSwitch 2
    11 RamNode 2
    16 Liteserver 1
    16 Servarica 1
    16 SmallWeb 1


    Rank Provider Votes
    1 Netcup 6
    1 VirMach 6
    3 PHPFriends 5
    4 LetBox 4
    4 OVH 4
    4 Quantum Core 4
    7 Prometeus 3
    7 Vultr 3
    7 WisHosting 3
    10 BaCloud 2
    10 HostHatch 2
    10 LeaseWeb 2
    13 AlphaVPS 1
    13 Avoro 1
    13 GinerNet 1
    13 Heroku 1
    13 HostMantis 1
    13 Hostodo 1
    13 HostSolutions 1
    13 ITLDC 1
    13 IwStack 1
    13 LunaNode 1
    13 ReliableSite 1
    13 Sharedspace 1
    13 SpartanHost 1
    13 SubnetLabs 1

    Raw Votes

    Invalid votes are striked out and marked as red

    Username Vote 1 Vote 2
    AnthonySmith MrVM Vultr
    seriesn Hetzner SmallWeb
    blackjack4494 Hetzner PHPFriends
    Dazzle BuyVM Leaseweb
    nhocconan BuyVM OVH
    Ndha Dr. Server BuyVM
    wisnu Smarthost Sharedspace
    seanho IonSwitch OVH
    IV BuyVM WisHosting
    debaser Ultra VPS PHPFriends
    beagle NexusBytes LetBox
    vpsgeek BuyVM Prometeus
    cybertech NexusBytes LetBox
    thedp NexusBytes PHPFriends
    evnix Inception Hosting IwStack
    kuroneko23 HostDoc Vultr
    jureve BuyVM GinerNet
    null Hetzner OVH
    poisson NexusBytes HostSolutions
    flips NexusBytes LetBox
    Ympker MYW HostMantis
    folio NexusBytes LunaNode
    Sova Servarica BaCloud
    vimalware Liteserver WisHosting
    PHP_Backend RamNode
    dahartigan NexusBytes Quantum Core
    Amitz Ultra VPS Netcup
    Mason ExtraVM ReliableSite
    uhu Gullo's Hosting VirMach
    Unixfy SmallWeb Avoro
    jvnadr BuyVM Netcup
    Adam Inception Hosting Quantum Core
    AlwaysSkint BuyVM Quantum Core
    Abdullah MrVM VirMach
    dave IonSwitch Heroku
    localhost NexusBytes PHPFriends
    souen BuyVM SubnetLabs
    EHRA ExtraVM Netcup
    dev ExtraVM
    Asim Hetzner Vultr
    SmallWeb FlowVPS
    Nyr Ultra VPS ITLDC
    ramon Ultra VPS BudgetNode
    terrorgen NexusBytes
    Chievo BuyVM
    dariox RamNode Prometeus
    ouvoun HostDoc
    sonic Inception Hosting SmallWeb
    key900 LetBox
    angstrom Ultra VPS SpartanHost
    kokkez Inception Hosting AlphaVPS
    Daniel BuyVM Quantum Core
    FreeBSD MYW VirMach
    ofit BuyVM Netcup
    yoursunny Smarthost BaCloud
    efX NexusBytes
    burble Dr. Server HostHatch
    LeonDynamic HostDoc
    Ark BuyVM LeaseWeb
    ivanh FlowVPS Prometeus
    KermEd BuyVM Hostodo
    imok Smarthost VirMach
    someshzade Hetzner Hyonix
    emilv Hetzner Netcup
    lowfatgeek BuyVM VirMach
    gks Hetzner PHPFriends
    honestlybruv Gullo's Hosting VirMach
    nullnothere MrVM Netcup
    Limpan NexusBytes HostHatch
    Rahul MYW WisHosting
    Shoaib_A BuyVM OVH

    食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.

  • seriesnseriesn OG
    edited January 2020

    @Francisco takes the crown once again! The true king of LE world <3

    It is an honor to be the 2nd best. Congratulations to all the providers who were nominated :).

    We all did something right and that was taking care of our customers and provide an amazing value for the money

    Here to another fantastic year!

    Thank you @FAT32 for compiling the list :)

  • @seriesn said:
    @Francisco takes the crown once again! The true king of LE world <3

    It is an honor to be the 2nd best. Congratulations to all the providers who were nominated :).

    We all did something right and that was taking care of our customers and provide an amazing value for the money

    Here to another fantastic year!

    Thank you @FAT32 for compiling the list :)

    Congrats for coming in close behind the stallion and above hetzner!! That's an amazing achievement :-)

    Thanked by (2)seriesn Amitz

    Get the best deal on your next VPS or Shared/Reseller hosting from - The original aff garden.

  • Congrats @Francisco :)

    Thanks @FAT32 for compiling the list!

    As for Inception Hosting:

    @AnthonySmith said: In the interest of good taste I am excluding Inception hosting from this process entirely, do not vote for Inception Hosting even if you REALLY want too.

    ... So maybe adjust a little bit. :)
    (More would have voted for Anthony, but didn't.) :)

  • @flips said:
    Congrats @Francisco :)

    Thanks @FAT32 for compiling the list!

    As for Inception Hosting:

    ... So maybe adjust a little bit. :)
    (More would have voted for Anthony, but didn't.) :)

    Yeah I agree that Anthony would've been very highly ranked, but I also understand why he excluded himself, and that's honorable and is why Inception Hosting should be included.

    One way around this would be to transfer any LET "Top Provider" titles over here, since the majority of this community have already voted that way previously when we were all over there.

    Alternatively award the title to the top 5 from this poll. Six of one, half a dozen of the other, really in my opinion.

    If anyone would've otherwise voted for Anthony and you agree with this, please show your support here. Ant is kind of in an unfair situation (admin of this site and an actual top provider) and he is being as neutral as possible to his detriment (he will miss out on a tag that newbies will recognize as a sign of confidence in a provider) so, let's show him our support.

    Get the best deal on your next VPS or Shared/Reseller hosting from - The original aff garden.

  • @dahartigan said:

    Yeah I agree that Anthony would've been very highly ranked, but I also understand why he excluded himself, and that's honorable and is why Inception Hosting should be included.

    One way around this would be to transfer any LET "Top Provider" titles over here, since the majority of this community have already voted that way previously when we were all over there.

    Alternatively award the title to the top 5 from this poll. Six of one, half a dozen of the other, really in my opinion.

    If anyone would've otherwise voted for Anthony and you agree with this, please show your support here. Ant is kind of in an unfair situation (admin of this site and an actual top provider) and he is being as neutral as possible to his detriment (he will miss out on a tag that newbies will recognize as a sign of confidence in a provider) so, let's show him our support.

    Full support that the top five get "Top Provider" tag!

    Thanked by (1)uhu

    Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow

  • Thank you for the votes guys, hopefully we'll be in the top next year! <3

  • I was thinking more like a little crown at the start of the tags with roll over text e.g. 'Peoples host of the year 2019' need to wait for @Solaire or @phill to see if that is possible, otherwise I will use a tag.

    Thanked by (1)poisson
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @AnthonySmith said:
    I was thinking more like a little crown at the start of the tags with roll over text e.g. 'Peoples host of the year 2019' need to wait for @Solaire or @phill to see if that is possible, otherwise I will use a tag.

    Definitely possible. Life's been busy but I can do something on Sunday or Monday if Phill doesn't beat me to it

    Thanked by (2)mikho InceptionHosting
  • Congrats to the Top Providers!

    Having services at multiple providers with LES presence, it was a bit difficult to choose only one. To the providers around here, even if your company isn't the most voted, thanks for offering solid products and great service.

    Thanked by (4)uptime mikho poisson seriesn
  • Where is @Francisco?, I want to see the tag.


    Thanked by (1)Hetzner_OL

    UpCloud free $25 through this aff link - Akamai, DigitalOcean and Vultr alternative, multiple location, IPv6.

  • FranciscoFrancisco Hosting ProviderOG



    Thanked by (2)uptime vpsgeek
  • Hetzner_OLHetzner_OL Hosting ProviderOG

    Hi guys, Thanks to all of you who voted for us! And congratulations to the winners. It's good to see when everyone's hard work is recognized. --Katie

    We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.

  • can confirm @Solaire is working on something, rewards will be handed out soon.
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

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