It is now after 7:30 EST!! We will review the results and select the top results and number them and I will use a Random Number Generator to chose the winner!
*Results might take a little bit I'm doing a dozen things at once. But I will get it done Soon™
Fast forward 1 month later when free VPS is down, site of provider is not opening and user comes complaining on OGF
Get some hosting at .
(by the way, should have written this much sooner, but please let me drop out of the contest too ^^' I'm here just for the memes
Contribute your idling VPS/dedi (link), Android (link) or iOS (link) devices to medical research
Hacker when his attack was blocked by

what another Francisco secret?
I'd LOL so hard if ehab actually participated and ends up winning this
yeah ... he can just give me another month and let the server go to another.
It is now after 7:30 EST!! We will review the results and select the top results and number them and I will use a Random Number Generator to chose the winner!
*Results might take a little bit I'm doing a dozen things at once. But I will get it done Soon™
Top 12 Finalists. ^^^ For Transparency I had a couple of friends of mine pick a few each that they thought were funny.
I took those 12 that were picked and used a Random Number Generator to choose a Number between 1 & 12.
and that number is!
@crotaphiticus I will message you the Details soon!
Thank you to all that entered!
/End of Annoying Poorly Formatted Post.
Congrats @crotaphiticus!! Be sure to post a yabs when it gets delivered
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
Thanks Chris thank y'all fantastic to participate this time. I won't comment the things I had to see to end up with those ones.
You betcha.
Wow quite surprised, both my entries got picked up... That itself is a huge achievement. Thanks @ChrisMiller it was quite a fun