20-30 got paid out last month or early this month, we still have a large backlog. There's one or two large affiliates that haven't been paid out because they referred hundreds of people who broke ToS so we're going through their list manually and it's taking time. Then there's dozens of people that are clearly self-referring that got cleaned up. Another payout for the ones left over should happen hopefully before end of year.
Worked out some issues with sale, timer will stay at about an hour for now until we get ready to do the "real" sale. A few interesting auto generated ones are coming up (spec-wise, pricing will not vary too much.)
Very very tempting. If it was Germany, would have bought it eyes closed since I don't have a VPS there.
how are you going to do that with your eyes closed if you can’t see the screen you won’t be able to navigate and you might accidentally buy something that costs a million dollars and then chargeback lol lol
Very very tempting. If it was Germany, would have bought it eyes closed since I don't have a VPS there.
how are you going to do that with your eyes closed if you can’t see the screen you won’t be able to navigate and you might accidentally buy something that costs a million dollars and then chargeback lol lol
@MallocVoidstar said:
I'll let you know if it was a typo once mine is delivered
It's a typo and on that note I'm actually buying a new keyboard. It's been repeating digits and causing a lot of problems for a few weeks now, once in a while.
I'll figure out what we'll do with these plans but obviously it's not going to be a good experience if everyone actually tries using all of the processing power at once. We'll see. I've marked them and made a list and we'll contact people and have some kind of resolution for it, either spread them out, refund and provide some time for free or something like that.
(edit) I will say though that most the people who purchased that one are already marked as MJJ on our system, they get highlighted a different color so it's very obvious. And I assume they all want to resell or CPU mine on it so those will be handled more expeditiously.
Will there be any surprises at Christmas? virmach has been silent for half a year
Alright for those brave ones that want to test it out:
EDIT: removed (RAID 10)
Not guaranteed to be RAID10, fixing this now. If anyone accidentally buys it because of that let me know and we can cancel it.
MJJs armies incoming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Brave and fearless MJJs armies incoming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MJJs won't be coming due to multiple account issues.
VirMach: Customer’s Service cannot use more than 10% of the monthly allocated bandwidth in under twenty-four (24) hours.
Both virmach and pornhub will give you lads a hard time

Ontario Dildo Inspector
The smart ones aren't flagged or bothersome so it works out for everyone.
Phoenix always, really?
If it does not flash, why the f call it FLASH sale?
Ontario Dildo Inspector
I have a TG channel, https://t.me/monitor_virmach, tracking the flash sale, I am curious about the configuration of the plan for pid from 1 to 7 ?
20-30 got paid out last month or early this month, we still have a large backlog. There's one or two large affiliates that haven't been paid out because they referred hundreds of people who broke ToS so we're going through their list manually and it's taking time. Then there's dozens of people that are clearly self-referring that got cleaned up. Another payout for the ones left over should happen hopefully before end of year.
Worked out some issues with sale, timer will stay at about an hour for now until we get ready to do the "real" sale. A few interesting auto generated ones are coming up (spec-wise, pricing will not vary too much.)
Good one, will we get Tokyo under 10$?

Ontario Dildo Inspector
Yo @VirMach boy, can we implement it as multiple selector rather than single one?
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Very very tempting. If it was Germany, would have bought it eyes closed since I don't have a VPS there.
The Ultimate Speedtest Script | Get Instant Alerts on new LES/LET deals | Cheap VPS Deals | VirMach Flash Sales Notifier
how are you going to do that with your eyes closed if you can’t see the screen you won’t be able to navigate and you might accidentally buy something that costs a million dollars and then chargeback lol lol
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
About 1 month too late unfortunately. Was waiting to snag an SJ on BF but ended up going with another provider.
waiting for 2C2GB deals
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
@cybertech there you go
typo? @VirMach
I'll let you know if it was a typo once mine is delivered
Wondering the same, if true then it might be one of the best VM I ever got. Only thing, I need this in Seattle
11 vCores makes for a super fast idler!
$26.64 /yr
5 vCORE (RYZEN 3.4GHz+)
It's a typo and on that note I'm actually buying a new keyboard. It's been repeating digits and causing a lot of problems for a few weeks now, once in a while.
I'll figure out what we'll do with these plans but obviously it's not going to be a good experience if everyone actually tries using all of the processing power at once. We'll see. I've marked them and made a list and we'll contact people and have some kind of resolution for it, either spread them out, refund and provide some time for free or something like that.
(edit) I will say though that most the people who purchased that one are already marked as MJJ on our system, they get highlighted a different color so it's very obvious. And I assume they all want to resell or CPU mine on it so those will be handled more expeditiously.