@Moti said:
my server is offline on AMSD029 and still won't boot from the time of activation before 10 days.
never had such problems at virmach. i opened a technical ticket, because i'm not sure if it is my server or the whole node or if it
even handled. any help would be appreciated. thanks.
My VM on node AMS.D026 is similar too
Hope they will repair it soon
This is update from their site status:
"Affected nodes: AMSD025, AMSD026, AMSD028, AMSD029
We are currently investigating an unexpected outage with services in Amsterdam. We will let you know as soon as we have an update regarding the status of these services."
Amsterdam, we created the network issue as it happened and I'm working to resolve it. We wanted to schedule maintenance on these but they moved forward with it too quickly (which I guess could be a good thing) but they also did the maintenance incorrectly hence why they didn't come back online.
Amsterdam servers had a 4TB and 2TB drive each. We requested 4TB drives be removed (XPG) and 2 x 2TB NVMe added instead. But it looks like they removed both 4TB and 2TB drives, the 2TB being the drives with VMs on them.
I'm assuming they didn't label what they removed since they removed both drives (not requested) but hopefully we can get them back in the right servers in a timely manner.
@VirMach ordered Tokyo storage 2 months ago but never provisioned. Opened a ticket a week ago to ask for a cancel and refund. How long should I wait for a response?
@FrankZ said: @axty - Thank you for posting all the relevant info and screen shots.
Now we can tag @VirMach so he can take a look.
I expect that VirMach will fix it or refund you when he gets a chance, so you should not worry.
Thank you very much! I successfully received a refund today. Then I repeated the purchase process with this money and found a very strange bug:
After I log in and select the account in advance before purchasing, I return to the shopping cart to purchase, and prompt a new page to select the account again to pay the order. Things went very well - he successfully displayed the order in the customer area! Since the new account selection page is the same as the last one, I suspect the problem is here - he may not correctly replace the account selection page, that is, the last purchase is equivalent to using a tourist account.
Fortunately, however, I successfully avoided this bug this time. What I look forward to most now is to tell me that my service has been activated
@anandus said: Dumb question: For one year orders posting an order number isn't needed?
I expect we are beyond posting order numbers for new orders.
No question is dumb, but I may sometimes post a dumb answer.
@vuthailinh said: Is there any slot in Tokyo available? I have been waiting for 2 months, and the order still pending ((
If that is NVMe and not storage, I think you should have already been activated by now. Does your order still show pending in the billing panel? If so please post your order number again.
Sorry guys, it's been a rough weekmonth year and I forgot to hang around here for a while. I'm going to migrate over here from OGF for a while.
Some general updates on things discussed (I assume) over the last few pages.
San Jose had some extreme network abuse. It's cleared up, and settings got restored. We also had a bug with one of our anti-spam scripts which was related and that's been fixed. Last I checked, networking here was greatly improved and I apologize for it not being handled sooner.
Node failures happened a lot. I've linked everything together by now and understand what's going on better so we're prepared to deal with it should it continue. This goes back to all the nodes failing we discussed on probably the first 10 pages, such as SEAZ001, SJCZ003 and SJCZ007. Those were of course handled and we're currently on fixing SJCZ002 which is taking longer than expected but definitely in the works right now.
Frankfurt & Miami have gotten servers, the cabs just need final setup. Miami still needs a switch which I keep forgetting to send over or order. All other locations are complete outside of Chicago.
Storage keeps getting delayed even though LAX and Tokyo have had them racked for about a month or so now probably. I'll try not to delay it further and just set it up. I'm just trying to avoid rushing the initial setup and running into problems with these and I'm a little dusty on the RAID configurations since I've been primarily focusing on Ryzen.
Network problems are mostly resolved but it's still a game of whack-a-mole. I was in the process of cleaning all the nodes up when more nodes started failing and I ran out of humanly possible hours of working. We also already got geared toward moving everything on smaller VLANs as many people suggested. This was an initial concern of mine but I had people around me and one of our DC partners tell us it's fine and they've done it in the past so we rolled with the bigger VLANs for slightly added convenience but at this point in time it's not worth the potential risks. The majority of network problems are still not directly related but I'd say to fix that last 1-5% we need to fix the VLANs.
Any questions for me that don't involve linking your ticket? Let me know.
Torrenting's fine but it's purposefully kind of a grey area in our terms of service. Seedboxes are most likely not OK though. When I say torrenting I mean if you go to a game developer's website and click to download the game legally and they happen to share it via torrent, then it's fine as long as you have a poor share ratio (meaning you just download and quickly stop it after you're done, which may not be very courteous to the entire torrenting system but if you start seeding a lot it's also not very courteous to our terms of service.)
@xuweidiy said:
IP: can not install and use windows2022, it has been a month, can you still solve the problem? @VirMach
Windows 2022 is a big file, it may not work on a lot of Ryzen nodes still.
@axty said: After I log in and select the account in advance before purchasing, I return to the shopping cart to purchase, and prompt a new page to select the account again to pay the order.
We've been trying to track down this specific bug for something like a year now. It usually gets reported to us and we ask for instructions to reproduce it and then don't get any response back ever. Your comment is very helpful, thank you, and it might help us figure out what's going on with a very annoying bug that causes orders to be created on blank duplicate accounts. > @reb0rn said:
This is update from their site status:
"Affected nodes: AMSD025, AMSD026, AMSD028, AMSD029
We are currently investigating an unexpected outage with services in Amsterdam. We will let you know as soon as we have an update regarding the status of these services."
DC hands were asked to remove 4TB XPG drives. They removed 4TB XPG drive and decided that wasn't enough, and they also thought it'd be cool to remove the other 2TB drive there. Then we requested they be placed back and we scheduled a maintenance window, and received no reply back for some time and assumed it wasn't done. It was done, but it was done incorrectly in some other way. So finally I did get a hold of the person that was performing the maintenance which made the whole process way smoother since he could send photos and messages and I could immediately reply back.
Thankfully they labeled the disks they removed otherwise we'd have to rotate them out over and over. Except for one or two of them this exact thing ended up happening and we had to reboot one of like probably 10 times and remove and add disks over and over until we got the right one.
And that's why I hate not being able to teleport.
@ehab said: @VirMach is if you plan to party in NL let us know maybe i'll join
Speaking of teleporting, I do have it in the plans, assuming I can wrap anything up in time, to visit every datacenter location for a finalization. So going to every city for a few days to a week, maybe two weeks if it's an interesting one with proper amenities to work from hotel, and go and fix little finnicky cables, and label everything better, maybe do patch panels, remove and burn any remaining XPG drives, and troubleshoot complex issues where I need to actually be there to get it going. For those locations I'll be there longer just in case I need to order parts but I'll also probably travel with my little suitcase of NVMe SSDs and Ryzen CPUs.
So yes I'll be in Amsterdam and Frankfurt, hopefully, sometime around July. That's a VirMach estimate though so probably by the time we're in an assisted living facility.
@ehab said: @VirMach is if you plan to party in NL let us know maybe i'll join
Speaking of teleporting, I do have it in the plans, assuming I can wrap anything up in time, to visit every datacenter location for a finalization. So going to every city for a few days to a week, maybe two weeks if it's an interesting one with proper amenities to work from hotel, and go and fix little finnicky cables, and label everything better, maybe do patch panels, remove and burn any remaining XPG drives, and troubleshoot complex issues where I need to actually be there to get it going. For those locations I'll be there longer just in case I need to order parts but I'll also probably travel with my little suitcase of NVMe SSDs and Ryzen CPUs.
So yes I'll be in Amsterdam and Frankfurt, hopefully, sometime around July. That's a VirMach estimate though so probably by the time we're in an assisted living facility.
Whenever you plan to start operations / visit Mumbai/Bengaluru- beer's on me.
Whenever you plan to start operations in Singapore, heck, I will fly down and the beer's on me.
Maybe we will make @FAT32 squeeze a deal or two from the pub and have a pitcher instead.
@FrankZ said: Anything else not listed, it means it has no further updates at this time. I’m going to be traveling over the next 12 hours and I will resume not being around here much after that but you should hopefully see everything ease up a little bit after that.
Anything else not listed, it means it has no further updates at this time. I’m going to be traveling over the next 12 hours and I will resume not being around here much after that but you should hopefully see everything ease up a little bit after that.
@localhost said: Does anyone feel this last part as concerning?
Flying to Tokyo to fix shit in person /s
I was stuck in another state with no flight back and had to rent a vehicle and drive it over to get the earliest flight out. I had to take care of something personal that didn't end up going too well, I would've much rather flew into Tokyo.
Which by the way last minute flights are insanely expensive and if it weren't for that I'd probably be able to actually fly around to datacenters and actually fix some of these issues more quickly, which is sad to say but hey maybe they're overloaded with work as well, who knows. It'd just be nice if the DC hands didn't create more future work for themselves by neglecting to do it better initially... and I guess again, we've probably done the same more recently so ... I guess I'm still right because it definitely created more future work for us.
@ehab said: @VirMach is if you plan to party in NL let us know maybe i'll join
Speaking of teleporting, I do have it in the plans, assuming I can wrap anything up in time, to visit every datacenter location for a finalization. So going to every city for a few days to a week, maybe two weeks if it's an interesting one with proper amenities to work from hotel, and go and fix little finnicky cables, and label everything better, maybe do patch panels, remove and burn any remaining XPG drives, and troubleshoot complex issues where I need to actually be there to get it going. For those locations I'll be there longer just in case I need to order parts but I'll also probably travel with my little suitcase of NVMe SSDs and Ryzen CPUs.
So yes I'll be in Amsterdam and Frankfurt, hopefully, sometime around July. That's a VirMach estimate though so probably by the time we're in an assisted living facility.
Whenever you plan to start operations / visit Mumbai/Bengaluru- beer's on me.
Whenever you plan to start operations in Singapore, heck, I will fly down and the beer's still on me.
Maybe we will make @FAT32 squeeze a deal or two from the pub and have a pitcher instead.
Fun fact, I actually visited India on a very long vacation when I was 4 or so years old so I have a lot of fond memories there. I'll actually share a very specific memory that's imprinted in my head. I get into the hotel elevator in either Goa or Kerala, and I have a banana in my hand and enjoying it very much. It's one of those tiny bananas that actually taste good but obviously being 4 years old, it's huge. I run into the elevator and my parents/family start a conversation with the hotel manager or something to that effect, and the elevator door closes. I'm sobbing at this point and as a 4 year old may think, I now at this time believe that I'm permanently stuck in another reality where my parents don't exist and I'm lost in India forever. I'm wandering around the 3rd or 4th floor now crying and freaking out and some gentleman realizes what's going on even with the language barrier and re-unites me with my parents in about 30 seconds. We laughed about it and I got over it pretty quickly. Of course that's just how I remember it all now, it's been a very long time and it's starting to fade away.
Bonus stories, I remember how many tiny little crabs there were on the beaches and how amazing coconuts were there. I can pretty much never eat a coconut here in the US because I got spoiled so hard in India. By the time they get here they'd old and hardened and in India they were jelly-like.
So yes if I ever do anything for Mumbai I'm definitely visiting.
@Brueggus said:
Way less fancy than Mumbai, Tokyo or Singapore - but have you decided on whether you'll send some Ryzen nodes to Chicago?
Chicago might get fully cancelled, I don't know. We got a cabinet there, and then there was the fallout with Psychz. I really do not feel comfortable at this time using them but the problem is that every other company we've contacted in Chicago has essentially quoted us double the price. This would maybe be fine for an exotic location, but Chicago also happens to be a low-desired location for most.
We'd basically be paying the same price as being able to get a cabinet in London, Spain, Toronto, Romania, or even two cabinets in a more standard location like Los Angeles, which all happen to be much more popular than Chicago.
I guess there was a recent development at this location that made power and real estate costs to skyrocket? Which also doesn't make sense if Psychz is able to get it for that much lower. (edit) Actually I guess that's the real problem, it doesn't make sense at all, even if you go look up real estate and power cost trends in Chicago. With the quotes I've received their power pricing is closer to something like Germany's where they have a full-on energy crisis. I do understand that it's probably very easy for Psychz to throw out any low number when they get to do things such as collecting payments for Amsterdam for 14 months without actually rendering a cabinet, but usually other locations are within +X% of Psychz pricing and in this case they're way way higher.
@Moti said:
my server is offline on AMSD029 and still won't boot from the time of activation before 10 days.
never had such problems at virmach. i opened a technical ticket, because i'm not sure if it is my server or the whole node or if it
even handled. any help would be appreciated. thanks.
My server is still offline, I chose Ubuntu and already tried to reinstall twice, server never booted, the Amsterdam servers issues were solved already, so maybe only my server has problems?
thank you finally @VirMach is back to write comments here.
Kindly please, my complaint seems easy to resolve, but till now almost a month, the problem is not followed up. Tickets #884164. only change the bandwidth of my VPS according to the order, which is 6TB, is it difficult? until now it still says 2TB, should be 6TB. if you have explained the problem of slow internet network affairs, you have explained and I relented and understood it. thanks. once again sincerely, please respectfully, I always relent and forgive you. If there are no problems, we can't protest.
@vgood said:
thank you finally @VirMach is back to write comments here.
Kindly please, my complaint seems easy to resolve, but till now almost a month, the problem is not followed up. Tickets #884164. only change the bandwidth of my VPS according to the order, which is 6TB, is it difficult? until now it still says 2TB, should be 6TB. if you have explained the problem of slow internet network affairs, you have explained and I relented and understood it. thanks. once again sincerely, please respectfully, I always relent and forgive you. If there are no problems, we can't protest.
Is this actually urgent? I'll take a look if you're currently at 1.5TB or higher usage, otherwise, if it's not, I do not understand why you're upset in this situation or why you believe it justifies asking for support here if you already have a ticket in with us. Let me know.
@Moti said:
my server is offline on AMSD029 and still won't boot from the time of activation before 10 days.
never had such problems at virmach. i opened a technical ticket, because i'm not sure if it is my server or the whole node or if it
even handled. any help would be appreciated. thanks.
My server is still offline, I chose Ubuntu and already tried to reinstall twice, server never booted, the Amsterdam servers issues were solved already, so maybe only my server has problems?
Yes, that's highly likely at this point. You should have a report offline ticket for it in the priority department.
@xiaosan628 said: My VPS has been out of use for 5 consecutive days, and Virmach doesn't process or reply to tickets, which makes people feel very bad.
We're trying our best. We're trying more than our best to get to everyone. I barely sleep and I haven't had a social life or personal time for months.
You have to understand that we're getting nearly 300 tickets more than we usually do, per day, this month. We get to most of them but of course for the ones we miss, it definitely ends up looking very bad and that's not our intention. Ticket titles are the most important thing right now for getting a quick resolution and I don't mean "URGENT!!! HELP!! IMMEDIATE" but describing the situation. The second most important thing is being courteous and not creating a ticket unless you have to because we still are getting a ton of tickets that are unnecessary such as tickets reporting outage on a server that's already with an open network issue.
@FrankZ said: VirMach is not a place where the squeaky wheel gets the oil.
Our new official slogan.
@FrankZ said:
For those of you who are upset about the issues that you are facing with your VirMach Special. I do understand that you are frustrated and your expectations have not been met. All I say is that complaining about it here will not make it any better. VirMach is not a place where the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Explain your problem with enough details in a reasonable way and it will get resolved eventually. I say eventually, because these are not normal times for VirMach and resolutions of big issues are going to happen before individual requests. Complain and start name calling and you will probably be dropped to the bottom of the to do list. It's your choice how you want to deal with it. I do not work for VirMach, but have been a customer for seven years and have many services with VirMach. I am facing some of the same issues you are but I do not complain because VirMach has been a great value for me and just keeps getting better as the years go by so I am grateful not upset. I also know that Virmach is working many, many hours trying to resolve all the issues and even if I do not see the results today I have confidence that it will be resolved as soon as is possible, which is all I can ask.
Have a good day and now you can feel free to flame me.
It's still amazing to me that we basically have our own loyal PR person on these message boards. Thank you for all that you do @FrankZ and I really mean it. You've probably saved our company weeks of consecutive time in providing support and often do better than us given the circumstances we're in right now. You've probably saved me from 3 years of premature aging.
Complain and start name calling and you will probably be dropped to the bottom of the to do list
I will say though for how much it is in human nature to either prioritize or de-prioritize complainers or rude customers, I always try my best to remain neutral.
@xiaosan628 said: @VirMach Can you not make customers think you are such a junk company? How many people will be cheated? No refund. It took a long time to start up. It couldn't be connected within a few days after starting up. There was no after-sales service! In addition to licking the dog, does this post dare to tell the truth?Can forum management drive out such garbage companies?
If that screenshot is supposed to represent our service being bad or indicating a problem, it doesn't. That's just the side-effects of using ModulesGarden plugin, Cloudflare, and SolusVM. It means you clicked reconfigure button and it took more than 100 seconds to reconfigure which does happen regularly.
@erictsang said: I have a question to ask:
When will my Tokyo server be available?
It's been almost a month since I paid and the order has been on hold. I haven't been rushed, I logged on to the website every day to see if the server status is on, but unfortunately nothing has changed, this endless waiting is breaking my spirit and I don't see any hope. I hope Virmach team can solve my problem and tell me when I can use Tokyo server.
My Order Number is: 9423759481
My English is not very good, so I used the machine translation.
I don't have access to WHMCS right now but let me know if it's still not provisioned and due date not adjusted.
@skorous said:
How big is it supposed to be? It looks like it's 80gig.
I think he is talking about the 15 GB that it shows in the top part of the screen shot.
@xuweidiy - Since the disk is showing 80GB have you tried the "extent volume" option?
@skorous said: It's weird. My NY vps that was on one of the nodes being migrated is now on Ryzen but my IP didn't change so I can't communicate with anything. Pinging some random local IPs it appears that I'm not alone either ....
Have you tried manually changing to the new IP and gateway in the network config of your VPS via VNC, and then rebooting? You should set the network config to static and not use dhcp to see if this will work.
I expect that the migrate script has gone fubar and the developer is trying to get it straitened out.
It has to be a pita to develop a migrate script for all the different packages that virbot made over the years.
There is a problem with the WINDOWS system template. After reinstallation, it is only 14G, and it cannot be expanded or compressed.
This is just a guess but it's possible the new template we're using doesn't have the customized disk resize script we used and it results in Windows sometimes not using all the available space. You just would in this scenario go into disk manager and extend it as you normally would on Windows.
You mention it can't be extended though so that would make it very abnormal and I have no answer for that right now on this thread.
Let us try to double check a few things as this is the first time I have heard of a situation like this.
If you check in the billing panel under Services tab, My Services and then check all the pages, is there no service for this order marked "Pending" or "Rejected"?
If you check under the Billing tab, My invoices is there an invoice for this purchase, and is it marked "Paid", or "Cancelled" ?
@AlwaysSkint - Good to see that worked out for you. Have you been rubbing Bobby’s nose ?
I checked that there is only one service I have purchased and used normally in the My services tab.
In the My invoices tab, there is
only the bill I paid for the normal service at that time + the invoice that was automatically cancelled because it was not paid in time in OGF.
It sounds incredible - he mysteriously disappeared except for the order number and the voucher of my payment method.
Make sure you have a ticket for this if you don't already, but based on skimming through those screenshots it looks like your service may be stuck on a hidden account that has blank details, a bug. We go through these every once in a while and refund them automatically. If it's not that then it needs a ticket.
My VPS on AMSD028 also suddenly is offline. Worked fine until a few hours ago.
My VM on node AMS.D026 is similar too
Hope they will repair it soon
This is update from their site status:
"Affected nodes: AMSD025, AMSD026, AMSD028, AMSD029
We are currently investigating an unexpected outage with services in Amsterdam. We will let you know as soon as we have an update regarding the status of these services."
From OGF
Where can we read these updates ourselves?
@VirMach ordered Tokyo storage 2 months ago but never provisioned. Opened a ticket a week ago to ask for a cancel and refund. How long should I wait for a response?
I am very excited that LA is now available. I made a order on April 9th for Order Number: 5169572945. Hopefully everything is cool.
IP: can not install and use windows2022, it has been a month, can you still solve the problem? @VirMach
Hi @VirMach
my order number is 1770163731
Thank you very much! I successfully received a refund today. Then I repeated the purchase process with this money and found a very strange bug:
After I log in and select the account in advance before purchasing, I return to the shopping cart to purchase, and prompt a new page to select the account again to pay the order. Things went very well - he successfully displayed the order in the customer area! Since the new account selection page is the same as the last one, I suspect the problem is here - he may not correctly replace the account selection page, that is, the last purchase is equivalent to using a tourist account.
Fortunately, however, I successfully avoided this bug this time. What I look forward to most now is to tell me that my service has been activated
Dumb question: For one year orders posting an order number isn't needed?
Is there any slot in Tokyo available? I have been waiting for 2 months, and the order still pending
I expect we are beyond posting order numbers for new orders.
No question is dumb, but I may sometimes post a dumb answer.
If that is NVMe and not storage, I think you should have already been activated by now. Does your order still show pending in the billing panel? If so please post your order number again.
Sorry guys, it's been a rough week month year and I forgot to hang around here for a while. I'm going to migrate over here from OGF for a while.
Some general updates on things discussed (I assume) over the last few pages.
San Jose had some extreme network abuse. It's cleared up, and settings got restored. We also had a bug with one of our anti-spam scripts which was related and that's been fixed. Last I checked, networking here was greatly improved and I apologize for it not being handled sooner.
Node failures happened a lot. I've linked everything together by now and understand what's going on better so we're prepared to deal with it should it continue. This goes back to all the nodes failing we discussed on probably the first 10 pages, such as SEAZ001, SJCZ003 and SJCZ007. Those were of course handled and we're currently on fixing SJCZ002 which is taking longer than expected but definitely in the works right now.
Frankfurt & Miami have gotten servers, the cabs just need final setup. Miami still needs a switch which I keep forgetting to send over or order. All other locations are complete outside of Chicago.
Storage keeps getting delayed even though LAX and Tokyo have had them racked for about a month or so now probably. I'll try not to delay it further and just set it up. I'm just trying to avoid rushing the initial setup and running into problems with these and I'm a little dusty on the RAID configurations since I've been primarily focusing on Ryzen.
Network problems are mostly resolved but it's still a game of whack-a-mole. I was in the process of cleaning all the nodes up when more nodes started failing and I ran out of humanly possible hours of working. We also already got geared toward moving everything on smaller VLANs as many people suggested. This was an initial concern of mine but I had people around me and one of our DC partners tell us it's fine and they've done it in the past so we rolled with the bigger VLANs for slightly added convenience but at this point in time it's not worth the potential risks. The majority of network problems are still not directly related but I'd say to fix that last 1-5% we need to fix the VLANs.
Any questions for me that don't involve linking your ticket? Let me know.
@VirMach is if you plan to party in NL let us know
maybe i'll join
Torrenting's fine but it's purposefully kind of a grey area in our terms of service. Seedboxes are most likely not OK though. When I say torrenting I mean if you go to a game developer's website and click to download the game legally and they happen to share it via torrent, then it's fine as long as you have a poor share ratio (meaning you just download and quickly stop it after you're done, which may not be very courteous to the entire torrenting system but if you start seeding a lot it's also not very courteous to our terms of service.)
Windows 2022 is a big file, it may not work on a lot of Ryzen nodes still.
We've been trying to track down this specific bug for something like a year now. It usually gets reported to us and we ask for instructions to reproduce it and then don't get any response back ever. Your comment is very helpful, thank you, and it might help us figure out what's going on with a very annoying bug that causes orders to be created on blank duplicate accounts. > @reb0rn said:
DC hands were asked to remove 4TB XPG drives. They removed 4TB XPG drive and decided that wasn't enough, and they also thought it'd be cool to remove the other 2TB drive there. Then we requested they be placed back and we scheduled a maintenance window, and received no reply back for some time and assumed it wasn't done. It was done, but it was done incorrectly in some other way. So finally I did get a hold of the person that was performing the maintenance which made the whole process way smoother since he could send photos and messages and I could immediately reply back.
Thankfully they labeled the disks they removed otherwise we'd have to rotate them out over and over. Except for one or two of them this exact thing ended up happening and we had to reboot one of like probably 10 times and remove and add disks over and over until we got the right one.
And that's why I hate not being able to teleport.
Speaking of teleporting, I do have it in the plans, assuming I can wrap anything up in time, to visit every datacenter location for a finalization. So going to every city for a few days to a week, maybe two weeks if it's an interesting one with proper amenities to work from hotel, and go and fix little finnicky cables, and label everything better, maybe do patch panels, remove and burn any remaining XPG drives, and troubleshoot complex issues where I need to actually be there to get it going. For those locations I'll be there longer just in case I need to order parts but I'll also probably travel with my little suitcase of NVMe SSDs and Ryzen CPUs.
So yes I'll be in Amsterdam and Frankfurt, hopefully, sometime around July. That's a VirMach estimate though so probably by the time we're in an assisted living facility.
Whenever you plan to start operations / visit Mumbai/Bengaluru- beer's on me.
Whenever you plan to start operations in Singapore, heck, I will fly down and the beer's on me.
Maybe we will make @FAT32 squeeze a deal or two from the pub and have a pitcher instead.
blog | exploring visually |
I was stuck in another state with no flight back and had to rent a vehicle and drive it over to get the earliest flight out. I had to take care of something personal that didn't end up going too well, I would've much rather flew into Tokyo.
Which by the way last minute flights are insanely expensive and if it weren't for that I'd probably be able to actually fly around to datacenters and actually fix some of these issues more quickly, which is sad to say but hey maybe they're overloaded with work as well, who knows. It'd just be nice if the DC hands didn't create more future work for themselves by neglecting to do it better initially... and I guess again, we've probably done the same more recently so ... I guess I'm still right because it definitely created more future work for us.
Fun fact, I actually visited India on a very long vacation when I was 4 or so years old so I have a lot of fond memories there. I'll actually share a very specific memory that's imprinted in my head. I get into the hotel elevator in either Goa or Kerala, and I have a banana in my hand and enjoying it very much. It's one of those tiny bananas that actually taste good but obviously being 4 years old, it's huge. I run into the elevator and my parents/family start a conversation with the hotel manager or something to that effect, and the elevator door closes. I'm sobbing at this point and as a 4 year old may think, I now at this time believe that I'm permanently stuck in another reality where my parents don't exist and I'm lost in India forever. I'm wandering around the 3rd or 4th floor now crying and freaking out and some gentleman realizes what's going on even with the language barrier and re-unites me with my parents in about 30 seconds. We laughed about it and I got over it pretty quickly. Of course that's just how I remember it all now, it's been a very long time and it's starting to fade away.
Bonus stories, I remember how many tiny little crabs there were on the beaches and how amazing coconuts were there. I can pretty much never eat a coconut here in the US because I got spoiled so hard in India. By the time they get here they'd old and hardened and in India they were jelly-like.
So yes if I ever do anything for Mumbai I'm definitely visiting.
Way less fancy than Mumbai, Tokyo or Singapore - but have you decided on whether you'll send some Ryzen nodes to Chicago?
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for the banana i guess?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Chicago might get fully cancelled, I don't know. We got a cabinet there, and then there was the fallout with Psychz. I really do not feel comfortable at this time using them but the problem is that every other company we've contacted in Chicago has essentially quoted us double the price. This would maybe be fine for an exotic location, but Chicago also happens to be a low-desired location for most.
We'd basically be paying the same price as being able to get a cabinet in London, Spain, Toronto, Romania, or even two cabinets in a more standard location like Los Angeles, which all happen to be much more popular than Chicago.
I guess there was a recent development at this location that made power and real estate costs to skyrocket? Which also doesn't make sense if Psychz is able to get it for that much lower. (edit) Actually I guess that's the real problem, it doesn't make sense at all, even if you go look up real estate and power cost trends in Chicago. With the quotes I've received their power pricing is closer to something like Germany's where they have a full-on energy crisis. I do understand that it's probably very easy for Psychz to throw out any low number when they get to do things such as collecting payments for Amsterdam for 14 months without actually rendering a cabinet, but usually other locations are within +X% of Psychz pricing and in this case they're way way higher.
My server is still offline, I chose Ubuntu and already tried to reinstall twice, server never booted, the Amsterdam servers issues were solved already, so maybe only my server has problems?
thank you finally @VirMach is back to write comments here.
Kindly please, my complaint seems easy to resolve, but till now almost a month, the problem is not followed up. Tickets #884164. only change the bandwidth of my VPS according to the order, which is 6TB, is it difficult? until now it still says 2TB, should be 6TB. if you have explained the problem of slow internet network affairs, you have explained and I relented and understood it. thanks. once again sincerely, please respectfully, I always relent and forgive you. If there are no problems, we can't protest.
Is this actually urgent? I'll take a look if you're currently at 1.5TB or higher usage, otherwise, if it's not, I do not understand why you're upset in this situation or why you believe it justifies asking for support here if you already have a ticket in with us. Let me know.
Yes, that's highly likely at this point. You should have a report offline ticket for it in the priority department.
We're trying our best. We're trying more than our best to get to everyone. I barely sleep and I haven't had a social life or personal time for months.
You have to understand that we're getting nearly 300 tickets more than we usually do, per day, this month. We get to most of them but of course for the ones we miss, it definitely ends up looking very bad and that's not our intention. Ticket titles are the most important thing right now for getting a quick resolution and I don't mean "URGENT!!! HELP!! IMMEDIATE" but describing the situation. The second most important thing is being courteous and not creating a ticket unless you have to because we still are getting a ton of tickets that are unnecessary such as tickets reporting outage on a server that's already with an open network issue.
Yelanki bananas are awesome
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It's still amazing to me that we basically have our own loyal PR person on these message boards. Thank you for all that you do @FrankZ and I really mean it. You've probably saved our company weeks of consecutive time in providing support and often do better than us given the circumstances we're in right now. You've probably saved me from 3 years of premature aging.
I will say though for how much it is in human nature to either prioritize or de-prioritize complainers or rude customers, I always try my best to remain neutral.
If that screenshot is supposed to represent our service being bad or indicating a problem, it doesn't. That's just the side-effects of using ModulesGarden plugin, Cloudflare, and SolusVM. It means you clicked reconfigure button and it took more than 100 seconds to reconfigure which does happen regularly.
I don't have access to WHMCS right now but let me know if it's still not provisioned and due date not adjusted.
This is just a guess but it's possible the new template we're using doesn't have the customized disk resize script we used and it results in Windows sometimes not using all the available space. You just would in this scenario go into disk manager and extend it as you normally would on Windows.
You mention it can't be extended though so that would make it very abnormal and I have no answer for that right now on this thread.
Make sure you have a ticket for this if you don't already, but based on skimming through those screenshots it looks like your service may be stuck on a hidden account that has blank details, a bug. We go through these every once in a while and refund them automatically. If it's not that then it needs a ticket.