What should i do with my 2 domains?
I have 2 domains that I'm currently idling:
What are some side projects that I could do for them?
Crunchbits Technical Support, Technical Writer, and Sales
Contact me at: +1 (509) 606-3569 or rafal@crunchbits.com
Sell them maybe?
Keep renewing them for the next 20 years, doing nothing with them. Forget one year and watch someone snap it up and also do nothing with it. Or at least, that's my strategy.
Try to collect:
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
I too grabbed a couple last year.. Was thinking to let them go. Have been way too many idling domains... not sure though ..
I am looking for m.com.hr if someone wants to give it away...
Sell them on LES.
Get some hosting at https://drserver.net .
No hostname left!
Get some hosting at https://drserver.net .
Host legal low-end porn on them
Web Development & SysAdmin services
Bruhh Croatian low end u mean?
Crunchbits Technical Support, Technical Writer, and Sales
Contact me at: +1 (509) 606-3569 or rafal@crunchbits.com
Web Development & SysAdmin services
Pay me and I will take them off your hands.
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A threesome.
Gotta catch 'em all!
https://a.com.hr is mine.
Amadex • Hosting Forums • Wie ist meine IP-Adresse? • AS215325
Forum for System Administrators: sysadminforum.com
Wow, these one letter subdomains are actually longer than some of my real domains.
But I am wondering how you registered those.
@Amadex made a thread about opening of 1 letter domains under .com.hr and I snatched 2
Crunchbits Technical Support, Technical Writer, and Sales
Contact me at: +1 (509) 606-3569 or rafal@crunchbits.com