Inception Hosting - Extended sale.



  • @JeDaYoshi said:
    Actually, looks like there is indeed a weird thing with the IP listed in the looking glass for Clouvider's Phoenix location, as I also can notice there's a ping that's higher than it should be. I cannot reproduce it using the Network diagnostics to ping the IPs that have such high pings, though, so I wonder if it's the LG box having some sort of issue where incoming pings are delayed for whatever reason (some pings are outright filtered by it, too).

    Yeah, I think I see the same as you. A quick ping test from me to my PHX box has ~130 ms less than pinging the test IP listed on (~142 ms vs. ~271 ms)

    Feel free to use my box to test, since it's idling for the time being anyway:

    (Regular HTTP should also work for the test files)

    Thanked by (3)JeDaYoshi corbpie jam
  • @Decicus said: Feel free

    I know you want to make good deed.. but leaving ip's here is bad idea...

    ServerStatus , slackvpn <-- openVPN auto install script for Slackware 15

  • @Amitz said:

    I always imagined two eggs on top of the potato. Have to re-visualize the whole thing now. But, hey, one egg on top is sexy too, no complaints!


    Thanked by (1)Amitz
  • The sale ends around 9 am UK/London time tomorrow; last chance on 2,3,4,6,8,16 GB Packages are still discounted; check annually for pricing.

    It was a fun one!
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • edited December 2022

    @InceptionHosting said:
    The sale ends around 9 am UK/London time tomorrow; last chance on 2,3,4,6,8,16 GB Packages are still discounted; check annually for pricing.

    It was a fun one!

    does this mean we can get a fun 4GB 2core for less?

    btw, this is @AuroraZero and the gang with no money.

    left, except @tarasis he is loaded.

    Thanked by (1)Amitz
  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired

    @ehab you been drinking again there bud?

    Thanked by (1)ehab
  • @AuroraZero said:
    @ehab you been drinking again there bud?

    if i did i would properly be quite and far away, because it can be a disaster.

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • Thanks everyone, sale is now over, prices and specifications have been reset
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @JeDaYoshi said:

    Actually, looks like there is indeed a weird thing with the IP listed in the looking glass for Clouvider's Phoenix location, as I also can notice there's a ping that's higher than it should be. I cannot reproduce it using the Network diagnostics to ping the IPs that have such high pings, though, so I wonder if it's the LG box having some sort of issue where incoming pings are delayed for whatever reason (some pings are outright filtered by it, too).

    Yes i think it is a issue with the IP of Phoenix plublished in
    i tried with the IP published by @Decicus and i have AVG 100 MS like before, but still AVG 220 MS with the Phoenix IP plublished in

    Backend Ruby Dev and Linux user

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