What should I do with 35 VPS's?
I bought 35 VPS's with absolutely no plan for them. In hindsight, maybe I should've thought about it a little bit more before pulling the trigger.
The specifications of each are as follows:
Some Intel Xeon CPU (1 core)
2GB DDR4 Memory
20GB SSD Storage
100 Mbps Unmetered
Dedicated IPv4 and IPv6
Total cost is $33/month for all of them
30 of them are in East Coast USA and the other 5 are in the West Coast.
I was thinking about maybe cancelling ~10 or so and turning the remaining all into TOR Relay's, ArchiveTeam Warriors, various honeypots, and maybe some other projects.
Alternatively I can just idle them all
I am a representative of Advin Servers
Thanked by (1)benz
this will be a good fit for docker swarm.
next article i work on such a use case but with far less node.
You let them idle.
That is the way of the LESbian.
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
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Offer the ones you don't want for transfer. $11.31 /yr average price with the specs shown and 100 Mbps unmetered transfer is a really good deal.
Do a les giveaway.
Are they KVM? You could put a few LXCs on each of them and resell although it’s probably really not worth the hassle
Sounds good, more relays won't hurt.
You cancidle them.
Donate their bandiwdth to Tor. This is highly needed now, especially with a worldwide conflict at out doorstep. People need to stay informed and possibly exercise their rights to vote while also staying anonymous and informed.
Please stop the planet! I wish to get off!
Where are they located?
The all seeing eye sees everything...
United States (US-WEST-OR)
United States (US-EAST-VA)
Amadex • Hosting Forums • Wie ist meine IP-Adresse? • AS215325
Forum for System Administrators: sysadminforum.com
Comments regarding the OVH cloud offer have been moved here so as to not derail @Advin 's discussion and because it might be relevant to other members. Thanks @Advin for bringing this to our attention.
mister @Advin is mister 🎅
i wouldn't mind taking any of your vpses with 2C2G20GB and above
for $11
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Personally, my suggestion would be to increase from 35 to 50. Get out of those rookie numbers!
Is there a plug-in for selling these on whmcs, so you never have to cancel any of them?
Could host some open source services with those as well. Syncthing always needs relays.
There is a module that can, maybe I can resell them at $2/month for a whopping $1.03/month profit
I am a representative of Advin Servers
One customer sends spam or initiates DDoS.
OVH deletes all 35 servers.
Drama thread.
34 chargebacks.
Fees so high you bankrupt.
OVH realizes mistake and increases price.
35 heartfelt emails.
Drama thread.
35 refounds to store credit.
Another drama thread demands refound to PayPal.
Fees so high you bankrupt.
No hostname left!