Any provider that support BGP Session with a reasonable price and high bandwidth?
Any ? Except BuyVM, already using it.
Just missed the offer from Terrahost .
Any ? Except BuyVM, already using it.
Just missed the offer from Terrahost .
what is this "reasonable price", 3$ a year?
for bgp stuff i personally only ever go with misaka network, not the cheapest but i can BYOIP at there
Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.
Lower than $10 per month.
Twistic Limited aka also on
ONIX 1C1G $8/month
No hostname left!
We provide it for €9,90 as a setup fee.
C1V Hosting: Low cost Italian Cloud & Data Center Solutions 🚀 | Contact us for special offers. | Our deals on Telegram
I'm glad you're adhering to the terms
Checkout and too
Currently Using Hetzner , OVH , Buyvm , Webhorizon , Hyonix , ConnectIndo
Too many 3-digit numbers, hard to remember.
AS924 is clean premium network.
AS945 is dirty congested network.
No hostname left!
Melbicom is lesser known but they do "Unmetered" with BGP sessions for approx +5 euro per month in a lot of locations. If I recall correctly, you can often get 2-3 Gbps just fine but they officially advertise 100 Mbps guaranteed or something like that.
We use them for an IPv6 tunnel in our Amsterdam location, has worked fine and support is alright. They have some exotic locations like Nigeria and United Arab Emirates.
I am a representative of Advin Servers
If you're in the US looking for BGP on a tunnel you could leverage something like Core Transit. They do L2TP, GRE, WireGuard, etc. Very knowledgeable guys as well.
You're joking right? I think OP was looking for serious suggestions.
Hei, we can give free bgp session you can also have 1 month free trial and test it before
We can provide BGP services for dedicated servers and VPS.
Our data center is located in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
we provide BGP (ipv6 and ipv4) session for free on all of our hosting services (except webhosting)
In order to enable that, you just have to open a ticket to the Technical/Network team
Our ASN is AS215664
You can see all of our services on, and there’s an ongoing offer (-30% on vps) only for LES users, you can look to our latest thread.
SynthoHosting: DDoS Protected IP Transit, Dedicated Servers and VPS
Adam, it’s a bad look suggesting a company but not disclosing you own it.
Suddenly received a ton of comments!
Thank you all for the offers. I have already paid for some juicy annual offers from server-factory, f4net, c1vhosting, and Crunchbits.
We offer free BGP for all plans
AMD EPYC / NVMe / 10GBPs KVM in Frankfurt -
Looking for an unbeatable AMD EPYC Baremetal Server in Frankfurt? Drop me a PM
We offer automated (that is: no need to inform us of prefix list updates) BGP sessions for free with all of our virtual and bare metal servers :-)