Looking for a KVM VPS in India, IPv6, 4 CPU cores, 4 GB RAM, cryptocurrency payment
Can You suggest please?
Use messenger that is anti-surveillance, onion routed: https://getsession.org
Use e-mail, cloud drive, VPN where privacy is by default: https://proton.me
@stromonic and Vultr has KVM in Mumbai with IPv6 and takes crypto.
@ReadyDedis ?
Thanks, Vultr is not for me, because "Account must be funded by credit card or PayPal before making a Bitcoin deposit."
ReadyDedis: "Currently we don't have ipv6."
Stromonic: "have KVM VPS in Mumbai, India. ... offer IPv6 with our all VPS Hosting by default" but do not offer 4CPU, 4GB RAM combination.
Use messenger that is anti-surveillance, onion routed: https://getsession.org
Use e-mail, cloud drive, VPN where privacy is by default: https://proton.me
Thanks for suggesting us. Yes, we support Crypto Currencies and offer IPv6 with all VPS by default.
Also, recently we have upgraded our hardware to AMD EPYC + NVMe SSD.
STROMONIC.COM - Web Hosting, Reseller, Managed WP, VPS, GPU & Dedicated Servers!
Data Centers: India, Finland, Canada, Bulgaria, United States
Custom Quotation: hello@stromonic.com
We have 4 vCPU 32GB RAM 120GB SSD in Mumbai for $16/month, we take cryptocurrency, but IPv6 will take 1-2 weeks to process.
I am a representative of Advin Servers
@typicalGta recommend something
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/64 prefix when?
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Hi, I am still looking for what is described in the topic title, none of the suggested providers offer what was requested (some reasons mentioned in my previous comment), main problem is lacking IPv6 support.
So far i have found these that may match:
https://evolution-host.com/vps-hosting.php - very expensive at the time of writing, like €900 annually
Do you know any other that fits requirements please?
Use messenger that is anti-surveillance, onion routed: https://getsession.org
Use e-mail, cloud drive, VPN where privacy is by default: https://proton.me
I think Advin is your best bet.
Maybe also contact Leapswitch for some discount or a custom plan.
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No IPv6 hall of shame
Include IPv6 for no extra cost on every plan in every location to get delisted.
No hostname left!
No, you are badly wrong, contacted all three already and none of these meets the requirements of crypto+IPv6.
Use messenger that is anti-surveillance, onion routed: https://getsession.org
Use e-mail, cloud drive, VPN where privacy is by default: https://proton.me
www.hostinger.in and "hostinger" with other ending extention are same intl team of spammers .
It is not the worst burder, if the user took a risk to leave his registration data with "hostinger".
If the user requers a minimum "support", such as the configuration of A,AAAA, MX records, for instance,
such technical support for the user is absent completely with "hostinger".
The same is realted to similar gigants like the French "ovh" or the US "AWS".
Does the user think, it is the end of the troubles?
Not with "hostinger" or the similar intl gigants.
The most unpleasant, if the user left his card with the "hostinger".
After the card data had been left, the user can receive something like "the card is not valid".
After the user issued all data of card 2nd time, took the card of his father,
the "hostinger" will charge the user card without the authorisation.
This amout is small, 1USD or near so.
In few moths, after the user forgot about his careless issuance of the card data to "hostinger",
the small amounts of lost money become bigger.
Such amounts will dissaper from the user's account. Not millions, but dozens USD in the user currency monthly.
The only good step will be to change the card number in the bank and do not to visit "hostinger".
If the user require 4 vcode and RAM 4Gb, the most reliable move looks to find the US - Indian provider.
There 4-5 providers, which offer VPS in US and in India.
3 of them are total waste of the time and of money.
2 others can offer exactly the competitive tariffs and the host in the Indian city (Pune, Noida) About 2500 per month for the desired configuration.
""Vultr" and "Digital ocean" offer the tarifs of the middle level. But theese 2 companies have engineers for the support. Support replies in 24-48 hours upon the "Lord wish". The phone call is just for fun with any support or so called support.
If the user found the Indian provider, I know the Rajstani local provider only, who offers the service and the negotiavble tarrifs. The other Indian providers employ girls and boys on line, similarly to the Boliwood.
If the user does not care about money, the user can hire US IBM.
They have exellent engineers at the support. The user can leave the card with IBm without the risk to face with unauthorized charge. IBM offer the free server in India for 90 days. Than the price for the desired configuarton will be about 80USD monthly. The card of the user will charged monthly.
If the user knows nothing about Indian VPS, the user can try one of the the world leaders:
IONOS LLC. They offer the cheapest VPS tarrifs for the inexperinced users in the world,
for Indian users primary. The IONOS prices of the domain names for 1st year between 1 and 2 USD.
IONOS is on the No IPv6 Hall of Shame, so that it doesn't fulfill this request.
No hostname left!
@postcd has flagged three comments for removal in this thread for no other reason than the member's suggestion did not meet all of his requirements. So if you are not 100% sure that your suggestion will meet 100% of his requirements it is my understanding that he would rather you did not comment in this thread.
@postcd I am not going to remove the comments of members who's only sin is to respond to your request for assistance. You can, like @yoursunny did above, comment on why they do not fulfill your requirements, and move on.
there's a reason why you couldn't find one till now
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.
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Thanks for the info.