Indian ISPs block access to major domain registrars
Some Indian ISPs have blocked access to three major domain name registrars.
The move comes as part of a long-running dispute over cybersquatting. Indian courts and cybersquatting victims are frustrated that registrars are not responding to their take-down notices. Some registrars are seemingly asking that plaintiffs get a U.S. court order rather than one from India.
Attorney Ankur Raheja, who frequently acts as a Respondent’s representative in UDRP cases, noted today that five registrars’ websites are not accessible through a few Indian ISPs at this time: Dynadot, Namecheap, Tucows, Sarek and Gransy. The first three are among the top 15 largest domain registrars, although Tucows mostly sells domains through resellers.
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Why would a non-India based company care about Indian court orders? Get an order in their jurisdiction and they'll respect it.
Then don't do business in the country.
If you want money then respect law of the land
And respond to the abuse notices and block those phishing sites
They are - the land they live in. Your laws don't apply outside your country. It's about time your courts figure that out.
Then don't business here.. if you're making money from here then you have to follow the law.
If you don't want to respect the law then just don't do business here. Just make customer where you live so you don't have to follow any other's law.
It's very simple..
You can't just do whatever you want..
If you say you will not follow the law because you don't live here the Indian court also have right to block you for not following the law of the country where you are earning money but ignoring abuse notices regarding phishing sites registered with you
They aren't doing business there. They're doing business in their country. If they were doing business IN your country, you could enforce your laws upon them.
No, they don't. They have to follow their own countries laws which may or may not include treaties about your laws.
As stated previously, they're not.
Whole-heartedly agree. They have to follow the laws of their country - just not yours.
On this too we can agree. Your courts can do whatever they want to their citizens. It's silly but as they say, "You do you". Just don't expect anybody else to care.
Ok then do business, follow your country rules and accept the ban and enjoy the blocking.
You did what you think right and we will do what we think right.
There's no scope for arguments.
No matter which country you live, if someone doing illegal things using your services then you have to take action against it and cannot just ignore and Indian court also right here to block these providers as they are ignoring legit abuse notices against phishing websites registered with them.
Phishing is a crime here and if someone doing criminal activities using your services then you are responsible no matter which country you live but court has right to block you in it's country
So, for example, you would be fine with the US blocking all phone calls from Jio since we get so many phone calls from "Microsoft"? Would you expect them to respond to court orders from our courts to shut down services there?
Phishing is a crime in most locations. That's not what this is about. This is about Indian courts/judges being butthurt they're being ignored. If you follow the proper process my bet is you'll find they respond just fine.
Following up: Don't get me wrong, this isn't limited to Indian courts/judges. They're just the ones we're talking about right now.
Could also be prompted by local registrars and “NoDaddy” types who have local presence. More than what meets the eye in this matter.
Spock’s father and other registrars in the list have very little customer base here.
Technically they could even be blocked if they are not paying GST or charging it - from customers here but that is a different matter.
Coming to law of the land, if a company has physical presence (office, registration address, tax ID, employees…) then they have to follow law of the land. Ban hammer is quite severe. If not, then not many restrictions.
On a different note, Bytedance kept their India staff on payrolls for nearly one year after GOI blocked Tik Tok in 2020. And kept lease on office going.
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