Post some YABS bench here



  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    @flips said:

    Nice. KVM in UK? US? :)

    UK :)

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • Start-2-S-SSD with FIO

    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2020-02-10                    #
    # #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Mon Mar  2 17:04:44 CET 2020
    Basic System Information:
    Processor  : Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU  C2338  @ 1.74GHz
    CPU cores  : 2 @ 1750.071 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
    RAM        : 3.8G
    Swap       : 1.0G
    Disk       : 116G
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4kb           (IOPS) | 64kb          (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
    Read       | 29.17 MB/s    (7.2k) | 75.13 MB/s    (1.1k)
    Write      | 29.21 MB/s    (7.3k) | 75.52 MB/s    (1.1k)
    Total      | 58.38 MB/s   (14.5k) | 150.65 MB/s   (2.3k)
               |                      |                     
    Block Size | 512kb         (IOPS) | 1mb           (IOPS)
      ------   | -----          ----  | ---            ---- 
    Read       | 92.21 MB/s     (180) | 86.01 MB/s      (84)
    Write      | 97.11 MB/s     (189) | 91.74 MB/s      (89)
    Total      | 189.33 MB/s    (369) | 177.76 MB/s    (173)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed     
                              |                           |                 |                
    Bouygues Telecom          | Paris, FR (10G)           | 937 Mbits/sec   | 744 Mbits/sec                | Paris, FR (10G)           | 937 Mbits/sec   | 818 Mbits/sec  
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 941 Mbits/sec   | 916 Mbits/sec               | Hamburg, DE (10G)         | 938 Mbits/sec   | 765 Mbits/sec  
    Biznet                    | Bogor, Indonesia (1G)     | 10.0 Mbits/sec  | busy           
    Hostkey                   | Moscow, RU (1G)           | 918 Mbits/sec   | 923 Mbits/sec  
    Velocity Online           | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 223 Mbits/sec   | 182 Mbits/sec  
    Airstream Communications  | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G)  | 841 Mbits/sec   | 169 Mbits/sec  
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | busy            | 171 Mbits/sec  
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed     
                              |                           |                 |                
    Bouygues Telecom          | Paris, FR (10G)           | 923 Mbits/sec   | 717 Mbits/sec                | Paris, FR (10G)           | busy            | busy           
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 928 Mbits/sec   | 927 Mbits/sec               | Hamburg, DE (10G)         | 919 Mbits/sec   | 679 Mbits/sec  
    Airstream Communications  | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G)  | busy            | busy           
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | 835 Mbits/sec   | 146 Mbits/sec  
    Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value                         
    Single Core     | 174                           
    Multi Core      | 267                           
    Full Test       |

    NetCup VPS Karneval 2020

    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2020-02-10                    #
    # #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Пн мар  2 17:03:12 CET 2020
    Basic System Information:
    Processor  : QEMU Virtual CPU version 2.5+
    CPU cores  : 2 @ 2596.978 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
    RAM        : 3.9G
    Swap       : 0B
    Disk       : 158G
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4kb           (IOPS) | 64kb          (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
    Read       | 21.33 MB/s    (5.3k) | 272.30 MB/s   (4.2k)
    Write      | 21.35 MB/s    (5.3k) | 270.29 MB/s   (4.2k)
    Total      | 42.69 MB/s   (10.6k) | 542.60 MB/s   (8.4k)
               |                      |                     
    Block Size | 512kb         (IOPS) | 1mb           (IOPS)
      ------   | -----          ----  | ---            ---- 
    Read       | 942.19 MB/s   (1.8k) | 1.42 GB/s     (1.3k)
    Write      | 940.35 MB/s   (1.8k) | 1.42 GB/s     (1.3k)
    Total      | 1.88 GB/s     (3.6k) | 2.84 GB/s     (2.7k)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed     
                              |                           |                 |                
    Bouygues Telecom          | Paris, FR (10G)           | 920 Mbits/sec   | 518 Mbits/sec                | Paris, FR (10G)           | 905 Mbits/sec   | 669 Mbits/sec  
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 914 Mbits/sec   | 696 Mbits/sec               | Hamburg, DE (10G)         | 913 Mbits/sec   | 700 Mbits/sec  
    Biznet                    | Bogor, Indonesia (1G)     | busy            | busy           
    Hostkey                   | Moscow, RU (1G)           | 874 Mbits/sec   | 839 Mbits/sec  
    Velocity Online           | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 730 Mbits/sec   | 230 Mbits/sec  
    Airstream Communications  | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G)  | 666 Mbits/sec   | 235 Mbits/sec  
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | 717 Mbits/sec   | 293 Mbits/sec  
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed     
                              |                           |                 |                
    Bouygues Telecom          | Paris, FR (10G)           | 904 Mbits/sec   | 650 Mbits/sec                | Paris, FR (10G)           | busy            | 406 Mbits/sec  
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 896 Mbits/sec   | 595 Mbits/sec               | Hamburg, DE (10G)         | 906 Mbits/sec   | 798 Mbits/sec  
    Airstream Communications  | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G)  | 632 Mbits/sec   | 385 Mbits/sec  
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | 766 Mbits/sec   | 271 Mbits/sec  
    Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value                         
    Single Core     | 612                           
    Multi Core      | 965                           
    Full Test       |

    Home notebook with SSD Samsung Evo 860 250GB

    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #                                                                                                                                       
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #                                                                                                                                       
    #                     v2020-02-10                    #                                                                                                                                       
    # #                                                                                                                                       
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #                                                                                                                                       
    Пан сак  2 19:07:09 +03 2020                                                                                                                                                                 
    Basic System Information:                                                                                                                                                                    
    Processor  : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3612QM CPU @ 2.10GHz                                                                                                                                       
    CPU cores  : 8 @ 1197.189 MHz                                                                                                                                                                
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled                                                                                                                                                                       
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled                                                                                                                                                                       
    RAM        : 11G                                                                                                                                                                             
    Swap       : 975M                                                                                                                                                                            
    Disk       : 228G                                                                                                                                                                            
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):                                                                                                                                                      
    Block Size | 4kb           (IOPS) | 64kb          (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
    Read       | 126.65 MB/s  (31.6k) | 182.86 MB/s   (2.8k)
    Write      | 126.99 MB/s  (31.7k) | 183.83 MB/s   (2.8k)
    Total      | 253.64 MB/s  (63.4k) | 366.69 MB/s   (5.7k)
               |                      |                     
    Block Size | 512kb         (IOPS) | 1mb           (IOPS)
      ------   | -----          ----  | ---            ---- 
    Read       | 179.15 MB/s    (349) | 187.55 MB/s    (183)
    Write      | 188.67 MB/s    (368) | 200.04 MB/s    (195)
    Total      | 367.82 MB/s    (717) | 387.60 MB/s    (378)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed     
                              |                           |                 |                
    Bouygues Telecom          | Paris, FR (10G)           | 44.0 Mbits/sec  | 96.8 Mbits/sec                | Paris, FR (10G)           | 41.1 Mbits/sec  | 88.6 Mbits/sec 
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 45.5 Mbits/sec  | 95.1 Mbits/sec               | Hamburg, DE (10G)         | 44.3 Mbits/sec  | 93.5 Mbits/sec 
    Biznet                    | Bogor, Indonesia (1G)     | busy            | 40.3 Mbits/sec 
    Hostkey                   | Moscow, RU (1G)           | 37.5 Mbits/sec  | 84.8 Mbits/sec 
    Velocity Online           | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 27.9 Mbits/sec  | 40.6 Mbits/sec 
    Airstream Communications  | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G)  | 33.6 Mbits/sec  | 45.8 Mbits/sec 
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | 38.4 Mbits/sec  | busy           
    Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value                         
    Single Core     | 682                           
    Multi Core      | 2548                          
    Full Test       |
  • NetCup VPS 200 G8 BF2019

    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2020-02-10                    #
    # #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Mon Mar  2 18:55:18 CET 2020
    Basic System Information:
    Processor  : QEMU Virtual CPU version 2.5+
    CPU cores  : 1 @ 2095.076 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
    RAM        : 2.0G
    Swap       : 0B
    Disk       : 9.8G
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4kb           (IOPS) | 64kb          (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
    Read       | 37.35 MB/s    (9.3k) | 393.29 MB/s   (6.1k)
    Write      | 37.35 MB/s    (9.3k) | 390.39 MB/s   (6.0k)
    Total      | 74.70 MB/s   (18.6k) | 783.68 MB/s  (12.2k)
               |                      |                     
    Block Size | 512kb         (IOPS) | 1mb           (IOPS)
      ------   | -----          ----  | ---            ---- 
    Read       | 1.19 GB/s     (2.3k) | 1.22 GB/s     (1.1k)
    Write      | 1.19 GB/s     (2.3k) | 1.21 GB/s     (1.1k)
    Total      | 2.39 GB/s     (4.6k) | 2.44 GB/s     (2.3k)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed     
                              |                           |                 |                
    Bouygues Telecom          | Paris, FR (10G)           | 980 Mbits/sec   | 624 Mbits/sec                | Paris, FR (10G)           | 819 Mbits/sec   | 557 Mbits/sec  
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 991 Mbits/sec   | 727 Mbits/sec               | Hamburg, DE (10G)         | 985 Mbits/sec   | 667 Mbits/sec  
    Biznet                    | Bogor, Indonesia (1G)     | busy            | 53.4 Mbits/sec 
    Hostkey                   | Moscow, RU (1G)           | 883 Mbits/sec   | 630 Mbits/sec  
    Velocity Online           | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 874 Mbits/sec   | 573 Mbits/sec  
    Airstream Communications  | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G)  | 775 Mbits/sec   | 353 Mbits/sec  
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | busy            | busy           
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed     
                              |                           |                 |                
    Bouygues Telecom          | Paris, FR (10G)           | 942 Mbits/sec   | 631 Mbits/sec                | Paris, FR (10G)           | 959 Mbits/sec   | 463 Mbits/sec  
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 957 Mbits/sec   | 471 Mbits/sec               | Hamburg, DE (10G)         | 988 Mbits/sec   | 766 Mbits/sec  
    Airstream Communications  | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G)  | 720 Mbits/sec   | 345 Mbits/sec  
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | 797 Mbits/sec   | 329 Mbits/sec  
    Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value                         
    Single Core     | 314                           
    Multi Core      | 341                           
    Full Test       |
    Thanked by (1)cybertech
  • edited March 2020

    DesiVPS 2 GB KVM Promo

    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2020-02-10                    #
    # #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Tue Mar  3 07:18:52 PST 2020
    Basic System Information:
    Processor  : QEMU Virtual CPU version 2.5+
    CPU cores  : 1 @ 2399.998 MHz
    AES-NI     : ❌ Disabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
    RAM        : 1.9G
    Swap       : 2.0G
    Disk       : 18G
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4kb           (IOPS) | 64kb          (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
    Read       | 2.10 MB/s      (526) | 34.26 MB/s     (535)
    Write      | 2.12 MB/s      (532) | 34.62 MB/s     (540)
    Total      | 4.23 MB/s     (1.0k) | 68.88 MB/s    (1.0k)
               |                      |
    Block Size | 512kb         (IOPS) | 1mb           (IOPS)
      ------   | -----          ----  | ---            ----
    Read       | 136.76 MB/s    (267) | 140.96 MB/s    (137)
    Write      | 144.03 MB/s    (281) | 150.34 MB/s    (146)
    Total      | 280.79 MB/s    (548) | 291.31 MB/s    (283)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed
                              |                           |                 |                | Paris, FR (10G)           | 88.6 Mbits/sec  | 196 Mbits/sec
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 87.8 Mbits/sec  | 241 Mbits/sec
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | 97.8 Mbits/sec  | 367 Mbits/sec
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed
                              |                           |                 |                | Paris, FR (10G)           | 87.7 Mbits/sec  | 250 Mbits/sec
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 87.5 Mbits/sec  | 216 Mbits/sec
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | 96.2 Mbits/sec  | 296 Mbits/sec
    Geekbench 4 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value
    Single Core     | 1036
    Multi Core      | 1039
    Full Test       |
  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    Expending idle credits on

    Good nvme, normal CPU, no excite

    [root@localhost ~]# curl -sL | bash -s -- -4
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2020-02-10                    #
    # #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Wed Mar  4 21:01:59 +08 2020
    Basic System Information:
    Processor  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2430L v2 @ 2.40GHz
    CPU cores  : 1 @ 2394.230 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
    RAM        : 1.9G
    Swap       : 0B
    Disk       : 15G
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4kb           (IOPS) | 64kb          (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
    Read       | 124.52 MB/s  (31.1k) | 248.00 MB/s   (3.8k)
    Write      | 124.85 MB/s  (31.2k) | 249.30 MB/s   (3.8k)
    Total      | 249.37 MB/s  (62.3k) | 497.30 MB/s   (7.7k)
               |                      |
    Block Size | 512kb         (IOPS) | 1mb           (IOPS)
      ------   | -----          ----  | ---            ----
    Read       | 281.54 MB/s    (549) | 292.74 MB/s    (285)
    Write      | 296.50 MB/s    (579) | 312.23 MB/s    (304)
    Total      | 578.04 MB/s   (1.1k) | 604.97 MB/s    (589)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed
                              |                           |                 |    
    Bouygues Telecom          | Paris, FR (10G)           | 1.77 Gbits/sec  | 921 Mbits/sec                | Paris, FR (10G)           | 322 Mbits/sec   | 471 Mbits/sec
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 1.86 Gbits/sec  | 920 Mbits/sec               | Hamburg, DE (10G)         | 1.87 Gbits/sec  | 933 Mbits/sec
    Biznet                    | Bogor, Indonesia (1G)     | 842 Mbits/sec   | 98.8 Mbits/sec
    Hostkey                   | Moscow, RU (1G)           | 910 Mbits/sec   | 916 Mbits/sec
    Velocity Online           | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 1.64 Gbits/sec  | 316 Mbits/sec
    Airstream Communications  | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G)  | 1.43 Gbits/sec  | 369 Mbits/sec
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | busy            | busy
    Geekbench 4 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value
    Single Core     | 2418
    Multi Core      | 2330

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2020-02-10                    #
    # #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Thu 05 Mar 2020 09:05:47 PM MST
    Basic System Information:
    Processor  : AMD EPYC 7551P 32-Core Processor
    CPU cores  : 64 @ 2209.572 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
    RAM        : 62Gi
    Swap       : 8.0Gi
    Disk       : 1.1T
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4kb           (IOPS) | 64kb          (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
    Read       | 101.12 MB/s  (25.2k) | 280.49 MB/s   (4.3k)
    Write      | 101.39 MB/s  (25.3k) | 281.97 MB/s   (4.4k)
    Total      | 202.51 MB/s  (50.6k) | 562.46 MB/s   (8.7k)
               |                      |                     
    Block Size | 512kb         (IOPS) | 1mb           (IOPS)
      ------   | -----          ----  | ---            ---- 
    Read       | 289.52 MB/s    (565) | 297.98 MB/s    (290)
    Write      | 304.90 MB/s    (595) | 317.82 MB/s    (310)
    Total      | 594.43 MB/s   (1.1k) | 615.81 MB/s    (600)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed     
                              |                           |                 |                
    Bouygues Telecom          | Paris, FR (10G)           | 608 Mbits/sec   | 91.9 Mbits/sec                | Paris, FR (10G)           | 662 Mbits/sec   | 104 Mbits/sec  
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 632 Mbits/sec   | 78.6 Mbits/sec               | Hamburg, DE (10G)         | 619 Mbits/sec   | 83.2 Mbits/sec 
    Biznet                    | Bogor, Indonesia (1G)     | busy            | busy           
    Hostkey                   | Moscow, RU (1G)           | 584 Mbits/sec   | 149 Mbits/sec  
    Velocity Online           | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 675 Mbits/sec   | 161 Mbits/sec  
    Airstream Communications  | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G)  | 674 Mbits/sec   | 227 Mbits/sec  
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | 708 Mbits/sec   | 298 Mbits/sec  
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed     
                              |                           |                 |                
    Bouygues Telecom          | Paris, FR (10G)           | 627 Mbits/sec   | 88.6 Mbits/sec                | Paris, FR (10G)           | 602 Mbits/sec   | 110 Mbits/sec  
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | busy            | busy                     | Hamburg, DE (10G)         | 584 Mbits/sec   | 70.1 Mbits/sec 
    Airstream Communications  | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G)  | 681 Mbits/sec   | 198 Mbits/sec  
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | 681 Mbits/sec   | 376 Mbits/sec  
    Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value                         
    Single Core     | 778                           
    Multi Core      | 9826                          
    Full Test       |
    Thanked by (1)cybertech

    Tab Fitts | Founder/CEO - Spry Servers
    SSD Shared Hosting || VPS || Dedicated Servers || Network Status || PHX1 LG || DAL1 LG || || AS398646 || 1-844-799-HOST (4678)

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    @SpryServers_Tab said:
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    # Yet-Another-Bench-Script #
    # v2020-02-10 #
    # #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #

    Thu 05 Mar 2020 09:05:47 PM MST

    Basic System Information:
    Processor : AMD EPYC 7551P 32-Core Processor
    CPU cores : 64 @ 2209.572 MHz
    AES-NI : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
    RAM : 62Gi
    Swap : 8.0Gi
    Disk : 1.1T

    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4kb (IOPS) | 64kb (IOPS)
    ------ | --- ---- | ---- ----
    Read | 101.12 MB/s (25.2k) | 280.49 MB/s (4.3k)
    Write | 101.39 MB/s (25.3k) | 281.97 MB/s (4.4k)
    Total | 202.51 MB/s (50.6k) | 562.46 MB/s (8.7k)
    | |
    Block Size | 512kb (IOPS) | 1mb (IOPS)
    ------ | ----- ---- | --- ----
    Read | 289.52 MB/s (565) | 297.98 MB/s (290)
    Write | 304.90 MB/s (595) | 317.82 MB/s (310)
    Total | 594.43 MB/s (1.1k) | 615.81 MB/s (600)

    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider | Location (Link) | Send Speed | Recv Speed
    | | |
    Bouygues Telecom | Paris, FR (10G) | 608 Mbits/sec | 91.9 Mbits/sec | Paris, FR (10G) | 662 Mbits/sec | 104 Mbits/sec
    WorldStream | The Netherlands (10G) | 632 Mbits/sec | 78.6 Mbits/sec | Hamburg, DE (10G) | 619 Mbits/sec | 83.2 Mbits/sec
    Biznet | Bogor, Indonesia (1G) | busy | busy
    Hostkey | Moscow, RU (1G) | 584 Mbits/sec | 149 Mbits/sec
    Velocity Online | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 675 Mbits/sec | 161 Mbits/sec
    Airstream Communications | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G) | 674 Mbits/sec | 227 Mbits/sec
    Hurricane Electric | Fremont, CA, US (10G) | 708 Mbits/sec | 298 Mbits/sec

    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
    Provider | Location (Link) | Send Speed | Recv Speed
    | | |
    Bouygues Telecom | Paris, FR (10G) | 627 Mbits/sec | 88.6 Mbits/sec | Paris, FR (10G) | 602 Mbits/sec | 110 Mbits/sec
    WorldStream | The Netherlands (10G) | busy | busy | Hamburg, DE (10G) | 584 Mbits/sec | 70.1 Mbits/sec
    Airstream Communications | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G) | 681 Mbits/sec | 198 Mbits/sec
    Hurricane Electric | Fremont, CA, US (10G) | 681 Mbits/sec | 376 Mbits/sec

    Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
    Test | Value
    Single Core | 778
    Multi Core | 9826
    Full Test |

    What a nice vps.

    Thanked by (1)SpryServers_Tab

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • @cybertech said:
    What a nice vps.

    To be fair, no one said it had to be YABS of a VPS. :p

    Tab Fitts | Founder/CEO - Spry Servers
    SSD Shared Hosting || VPS || Dedicated Servers || Network Status || PHX1 LG || DAL1 LG || || AS398646 || 1-844-799-HOST (4678)

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King
    edited March 2020

    @SpryServers_Tab said:

    To be fair, no one said it had to be YABS of a VPS. :p

    Im just kidding

    Looking forward to YABS from android phones and car headunits

    Thanked by (1)Mason

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • @cybertech said:

    Im just kidding

    Looking forward to YABS from android phones and car headunits

    Haha I know.

    Yes! Especially car headunits. Maybe even a refrigerator.

    Thanked by (1)cybertech

    Tab Fitts | Founder/CEO - Spry Servers
    SSD Shared Hosting || VPS || Dedicated Servers || Network Status || PHX1 LG || DAL1 LG || || AS398646 || 1-844-799-HOST (4678)

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    @SpryServers_Tab said:

    Haha I know.

    Yes! Especially car headunits. Maybe even a refrigerator.

    Yes I saw Samsung refrigerator with huge tablets, those may work

    Thanked by (1)SpryServers_Tab

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    Crowncloud LA

    [root@vps ~]# curl -sL | bash -s -- -4
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2020-02-10                    #
    # #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Fri Mar  6 09:13:40 EST 2020
    Basic System Information:
    Processor  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 v3 @ 2.60GHz
    CPU cores  : 4 @ 2599.996 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
    RAM        : 3.8G
    Swap       : 1.0G
    Disk       : 59G
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4kb           (IOPS) | 64kb          (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
    Read       | 119.54 MB/s  (29.8k) | 1.07 GB/s    (16.8k)
    Write      | 119.86 MB/s  (29.9k) | 1.08 GB/s    (16.8k)
    Total      | 239.41 MB/s  (59.8k) | 2.15 GB/s    (33.6k)
               |                      |
    Block Size | 512kb         (IOPS) | 1mb           (IOPS)
      ------   | -----          ----  | ---            ----
    Read       | 1.30 GB/s     (2.5k) | 1.37 GB/s     (1.3k)
    Write      | 1.37 GB/s     (2.6k) | 1.46 GB/s     (1.4k)
    Total      | 2.68 GB/s     (5.2k) | 2.84 GB/s     (2.7k)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed
    Bouygues Telecom          | Paris, FR (10G)           | 653 Mbits/sec   | 328 Mbits/sec                | Paris, FR (10G)           | 661 Mbits/sec   | 267 Mbits/sec
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 658 Mbits/sec   | 301 Mbits/sec               | Hamburg, DE (10G)         | 646 Mbits/sec   | 273 Mbits/sec
    Biznet                    | Bogor, Indonesia (1G)     | busy            | busy
    Hostkey                   | Moscow, RU (1G)           | 582 Mbits/sec   | 389 Mbits/sec
    Velocity Online           | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 766 Mbits/sec   | 425 Mbits/sec
    Airstream Communications  | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G)  | 772 Mbits/sec   | 401 Mbits/sec
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | 830 Mbits/sec   | 863 Mbits/sec
    Geekbench 4 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value
    Single Core     | 2753
    Multi Core      | 9051
    Full Test       |
    [root@vps ~]#
    Thanked by (1)SpeedBus

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    Great results from Avoro's new EPYC hardware:

    [root@cybertech ~]# curl -sL | bash -s -- -4
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2020-02-10                    #
    # #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Sat Mar  7 13:01:30 +08 2020
    Basic System Information:
    Processor  : AMD EPYC 7352 24-Core Processor
    CPU cores  : 2 @ 2299.996 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
    RAM        : 5.8G
    Swap       : 0B
    Disk       : 30G
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4kb           (IOPS) | 64kb          (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
    Read       | 181.97 MB/s  (45.4k) | 1.83 GB/s    (28.6k)
    Write      | 182.45 MB/s  (45.6k) | 1.84 GB/s    (28.8k)
    Total      | 364.43 MB/s  (91.1k) | 3.68 GB/s    (57.5k)
               |                      |                     
    Block Size | 512kb         (IOPS) | 1mb           (IOPS)
      ------   | -----          ----  | ---            ---- 
    Read       | 1.77 GB/s     (3.4k) | 1.61 GB/s     (1.5k)
    Write      | 1.87 GB/s     (3.6k) | 1.72 GB/s     (1.6k)
    Total      | 3.65 GB/s     (7.1k) | 3.33 GB/s     (3.2k)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed              
    Bouygues Telecom          | Paris, FR (10G)           | 6.44 Gbits/sec  | 6.42 Gbits/sec                | Paris, FR (10G)           | 3.58 Gbits/sec  | 6.79 Gbits/sec 
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 6.65 Gbits/sec  | 4.33 Gbits/sec               | Hamburg, DE (10G)         | 6.86 Gbits/sec  | 6.29 Gbits/sec 
    Biznet                    | Bogor, Indonesia (1G)     | 925 Mbits/sec   | 32.7 Mbits/sec 
    Hostkey                   | Moscow, RU (1G)           | 905 Mbits/sec   | 907 Mbits/sec  
    Velocity Online           | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 1.73 Gbits/sec  | 1.58 Gbits/sec 
    Airstream Communications  | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G)  | 1.60 Gbits/sec  | 845 Mbits/sec  
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | 1.40 Gbits/sec  | 543 Mbits/sec  
    Geekbench 4 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value                         
    Single Core     | 3925                          
    Multi Core      | 6882                          
    Full Test       |
    Thanked by (1)Anon

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    Wishosting boxing day special still holding up well. Time for renewal

    [root@cybertech ~]# curl -sL | bash -s -- -4
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2020-02-10                    #
    # #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Mon Mar  9 11:55:19 +08 2020
    Basic System Information:
    Processor  : Intel Xeon E3-12xx v2 (Ivy Bridge, IBRS)
    CPU cores  : 2 @ 2493.748 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
    RAM        : 3.8G
    Swap       : 0B
    Disk       : 100G
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4kb           (IOPS) | 64kb          (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
    Read       | 116.76 MB/s  (29.1k) | 1.04 GB/s    (16.3k)
    Write      | 117.07 MB/s  (29.2k) | 1.05 GB/s    (16.4k)
    Total      | 233.83 MB/s  (58.4k) | 2.09 GB/s    (32.7k)
               |                      |
    Block Size | 512kb         (IOPS) | 1mb           (IOPS)
      ------   | -----          ----  | ---            ----
    Read       | 663.91 MB/s   (1.2k) | 1.14 GB/s     (1.1k)
    Write      | 699.19 MB/s   (1.3k) | 1.22 GB/s     (1.1k)
    Total      | 1.36 GB/s     (2.6k) | 2.37 GB/s     (2.3k)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed
                              |                           |                 |
    Bouygues Telecom          | Paris, FR (10G)           | 826 Mbits/sec   | 254 Mbits/sec                | Paris, FR (10G)           | 883 Mbits/sec   | 244 Mbits/sec
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 851 Mbits/sec   | 366 Mbits/sec               | Hamburg, DE (10G)         | 779 Mbits/sec   | 345 Mbits/sec
    Biznet                    | Bogor, Indonesia (1G)     | 516 Mbits/sec   | 94.5 Mbits/sec
    Hostkey                   | Moscow, RU (1G)           | 834 Mbits/sec   | 345 Mbits/sec
    Velocity Online           | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 902 Mbits/sec   | 525 Mbits/sec
    Airstream Communications  | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G)  | 926 Mbits/sec   | 421 Mbits/sec
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | 917 Mbits/sec   | 390 Mbits/sec
    Geekbench 4 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value
    Single Core     | 2507
    Multi Core      | 4635
    Full Test       |

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King
    edited March 2020

    Softshell 3core3GB NVMe special

    [root@cybertech ~]# curl -sL | bash -s -- -4
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2020-02-10                    #
    # #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Mon Mar  9 05:04:21 EDT 2020
    Basic System Information:
    Processor  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz
    CPU cores  : 3 @ 2599.998 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
    RAM        : 2.9G
    Swap       : 0B
    Disk       : 40G
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4kb           (IOPS) | 64kb          (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
    Read       | 190.43 MB/s  (47.6k) | 259.60 MB/s   (4.0k)
    Write      | 190.93 MB/s  (47.7k) | 260.97 MB/s   (4.0k)
    Total      | 381.36 MB/s  (95.3k) | 520.57 MB/s   (8.1k)
               |                      |
    Block Size | 512kb         (IOPS) | 1mb           (IOPS)
      ------   | -----          ----  | ---            ----
    Read       | 258.00 MB/s    (503) | 267.57 MB/s    (261)
    Write      | 271.71 MB/s    (530) | 285.39 MB/s    (278)
    Total      | 529.71 MB/s   (1.0k) | 552.97 MB/s    (539)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed
                              |                           |                 |    
    Bouygues Telecom          | Paris, FR (10G)           | 878 Mbits/sec   | 423 Mbits/sec                | Paris, FR (10G)           | 883 Mbits/sec   | 364 Mbits/sec
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 893 Mbits/sec   | 836 Mbits/sec               | Hamburg, DE (10G)         | 890 Mbits/sec   | 509 Mbits/sec
    Biznet                    | Bogor, Indonesia (1G)     | 597 Mbits/sec   | 24.4 Mbits/sec
    Hostkey                   | Moscow, RU (1G)           | 892 Mbits/sec   | 229 Mbits/sec
    Velocity Online           | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 715 Mbits/sec   | 238 Mbits/sec
    Airstream Communications  | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G)  | 643 Mbits/sec   | 202 Mbits/sec
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | 621 Mbits/sec   | 174 Mbits/sec
    Geekbench 4 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value
    Single Core     | 2632
    Multi Core      | 7169
    Full Test       |
    [root@cybertech ~]#

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • > @cybertech said: fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):

    Block Size 4kb (IOPS) 64kb (IOPS)
    Read 190.43 MB/s (47.6k) 259.60 MB/s (4.0k)
    Write 190.93 MB/s (47.7k) 260.97 MB/s (4.0k)
    Total 381.36 MB/s (95.3k) 520.57 MB/s (8.1k)
    Block Size 512kb (IOPS) 1mb (IOPS)
    ------ ----- ---- --- ----
    Read 258.00 MB/s (503) 267.57 MB/s (261)
    Write 271.71 MB/s (530) 285.39 MB/s (278)
    Total 529.71 MB/s (1.0k) 552.97 MB/s (539)

    Seems imiting NVME Disk

  • Oh we're doing v4 benchmarks. In that case:

    tfitts@pmx1:~$ curl -sL | bash -s -- -4
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2020-02-10                    #
    # #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Mon 09 Mar 2020 11:42:47 AM MST
    Basic System Information:
    Processor  : AMD EPYC 7551P 32-Core Processor
    CPU cores  : 64 @ 2209.589 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
    RAM        : 62Gi
    Swap       : 8.0Gi
    Disk       : 1.1T
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4kb           (IOPS) | 64kb          (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
    Read       | 102.71 MB/s  (25.6k) | 282.61 MB/s   (4.4k)
    Write      | 102.98 MB/s  (25.7k) | 284.10 MB/s   (4.4k)
    Total      | 205.69 MB/s  (51.4k) | 566.72 MB/s   (8.8k)
               |                      |
    Block Size | 512kb         (IOPS) | 1mb           (IOPS)
      ------   | -----          ----  | ---            ----
    Read       | 294.10 MB/s    (574) | 302.42 MB/s    (295)
    Write      | 309.73 MB/s    (604) | 322.56 MB/s    (315)
    Total      | 603.84 MB/s   (1.1k) | 624.98 MB/s    (610)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed
                              |                           |                 |
    Bouygues Telecom          | Paris, FR (10G)           | 598 Mbits/sec   | 82.0 Mbits/sec                | Paris, FR (10G)           | 606 Mbits/sec   | 93.3 Mbits/sec
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 585 Mbits/sec   | 88.6 Mbits/sec               | Hamburg, DE (10G)         | 571 Mbits/sec   | 71.5 Mbits/sec
    Biznet                    | Bogor, Indonesia (1G)     | 466 Mbits/sec   | 54.2 Mbits/sec
    Hostkey                   | Moscow, RU (1G)           | 137 Mbits/sec   | 139 Mbits/sec
    Velocity Online           | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 631 Mbits/sec   | 149 Mbits/sec
    Airstream Communications  | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G)  | 618 Mbits/sec   | busy
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | 594 Mbits/sec   | 275 Mbits/sec
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed
                              |                           |                 |
    Bouygues Telecom          | Paris, FR (10G)           | 571 Mbits/sec   | 74.4 Mbits/sec                | Paris, FR (10G)           | 573 Mbits/sec   | 104 Mbits/sec
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 576 Mbits/sec   | 83.1 Mbits/sec               | Hamburg, DE (10G)         | 537 Mbits/sec   | 72.6 Mbits/sec
    Airstream Communications  | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G)  | 635 Mbits/sec   | 215 Mbits/sec
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | 665 Mbits/sec   | 323 Mbits/sec
    Geekbench 4 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value
    Single Core     | 3313
    Multi Core      | 48944
    Full Test       |
    Thanked by (2)Mason cybertech

    Tab Fitts | Founder/CEO - Spry Servers
    SSD Shared Hosting || VPS || Dedicated Servers || Network Status || PHX1 LG || DAL1 LG || || AS398646 || 1-844-799-HOST (4678)

  • evnixevnix OG
    edited March 2020

    HostFlyte, I couldn't use the server as it was mostly down(bad network and unusable interface) but anyway the benchmarks,

    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2020-02-10                    #
    # #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Mon Mar  9 23:10:43 CET 2020
    Basic System Information:
    Processor  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz
    CPU cores  : 2 @ 2599.998 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
    RAM        : 3.9Gi
    Swap       : 4.0Gi
    Disk       : 36G
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4kb           (IOPS) | 64kb          (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
    Read       | 24.20 MB/s    (6.0k) | 370.00 MB/s   (5.7k)
    Write      | 24.21 MB/s    (6.0k) | 371.95 MB/s   (5.8k)
    Total      | 48.42 MB/s   (12.1k) | 741.96 MB/s  (11.5k)
               |                      |                     
    Block Size | 512kb         (IOPS) | 1mb           (IOPS)
      ------   | -----          ----  | ---            ---- 
    Read       | 600.31 MB/s   (1.1k) | 602.06 MB/s    (587)
    Write      | 632.21 MB/s   (1.2k) | 642.16 MB/s    (627)
    Total      | 1.23 GB/s     (2.4k) | 1.24 GB/s     (1.2k)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider                  | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed     
                              |                           |                 |                
    Bouygues Telecom          | Paris, FR (10G)           | 828 Mbits/sec   | 105 Mbits/sec                | Paris, FR (10G)           | 733 Mbits/sec   | 89.5 Mbits/sec 
    WorldStream               | The Netherlands (10G)     | 539 Mbits/sec   | 56.2 Mbits/sec               | Hamburg, DE (10G)         | 595 Mbits/sec   | 99.6 Mbits/sec 
    Biznet                    | Bogor, Indonesia (1G)     | 603 Mbits/sec   | 52.2 Mbits/sec 
    Hostkey                   | Moscow, RU (1G)           | 96.2 Mbits/sec  | 463 Mbits/sec  
    Velocity Online           | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 122 Mbits/sec   | 249 Mbits/sec  
    Airstream Communications  | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G)  | 852 Mbits/sec   | 178 Mbits/sec  
    Hurricane Electric        | Fremont, CA, US (10G)     | 930 Mbits/sec   | 350 Mbits/sec  
    Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value                         
    Single Core     | 360                           
    Multi Core      | 606                           
    Full Test       |
    Thanked by (1)cybertech

    My Personal Blog | Currently Building LoadMyCode

  • Small server I got from a good friend.
    curl -sL | bash

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##



    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##

    Wed Mar 11 02:52:14 UTC 2020

    Basic System Information:

    Processor : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU D-1521 @ 2.40GHz
    CPU cores : 4 @ 2700.262 MHz
    AES-NI : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
    RAM : 3.9Gi
    Swap : 2.0Gi
    Disk : 50G

    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):

    Block Size 4kb (IOPS) 64kb (IOPS)
    Read 22.29 MB/s (5.5k) 1.37 GB/s (21.4k)
    Write 22.34 MB/s (5.5k) 1.37 GB/s (21.5k)
    Total 44.64 MB/s (11.1k) 2.75 GB/s (43.0k)
    Block Size 512kb (IOPS) 1mb (IOPS)
    ------ ----- ---- --- ----
    Read 1.55 GB/s (3.0k) 75.16 MB/s (73)
    Write 1.63 GB/s (3.2k) 80.16 MB/s (78)
    Total 3.19 GB/s (6.2k) 155.33 MB/s (151)

    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):

    Provider | Location (Link) | Send Speed | Recv Speed
    | | |
    Bouygues Telecom | Paris, FR (10G) | 878 Mbits/sec | 764 Mbits/sec | Paris, FR (10G) | 894 Mbits/sec | 694 Mbits/sec
    WorldStream | The Netherlands (10G) | 878 Mbits/sec | 716 Mbits/sec | Hamburg, DE (10G) | 861 Mbits/sec | 744 Mbits/sec
    Biznet | Bogor, Indonesia (1G) | 436 Mbits/sec | 242 Mbits/sec
    Hostkey | Moscow, RU (1G) | 806 Mbits/sec | 868 Mbits/sec
    Velocity Online | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 902 Mbits/sec | 903 Mbits/sec
    Airstream Communications | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G) | 909 Mbits/sec | 914 Mbits/sec
    Hurricane Electric | Fremont, CA, US (10G) | busy | busy

    Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:

    Test | Value
    Single Core | 654
    Multi Core | 1665
    Full Test |

    Thanked by (1)Abdullah
  • infofractal ipv6 only vps, $5/3m

    Mon Mar 23 10:10:24 PDT 2020
    Basic System Information:
    Processor  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4657L v2 @ 2.40GHz
    CPU cores  : 1 @ 2399.996 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled                                            RAM        : 985M                                                 Swap       : 1.0G
    Disk       : 39G
    Running fio random mixed read + write disk test with 64kb blocks..Running fio random mixed read + write disk test with 512kb blocks.fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4kb           (IOPS) | 64kb          (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
    Read       | 986.00 KB/s    (246) | 15.78 MB/s     (246)
    Write      | 1.01 MB/s      (254) | 16.28 MB/s     (254)
    Total      | 2.00 MB/s      (500) | 32.07 MB/s     (500)
               |                      |
    Block Size | 512kb         (IOPS) | 1mb           (IOPS)
      ------   | -----          ----  | ---            ----
    Read       | 73.19 MB/s     (142) | 72.29 MB/s      (70)
    Write      | 77.08 MB/s     (150) | 77.11 MB/s      (75)
    Total      | 150.28 MB/s    (292) | 149.41 MB/s    (145)
  • Contabo SSD vps
    4.99 EUR / month*VPS

    What do you think? Worth the price?

    curl -sL | bash

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##



    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##

    Tue Mar 24 09:48:35 CET 2020

    Basic System Information:

    Processor : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz
    CPU cores : 4 @ 2199.998 MHz
    AES-NI : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
    RAM : 7.8G
    Swap : 2.0G
    Disk : 196G

    Running fio random mixed read + write disk test with 512kb blocks..fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):

    Block Size 4kb (IOPS) 64kb (IOPS)
    Read 5.30 MB/s (1.3k) 64.93 MB/s (1.0k)
    Write 5.32 MB/s (1.3k) 65.35 MB/s (1.0k)
    Total 10.62 MB/s (2.6k) 130.29 MB/s (2.0k)
    Block Size 512kb (IOPS) 1mb (IOPS)
    ------ ----- ---- --- ----
    Read 127.73 MB/s (249) 99.44 MB/s (97)
    Write 134.52 MB/s (262) 106.06 MB/s (103)
    Total 262.25 MB/s (511) 205.51 MB/s (200)

    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):

    Provider | Location (Link) | Send Speed | Recv Speed
    | | |
    Performing IPv4 iperf3
    Bouygues Telecom | Paris, FR (10G) | 190 Mbits/sec | 200 Mbits/sec | Paris, FR (10G) | 190 Mbits/sec | 199 Mbits/sec
    Hamburg, DE (10G) | 190 Mbits/sec | 200 Mbits/sec
    Biznet | Bogor, Indonesia (1G) | 166 Mbits/sec | 117 Mbits/sec
    Hostkey | Moscow, RU (1G) | 43.3 Mbits/sec | 197 Mbits/sec
    Velocity Online | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 149 Mbits/sec | 189 Mbits/sec
    Airstream Communications | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G) | 176 Mbits/sec | 157 Mbits/sec
    #Hurricane Electric | Fremont, CA, US (10G) | busy | busy

    Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:

    Test | Value
    Single Core | 559
    Multi Core | 1952
    Full Test |

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    @Iroshan464 said:
    Contabo SSD vps
    4.99 EUR / month*VPS

    What do you think? Worth the price?

    curl -sL | bash

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##



    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##

    Tue Mar 24 09:48:35 CET 2020

    Basic System Information:

    Processor : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz
    CPU cores : 4 @ 2199.998 MHz
    AES-NI : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
    RAM : 7.8G
    Swap : 2.0G
    Disk : 196G

    Running fio random mixed read + write disk test with 512kb blocks..fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):

    Block Size 4kb (IOPS) 64kb (IOPS)
    Read 5.30 MB/s (1.3k) 64.93 MB/s (1.0k)
    Write 5.32 MB/s (1.3k) 65.35 MB/s (1.0k)
    Total 10.62 MB/s (2.6k) 130.29 MB/s (2.0k)
    Block Size 512kb (IOPS) 1mb (IOPS)
    ------ ----- ---- --- ----
    Read 127.73 MB/s (249) 99.44 MB/s (97)
    Write 134.52 MB/s (262) 106.06 MB/s (103)
    Total 262.25 MB/s (511) 205.51 MB/s (200)

    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):

    Provider | Location (Link) | Send Speed | Recv Speed
    | | |
    Performing IPv4 iperf3
    Bouygues Telecom | Paris, FR (10G) | 190 Mbits/sec | 200 Mbits/sec | Paris, FR (10G) | 190 Mbits/sec | 199 Mbits/sec
    Hamburg, DE (10G) | 190 Mbits/sec | 200 Mbits/sec
    Biznet | Bogor, Indonesia (1G) | 166 Mbits/sec | 117 Mbits/sec
    Hostkey | Moscow, RU (1G) | 43.3 Mbits/sec | 197 Mbits/sec
    Velocity Online | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 149 Mbits/sec | 189 Mbits/sec
    Airstream Communications | Eau Claire, WI, US (10G) | 176 Mbits/sec | 157 Mbits/sec
    #Hurricane Electric | Fremont, CA, US (10G) | busy | busy

    Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:

    Test | Value
    Single Core | 559
    Multi Core | 1952
    Full Test |

    Did you already ask them to lift the I/O limit?

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    @Iroshan464 said:
    Just received the login.

    DD speeds?

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • @Iroshan464 said:
    Just received the login.

    Some people have said that Contabo limit i/o on their SSD VPSes, and that the limit can be raised/removed with a ticket.

    To what extent this is true (and whether it applies to all customers), I can't say, because I've never had a VPS with them.

    "A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)

  • OS : Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (64 Bit)
    Virt/Kernel : KVM / 4.15.0-91-generic
    CPU Model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz
    CPU Cores : 4 @ 2199.998 MHz x86_64 16384 KB Cache
    CPU Flags : AES-NI Enabled & VM-x/AMD-V Disabled
    Load Average : 0.21, 0.11, 0.04
    Total Space : 196G (6.8G ~4% used)
    Total RAM : 7976 MB (1468 MB + 265 MB Buff in use)
    Total SWAP : 2047 MB (0 MB in use)

    Uptime : 0 days 5:3

    ASN & ISP : AS51167, Research Machines
    Organization : Parkroyal County Primary School
    Location : Nuremberg, Germany / DE

    Region : Bavaria

    ## Geekbench v4 CPU Benchmark:

    Single Core : 2719 (GOOD)
    Multi Core : 7390

    ## IO Test

    CPU Speed:
    bzip2 : 80.6 MB/s
    sha256 : 134 MB/s
    md5sum : 389 MB/s

    RAM Speed:
    Avg. write : 1877.3 MB/s
    Avg. read : 4164.3 MB/s

    Disk Speed:
    1st run : 567 MB/s
    2nd run : 590 MB/s
    3rd run : 569 MB/s

    Average : 575.3 MB/s

    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):

    Block Size 4kb (IOPS) 64kb (IOPS)
    Read 12.61 MB/s (3.1k) 240.69 MB/s (3.7k)
    Write 12.61 MB/s (3.1k) 241.96 MB/s (3.7k)
    Total 25.22 MB/s (6.3k) 482.65 MB/s (7.5k)
    Block Size 512kb (IOPS) 1mb (IOPS)
    ------ ----- ---- --- ----
    Read 394.53 MB/s (770) 237.23 MB/s (231)
    Write 415.49 MB/s (811) 253.03 MB/s (247)
    Total 810.02 MB/s (1.5k) 490.27 MB/s (478)

    @cybertech @angstrom
    Thanks a lot for the feedback.
    This is after support request. They said they did some tweaking.
    What do you think now?

  • edited March 2020

    @Iroshan464 said: This is after support request. They said they did some tweaking.
    What do you think now?

    Well, the results from fio are definitely better, so I guess that it really is true that Contabo limit i/o on their SSDs.

    (Personally, I'm not such a fan of this policy: "We limit the i/o, but you submit a ticket and ask nicely, we may increase the limit, but it's preferable if no one knows about this possibility.")

    "A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    @angstrom said:

    Some people have said that Contabo limit i/o on their SSD VPSes, and that the limit can be raised/removed with a ticket.

    To what extent this is true (and whether it applies to all customers), I can't say, because I've never had a VPS with them.

    At least for > @Iroshan464 said:

    @cybertech @angstrom
    Thanks a lot for the feedback.
    This is after support request. They said they did some tweaking.
    What do you think now?

    They are good now , enjoy.

    Could you also try

    wget -qO- | bash 

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King


    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2020-02-10                    #
    # #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Sun Apr  5 00:13:48 +08 2020
    Basic System Information:
    Processor  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v2 @ 2.60GHz
    CPU cores  : 4 @ 2599.998 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
    RAM        : 3.8G
    Swap       : 0B
    Disk       : 30G
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4kb           (IOPS) | 64kb          (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
    Read       | 121.66 MB/s  (30.4k) | 532.76 MB/s   (8.3k)
    Write      | 121.98 MB/s  (30.4k) | 535.57 MB/s   (8.3k)
    Total      | 243.65 MB/s  (60.9k) | 1.06 GB/s    (16.6k)
               |                      |
    Block Size | 512kb         (IOPS) | 1mb           (IOPS)
      ------   | -----          ----  | ---            ----
    Read       | 677.34 MB/s   (1.3k) | 648.01 MB/s    (632)
    Write      | 713.33 MB/s   (1.3k) | 691.16 MB/s    (674)
    Total      | 1.39 GB/s     (2.7k) | 1.33 GB/s     (1.3k)
    Performing Geekbench 4 benchmark test. This may take a couple minutes to compGeekbench 4 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value
    Single Core     | 2600
    Multi Core      | 7240
    Full Test       |
    [root@cybertech ~]#

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King
    edited April 2020

    Good stuff from @key900

    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2020-02-10                    #
    # #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Mon Apr 13 13:28:12 +08 2020
    Basic System Information:
    Processor  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz
    CPU cores  : 4 @ 2799.998 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
    RAM        : 3.8G
    Swap       : 1.0G
    Disk       : 19G
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4kb           (IOPS) | 64kb          (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
    Read       | 218.41 MB/s  (54.6k) | 787.51 MB/s  (12.3k)
    Write      | 218.99 MB/s  (54.7k) | 791.66 MB/s  (12.3k)
    Total      | 437.40 MB/s (109.3k) | 1.57 GB/s    (24.6k)
               |                      |
    Block Size | 512kb         (IOPS) | 1mb           (IOPS)
      ------   | -----          ----  | ---            ----
    Read       | 870.05 MB/s   (1.6k) | 858.89 MB/s    (838)
    Write      | 916.27 MB/s   (1.7k) | 916.09 MB/s    (894)
    Total      | 1.78 GB/s     (3.4k) | 1.77 GB/s     (1.7k)
    Geekbench 4 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value
    Single Core     | 2809
    Multi Core      | 10077
    Full Test       |
    [root@cybertech ~]#
    Thanked by (1)Ympker

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

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