Most budget dedicated provider thanks
Good day, my dear friends,
I am very much out of the 'game' as it were and have need of a modest dedicated server. I do not wish to deal with OVH and Hetzer still have me down as a 'persona non grata' for the time being, so I wish to obtain recommendations for providers with a nice price but lacking in crapness.
I require the most modest of specification, almost any old CPU/memory combo will do and I'm in need of 500GB+ of usable storage, HDD or SSD, doesn't. European location is preferred.
Many thanks in advance for your support.
Hi Nekki,
You can take a look at our offerings (based in the UK), all of our services have above 500GB of usable storage.
If anything tickles your fancy let me know and I'll see what deals I can get for you to tailor it to your needs/budget.
Regarding other providers I can give kudos to @Hostaris does good work here on LES if you're looking for something a little more VPS based.
AlphaVPS, ShockHosting, PebbleHost?
My dude,
Thank you for the response. You are too Prem for my blood.
Alpha and Shock are both considerably more than I wish to pay. Pebble’s most budget server might work. Thank.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
We can give you a good dedicated server if you fight an actual wolf.
No hostname left!
Do I have to do it again, I can I provide video evidence of a previous wolf fight?
Isn't that guy kinda dodgy?
Thank you for the mention @Scaleblade
If you would consider using a VPS, we can offer storage based VMs in Germany, such as the following:
£10/month or £90/year
Test IP:
PM me if you're interested.
Thank you, but I would not consider a VPS. I'm a girl who knows what she wants.
Gotta be live stream on XTube.
No hostname left!
How about some hosted optiplex servers:
Andy10gbit also has this from Leasweb: E3-1270v2 16GB RAM 2x2TB HDD 1Gbit 100TB Traffic €35
Who supplies the wolf?
Not touching Pulsed Media with a bargepole. Low-tier.
I still have no idea what the deal with Andy10gbit is or how it all works.
I do and it is a Zombie Wolf!
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
Do I get any weapons?
In your pants
I believe in good luck. Harder that I work ,luckier i get.
So if I understand this correctly, my route to a free dedicated server is to kill a wolf with my partially erect penis?
It is the plan. What could end bad?
I believe in good luck. Harder that I work ,luckier i get.
On the serious note. Terrahost?
I believe in good luck. Harder that I work ,luckier i get.
I don't want to find out if I'm prepared to go fully erect on a wolf to get a free dedi.
I'm with Terrahost at the moment, having some issues so looking to try out alternatives ahead of time in case I want to cancel/transfer ahead of it's renewal around BF.
What's that you have with terrahost? Incase you eat to transfer out.. would love to get it
It's the yearly special from a couple of BFs ago, i3-4130 with a 2TB drive (should have been 500GB). There's already a waiting list for the transfer, I'll put you on it - I want to move away from it but I keep having issues with potential replacements,
Thanks @cybertech for tag
Hello @Nekki this deal it's only for you , because I'm want hosted you tentacle porn!
500 GB HDD
4 GB Ram
1 Gbps port speed
Romania Location
16.69 euros/monthly
Please write me on PM if you like
deinserverhost - found them to be ok.
Amadex • Hosting Forums • Wie ist meine IP-Adresse? • AS215325
Forum for System Administrators:
a few ideas
Too PREM. I don’t need (or want to pay for) fast Xeons and Ryzens. Thank.
I refer you to my previous comment regarding your dodginess. I appreciate the offer, but the (sizeable) gut says no.
Look at their 'Dedicated Server Sonderposten'
Intel i3 6100
16 GB
for example.