New Server Needed - [OOS] Armbian Project

skorupionskorupion Hosting Provider

Hello everyone,

Armbian [an open-source project dedicated to providing Linux frameworks for single-board computers] is currently expanding, and we are in need of a new server.

We are looking for a new server that will serve as Armbian's main repository server and will experience occasional spikes in traffic, reaching up to 10 Gbps. In addition, this server will also be responsible for running vital components of our infrastructure.

To ensure that we find the most suitable hosting provider for this project, we're exploring several options. If you are a hosting provider or can recommend one that excels in performance and reliability, we would be grateful for your suggestions. We are also open to paying a part of the monthly payment.

The server specifications we require are as follows:

  • Processor: Ryzen 7 3700X or a comparable alternative (Geekbench 5: >=8000)
  • RAM: 64 GB (DDR3/DDR4)
  • Storage: 4x 2 TB NVMe (RAID10)
  • Bandwidth: 10 Gbps @ 324 TB per month
  • Location: Europe

We appreciate any information you can share about the hosting providers that you have had positive experiences with, that might be willing to work with us.

If you are a provider yourself, and think that you'll be able to match our requirements go ahead and contact us via e-mail or video meeting as well as just PMing me!

Thank you in advance for your support, and we look forward to hearing your suggestions, and offers.

Best regards,

Rafał Hacuś
Armbian Office Staff

Crunchbits Technical Support, Technical Writer, and Sales
Contact me at: +1 (509) 606-3569 or


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