I need your input
Hi Guys
Long story short, I got an email from @FrankZ regarding our unique products very politely asking for some offers
. To do so I need your input - what kind of offers do you want to see?
As some of you already know, we offer anycast based services:
- Rage4 DNS, authoritative DNS with DNSSEC, ANAME/ALIAS, API and GeoDNS. It's used by whole range of customers, from enthusiast to enterprise
- Rage4 AnycastIP, NaaS platform which allows you to apply the anycast routing on top of (almost) any cloud, VPS or dedi. Allows you to build your own anycast services such as DNS, CDN etc.
So, I will appreciate your input regarding offers, but feel free to AMA
Auth DNS and anycast provider Rage4
I just have to say I love the plan names.
[redacted: It is better left to the imagination how @Nekki would respond to a AMA]
Both, however I doubt that you can do a reasonable price / traffic ratio with Rage4 AnycastIP.
I just checked the listing prices on your website, AWS wibes.
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
Would you accept squats as payment?
No hostname left!
@Neoon we try to balance our prices, so that they are affordable and at lease to certain degree profitable. Beside of the AnycastIP traffic, everything is flat fee based. We plan to increase included free bandwidth allowances in October.
If you think our prices are too high tell me what kind of offer you would like to see
@skorous we like them too
Auth DNS and anycast provider Rage4
@yoursunny sure, but not directly, if you do 100 squats and donate at least 10€ to any charity I will add the same amount to your account with us
Auth DNS and anycast provider Rage4
Auth DNS and anycast provider Rage4
Yea Include more Traffic, offer a few more options for cheaper bulk traffic purchase.
Something with 500GB, 1IP for 10€ maybe?
Additional 100GB for 2.5$ ?
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
@Neoon just checked with Kasia, our fearless leader, the bandwidth allowance for 10€ package will be increased above 200GB in October, the additional GB price will be decreased to €0.02
Auth DNS and anycast provider Rage4
That sounds like a happy medium and may get me to switch from managing my own. I have been looking into this as I get busier and would like to offload some of the work.
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I'll donate his 10€ if you add a video to his client area of your 100 squats 🤣
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Hi Piotr!
Welcome to LES!
Since you said AMA, please let me ask two questions about tools and a third question about entity affiliations. These questions came up because of the link in your signature to rage4.com.
From the code of https://rage4.com :
014 <meta http-equiv="Creation-Date" content="Sun, 19 Aug 2012 12:18:20 GMT" />
109 <small>Served by WIN-EU-UK2 build version 6.2.8599.34092</small>
Congrats! The code has been useful for quite a while!
What tools were used to code the Rage4 website?
What tools now are used to maintain the code of the Rage4 website?
When I searched Google for "WIN-EU-UK2 build version" (without the quotes), the first result was https://www.lokerindonesia.link/1137531. The text shown on Google accompanying the link was
https://www.lokerindonesia.link/1137531 seemed to take me through a couple of redirects and then finally to land on a website asking me to make an account to receive referral fees.
One of the redirect links was https://diagramcolossalcultivation.com/api/users?token=L3EzdTl0NDBrP2tleT1jOTJmMzhiNmI3ODQ0YjJhNTZlMmExOTM4MWI4ZWVjNCZwc3Q9MTY5MjI5NDQ1MCZybXRjPXQmc2h1PThkNmFmN2UwZGQ0ZjVhOGY5ZDg3YWM1ZmNhZjk4ZjA5ODAwZTExMTJlMzQ0ZjJjODM1YzczMzVjZGUxY2Y0MzU2Nzc0ZGE3NDM4ZjgwZmRjMGNlMWRlYjUyZTY5MjEzYzczODdmYTg3MTMxODI4NzhiZGEwMTIwY2ZkYTE1MTUxNWFhZmQxMGI3YWFlYTYxNWMzNjkwYjA5NDNhMzE4NzdjZDJhYmQxNDBmZDkyZWM4YzkyYWEyMDVjMGZlNmYxYw==&uuid=&pii=&in=false
Initially the diagramcolossalcultivation link seemed blocked by uBlock Origin because of a "badware risk" filter.
rage4fun.com seems to forward to https://artificialwins.net/main/.
May I please ask, does your LES account @gbshouse have any connections with Rage 4 Networks Limited, Rage4fun.com, lokerindonesia.link, diagramcolossalcultivation.com, or artificialwins.net?
Thanks! Best wishes!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
@chris my knees and age are in war with squats
but we can host yoursunnysquats.com for free, dns and anycast included
Auth DNS and anycast provider Rage4
@Not_Oles sure, here we go:
Our codebase consist of several components:
WIN-EU-UK2 means Windows Server ( yeah, I know), Europe, United Kingdom, second node, the build version is current version of our control panel, the text is there so we can validate the release.
We have two legal entities:
We are not affiliated with any other entities.
Auth DNS and anycast provider Rage4
, which has a squats section.How it works:
The content routers have link state routing, stateful forwarding, and in-network packet-level caching.
There are currently two origin servers that carry all the content, placed in strategic locations.
While I do not utilize IP anycast, our overlay network design, especially its in-network caching capability, can deliver high quality service with lower traffic usage over long haul links.
No hostname left!
@gbshouse Thanks for the details!
I'm not at all an expert, so, coming from me, it doesn't mean much, but I enjoyed reading the rage4.com webpage code. The code layout seemed less unclear
to me than many other sites. 
Thank you for mentioning specific languages which were used. In addition to the languages, unless you wrote every word of the html code yourself, there probably was some kind of html page framework or theme with which you started. I see "bootstrap" in the page code. Is there a specific bootstrap theme? Or something else on top of which you added more?
Thanks again!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
@yoursunny interesting, I like such experimental stuff
@Not_Oles yeah, as you noticed it's bootstrap 4, I wrote most of the html by hand applying only styles, had to write from scratch custom js, the css is a regular bootstrap 4 with color adjusted using sass, the framework we are using is ASP.NET MVC, currently migrating the project to ASP.NET Core MVC and FastEndpoints. Once done we plan to add some additional features such as free SSLs for DNS and CDN offloading for AnycastIP, everything integrated.
Auth DNS and anycast provider Rage4
Okay, thanks! That's helpful.
For others who might be interested, Google sent me to https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/apps/aspnet/mvc for information on ASP.NET MVC.
Thanks again, @gbshouse! Best wishes!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Do note that ASP.NET (older) is different from ASP.NET core (newer). The main difference is that .net core can be run on ANY OS while ASP.NET was limited to windows OS only. The link provided is the newer .net core so it's not a issue.
If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.
Feel your pain 🤣
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Back to my original question - any offer requests?
Auth DNS and anycast provider Rage4
$6/year, doesn't matter what.
No hostname left!
The Rage4 AnycastIP was always the most interesting to me. I used this service for a while to anycast my self hosted DNS and http services. It worked really well and the only reason I stopped using it was because it was a bit expensive for a hobby setup.
For anyone that has a production service that wants to self host truly redundant anycast this is IMO the best service out there without spending really big bucks.
May be the smallest possible option with additional charge??? You could set better the terms
I believe in good luck. Harder that I work ,luckier i get.