Introducing Luxvps KVM Rootservers Gen 2: Unleash Enhanced Performance and Protection!
Introducing Luxvps KVM Rootservers Gen 2: Unleash Enhanced Performance and Protection! 🚀
Elevate your hosting experience with our brand-new KVM Rootservers Gen 2. Now with remarkable DDoS Protection by Voxility, blazing-fast NVMe storage, and more traffic! These servers are designed to meet your demands for speed, security, and reliability.
🌐 Explore the Power of KVM Rootservers Gen 2:
Our offers:
- Rootserver Starter Gen 2
- 1 vCores
- 4 GB RAM
- 30 GB Raid 1 NVMe
- 1 TB Traffic
- 1 Gbit Internet Speed
- 1x IPv4
- 1x /64 IPv6
- DDoS Protection by Voxility.
For 3.50€/month
- Rootserver Small Gen 2
- 2 vCores
- 4 GB RAM
- 30 GB Raid 1 NVMe
- 1 TB Traffic
- 1 Gbit Internet Speed
- 1x IPv4
- 1x /64 IPv6
- DDoS Protection by Voxility.
For 4.00€/month
Don't miss this opportunity to unlock top-tier hosting performance and security. Experience the Luxvps difference today!
psst! 10% off if you use the code "lowendspirit" (ends 03-10-2023)
Luxvps - Hosting services with outstanding customer support
"You only have the fun you make yourself"
can you please post yabs?
@lapua @Mumbly
Thanks in advance
Hardware owned or leased?
IPv4 owned or leased?
IPv6 on-link or routed?
Test IPv4 and IPv6 addresses?
Datacenter name and address?
Fire extinguishers?
List of upstream providers?
BGP session availability?
IXP ports?
Price for extra IPv4 address?
Price reduction for not needing any IPv4 address?
YABS report?
Maximum allowable persistent CPU usage?
Maximum allowable persistent bandwidth usage?
Mail ports blocked?
Customer ID verification needed?
VAT removal for non-EU customers?
Fee for service transfer between billing accounts?
No hostname left!
maybe include ( virgin or unchasteness )
u wanna get high?
what's the cpu model?
Hardware owned or leased? Owned
IPv4 owned or leased? Leased.
IPv6 on-link or routed? Link-Local
Test IPv4 and IPv6 addresses? or 2a0f:580:6:a8::3
Datacenter name and address? FFA and ITP FRA
Fire extinguishers? Please elaborate.
List of upstream providers? Combahton
BGP session availability? No.
IXP ports? No.
Price for extra IPv4 address? 2€ extra per month.
Price reduction for not needing any IPv4 address? No.
YABS report? We haven't run any yet on these configs yet.
Maximum allowable persistent CPU usage? 100%
Maximum allowable persistent bandwidth usage? The amount bought with your config.
Mail ports blocked? Yes default blocked
Customer ID verification needed? Usually not.
VAT removal for non-EU customers? No.
Fee for service transfer between billing accounts? Please elaborate.
Luxvps - Hosting services with outstanding customer support
"You only have the fun you make yourself"
What happens when data center catches fire?
If a customer buys a discount server but wants to transfer the deal to someone else's billing account, what's the fee?
No hostname left!
If a customer buys a discount server but wants to transfer the deal to someone else's billing account, what's the fee? Often we can just offer the same server for the same price but sometimes not.
Luxvps - Hosting services with outstanding customer support
"You only have the fun you make yourself"
Mathias please post yabs.
wake up .... breakfest is ready.
Mati ... Ahhhummm ... MATTHIAS
There I was ... figuring LUXVPS would be based in Luxembourg, rather than a Danish proprietorship selling VMs out of Frankfurt
But I'm too lazy to run one haha!
Luxvps - Hosting services with outstanding customer support
"You only have the fun you make yourself"
give me a 1 month FREE ( Rootserver Small Gen 2 ) and i can do it for you.
if its sexy i might buy 1 year
btw, BW can be better.
and disk
and some tuna fish sandwiches can be included.
what's the cpu model?
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
and some pants can be included.
No hostname left!
It's 3.60€............. ehab.......... 3.60€..... (using my head to calculate the discount)
Luxvps - Hosting services with outstanding customer support
"You only have the fun you make yourself"
How does the Voxility ddos protection work, is it configurable at all?
Man, the Rootserver Starter Gen 2 plan can only pay monthly? I mean, every month have to pay?
Or yearly open a ticket
Luxvps - Hosting services with outstanding customer support
"You only have the fun you make yourself"
Luxvps - Hosting services with outstanding customer support
"You only have the fun you make yourself"
No, you cannot configure it but if something does not work contact us and we can probably fix it.
Luxvps - Hosting services with outstanding customer support
"You only have the fun you make yourself"
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
Luxvps - Hosting services with outstanding customer support
"You only have the fun you make yourself"
Mathias where's ma breakfast ?
Yours? Idk I ate a durum with kebab today.
Luxvps - Hosting services with outstanding customer support
"You only have the fun you make yourself"
Yes it was tasty
Luxvps - Hosting services with outstanding customer support
"You only have the fun you make yourself"
Would it be possible to get a pretty standard set of udp amplification attack source ports completely blocked to any destination port on your ip?
Sure, you can probably do it via the built-in firewall on Linux.
Luxvps - Hosting services with outstanding customer support
"You only have the fun you make yourself"