[Transfer] HostHatch Sweden 1TB Storage VPS (sweet BF'22 promo)
consolidating stuff, I'm getting rid of a neat storage VPS by HostHatch, in Stockholm (Sweden, GleSyS datacenter IIRC). Too sweet to let it go to waste. It was a BlackFriday special deal, for US$61.75 recurring every 3 years.
Next payment is due on 2025-11-24, in about 2 years.
Specs: 1TB HDD / 1GB RAM / 1 EPYC core / 20TB bw at 1gbps (YABS, NS benchmarks)
Price for the ~2 years left: US$38 (and I swallow the $10 transfer costs).
PayPal payment. You need an existing HostHatch account (obviously ).
This is a very decent offer and also on their new Raid-10 system (all Epycs are Raid-10 afaik). Unfortunately, a 3 year commitment, thus I'm out, but definitvely worth its price.
I don't know about their backend in Stockholm, but it works reasonably fine so far (I've had much, much worse storage VPS elsewhere, I won't name the host
The EPYC CPU is no raging beast but does the job, too.
Transfer in progress with jtk...
... and it's gone gone gone.
I'm too late to the party