Sugguestions for providers
I struggled a lot checking providers offers, so here are some thoughts.
TL;DR Please provide IPv6 subnets, looking glass or speed tests with IPv6, clear traffic policy. And keep one webpage up-to-date.
Looking glass and/or speedtests
Most buyers don't care your DC's photos, but the actual ping/wget/iperf.
OK w/o one, just put "No LG" or "No speed tests".IPv6
IPv6 is the future. I personally wouldn't buy a server w/o IPv6 or a single /128. At least provide IPv6 info.
In addition, please add IPv6 support for the looking glass and speed test, if you have them.Traffic/Bandwidth details
Unlimited or fair use or unmetered traffic is just confusing. Define fair use. And with "unlimited" or "unmetered" traffic, do you cap port speed after some threshold? Personally I'd like to know the shared port speed and uncapped traffic limit, then capped port speed and hard capped traffic limit. Like 5TB on 1Gb, then 10TB/unlimited on 100Mb, or just plainly 10TB on 1Gb.Keep one or a few pages up to date
Outdated webpages are everywhere, and knowledge bases are full of useless garbage. I know providers are busy, but please keep at least ONE page updated (likely FAQ), which might include looking glass / speed test links, retired plans, network providers, IPv6 status, CPU models, 1 vCPU ~= ?% dedicated core/thread, traffic policy details, notable prohibited uses (like porn, game, IRC, tor middle relay).
And congrats for my first post on LES.
Welcome to LES
Good suggestions.
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I fully agree that terms for network should be made more clear so we don't have to go hunting for them. It's in the providers and consumers best interest, as the provider lays the ground rules and then your support staff won't get tickets about "why did my service get suspended" and potentially reduce chargeback attempts and the like. Laying down the ground rules right away saves for a lot of heartache and pain later down the line.
Also fully agree on the IPv6 points as well. We need to let IPv4 go. The cost for IPv4 addresses is just going to get more and more expensive.
Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.
Welcome to the family
Thanks for the suggestions
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Many good points, it can be easy to overlook detail when putting a page together sometimes. Welcome!
Looking glass should be available agree
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Welcome. But did you really congratulate yourself? LOL
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He got inb4 @angstrom
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True, but so far, I've congratulated people on their first posts only on LET, but perhaps no one has noticed this
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Congratulations on your congratulations.
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