How to use your servers for mutual aid?
My mom taught me, that whatever I have extra of, I should share with others. So I am trying to share the servers I have access to, in a productive way that benefit people less privileged than me.
Let's use this thread to make a list of projects or software that:
1) Can be deployed with basic linux skills
2) Are motivated to provide long-term benefit to humanity, or:
3) Are motivated to provide a useful service accessible to anyone for free, or:
4) Are motivated to aid people in oppressive situations
The ones I know of:
- Tor relay or Tor Bridges
- ArchiveTeam Warrior, operated by Internet Archive.
- Running a seedbox for Linux ISOs or "Linux ISOs"
- Ripe Atlas Probe
Thanked by (1)Lantern1368
I run a global ping probe
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I share porn does this count?
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feeling need more challenges?
Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.
OP said mutual “aid” not “laid”
blog | exploring visually |
Please do not derail the thread with funny jokes @vyas and @AuroraZero
Thank you for the excellent tools @codelock and @Encoders!
Won't happen again, I will make damned sure of it.
Oh and in case people wonder I run about 50 Tor exists around the globe, countless GFW hacks for people that where and how to look, I sponsor a Vet's integration program in my area, build desktops and laptops for said vets, I give out free shared hosting.
So yeah, I help a bit sometimes.
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That's great! Please use this thread to share links to tools and software you use so other people can contribute in a similar way
Eh why? Why should I give up code that is private and not available on the net?
Are not the resources to learn out here? Do they not exist anymore? I am honestly asking since I have not looked in a long time, well since about the time Slackware was developed anyways.
Free Hosting at YetiNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
To get back on topic, here's a summary of the tools so far
There is also running a tile server...but you need a seriously chonky server & pipe for that.
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You can also contribute to free-for-dev by finding good services and list them. (and I'll merge it for you
as for mutual aid, maybe you can run web proxy's for kids at school.